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Updated: 6 hours 46 min ago

The 5 Best Furry Comics You Have To Check Out

Mon 20 May 2024 - 04:41

  1. What Are Furry Comics?
    1. So, is “Furry” a Genre
    2. How Are They Rated?
  2. Housepets – Rick Griffin
  3. Tamberlane – Caytlin Vilbrandt
  4. Blades of Furry – Deya Muniz, Emily Erdos
  5. Lackadaisy – Tracy J. Butler
  6. Twokinds – Thomas Fishbach
  7. Where Can I Find Furry Webcomics
Article Content What Are Furry Comics?

Furry comics generally refer to webcomics created by and for furries, meaning they contain anthropomorphic animal characters, similar to manga like Beastars. Art, whether it be illustration or storytelling is so interwoven into the furry fandom that it’s not surprising that furry comics play such a big role in furry culture.

So, is “Furry” a genre?

While it’s classified as a genre, it doesn’t concede itself to any tropes apart from containing these aforementioned anthropomorphic characters. Furry comics can be dramas, comedies, romances; they can essentially be any genre of story just with furry characters instead of human ones.

How Are They Rated?

In this list, we’ll run you through some of our top picks for what we believe to be the best furry comics. This is across all genres and while it’s hard to come to an objective rating for these kinds of things, we will base it off of 3 factors:

Storytelling Mastery: Does the comic weave a tale that is compelling and richly layered? Are the themes explored both meaningful and thought-provoking?


Artistic Expression: How effectively do the visuals captivate and convey deeper emotions? Is the art style unique and fitting for the story?


Character Depth: Are the characters developed in a way that fosters a genuine connection with the reader? Do they grow and evolve?


Now, without further ado, in no particular order. let’s get into this list.

Housepets – Rick Griffin

We’ll kick things off with a household name in the furry comic world that is Rick Griffin. He is known mostly for his comedy webcomic series “Housepets” which follows the life of different animals in each installment. 


While his earlier comics I felt were a bit lacking in the illustration front, (most of them being black and white and slightly lacking in detail) his witty writing has always been there. However, he really stepped his game up in later releases of the Housepets series where, illustration and color-wise, where each panel is just bubbling with charm. 


Because each installment features new characters it’s hard to develop any amazing depth but I don’t think this holds it back very much considering it’s just supposed to be a fun light read.

    Cover of Housepets Book 7

    Image via Amazon

    Tamberlane – Caytlin Vilbrandt

    Now, this is a personal favorite of mine, and for good reason. When it comes to production quality it doesn’t really get much better than Tamberlane. This fantasy comic tells the story of the animal citizens of a town named Treehollow when they discover a strange creature like nothing they’ve ever seen before wandering around their home. In an almost Tarzan-like situation, the creature turns out to be a human and an extremely young one at that, which is where Belfry the bat steps in deciding she is far too young to fend for herself and takes on the task of raising her with the help of a whole range of colorful characters. 


    Every page is a work of art, and not a single character feels overplayed or one-noted they each feel like they bring something unique to the story. 


    Additionally, if you’re someone who isn’t a huge fan of webcomics and wants to be able to physically hold your comics they also offer gorgeously printed comics with heaps more content than the web-version, so if you do enjoy the comic and want to support them even more we strongly recommend picking up a physical copy for yourself.

      Tamberlane Cover Art

      Image via Tapas

      From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

      .blog-banner-button{ background: transparent; border-radius: 6px 0px 6px 6px; border: none; padding: 16px 28px; position: relative; cursor: pointer; margin-top: 0px; font-family: 'Lato'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; font-size: 14px; line-height: 140%; align-items: center; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: #1D022E; border: 1px solid #1D022E; width:100%; max-width:200px; } .black-point{ position: absolute; width: 16px; height: 16px; top: 0px; right: 0; background: #1D022E; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 12px; } .blog-banner-button:hover{ background:#1D022E; color:white; transition: 1s cubic-bezier(0.57, -0.43, 0.37, 1.1); } .banner-flex{ display:flex; align-items:center; max-width:450px; width:100%; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; justify-content:space-between; } .banner-p{ color: #1D022E; text-align: center; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; line-height: 140%; /* 19.6px */ text-transform: uppercase; } @media (max-width:540px){ .banner-flex{ flex-direction:column; } .banner-p{ margin-top:8px; margin-bottom:8px; } .blog-banner-button{ max-width:287px; width:100%; padding:12px 20px; } .banner-flex a{ max-width:287px; width:100%; } } Build my fursuit OR Draw My Fursona Blades of Furry – Deya Muniz , Emily Erdos

      I must admit, when I initially heard this title, I imagined an Enter The Dragon-style action adventure with furry characters fighting their way through hoards of enemies to reach the top, where they finally face some akimbo-katana-wielding final boss. It’s safe to say I was completely wrong and that’s not at all what this is about.

      Blades of Furry is actually a comic about Emile, an ice-skating deer who, due to some unfortunate circumstances has to face off with one of the best ice skaters in the world; Radu Basanko. I’m not entirely sure about the rule set of the ice skating they’re doing because they throw some crazy kicks at each other and it looks more like a fight than any sort of ice skating I’ve seen but don’t let this fool you as this is actually a romance comic. In an attempt to not spoil anything more about this comic, we recommend checking it out yourself if this piques your interest.

      Blades of Furry Character Art 

      Image via Reddit

      Lackadaisy – Tracy J. Butler

      If you’ve done any research at all into furry comics, chances are you have heard of Lackadaisy, and that’s with good reason as well. This comic, starting in 2008 is probably one of the most well-established, written, and illustrated comics you’re going to find out there. It is just amazingly polished, bubbling with character and uniqueness. It follows the story of several cats that run a 1927 jazz speakeasy (a speakeasy being an old-timey, retro bar). Given that it is set in the 1920s, things get a little wild, and we’ll refrain from saying any more as to not spoil anything.

      While the author, Tracy, does not consider herself a furry artist, it is impossible to deny that there is a clear appeal for the furry fandom. Also, the comic has since been adapted into an animated series and looks just as spectacular animated as it does static.

        Lackadaisy Promotional Art

        Image via Twitter

        Twokinds – Tom Fishbach

        Twokinds is yet another favorite in the fandom and celebrated its 20th birthday not too long ago but the origins of the comic stem even further back.

        Tom initially wrote the comic in his mid-teens as a book but decided that webcomics may be a better medium for his work as he wasn’t completely happy with the writing. However, its narrative devices and development really shine through in the comic, tackling themes of discrimination, self-discovery, heritage, and rejecting traditions it really has some powerful underlying themes.

        It follows the life of Trace Legacy who was once a leader of a group of powerful mages but has since lost all memory of that following an injury from a battle. He finds himself in the company of a girl named Flora and begins to recover his memories. He slowly begins to piece together that his people are enemies to Flora’s race and must overcome this conflict of interest. That is the foundation of the plot, we strongly recommend you go check it out for yourself.

        Also, you may know the creator’s younger brother Mark Fishbach better known by his channel name on YouTube Markiplier.

        Cover Art of Twokinds Book 1

        Image via Amazon

        Where Can I Find Furry Webcomics?

        If you’re kind of new to this whole furry comics thing, you’re probably wondering where you can even find these comics not to worry, we’ll catch you up to speed. 

        For one, we’ve attached links to all their respective webcomics above if you’re looking to check any of the aforementioned ones out, but if you’re looking for a place to browse, it can be quite daunting. Sites like Webtoons, Tapas and Comicfury are extremely popular and where you can find a lot of independent creators putting out their work. However, if you’re looking for creators who are taking their comic series super seriously, chances are they are going to have their own website where they publish it. Unfortunately, most big creators don’t want to upload to public libraries of comics as it takes away their control and their ability to promote their work. But, if you’re just dipping your toes in, the aforementioned 3 sites are great for finding some comics you may like.

          .author_intro_main{ display:flex; max-width: 100%; background-color: #F5F5F5; padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #ccc; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; } .author_intro_img{ margin: 0 10px 10px 0; } .author_intro_img img{ border: 1px solid #D8D8D8; border-radius: 50%; max-width: 500px; width: 150px; height: 150px; } .author_intro_details{ max-width: 100%; margin:0px; padding:0px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; font-family: 'Lato'; } .author_intro_label{ padding-bottom:6px; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; color: #ffa500; } .author_intro_name{ font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; padding-bottom:10px; color: #454349 !important; } .about_author_intro{ color: #454349 !important; } @media(max-width:1024px){ .author_intro_main{ max-width: 638px; } } @media(max-width:540px){ .author_intro_main{ align-items: flex-start; flex-direction: column; } } author image


          Xege Kheiru

          Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

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          The post The 5 Best Furry Comics You Have To Check Out appeared first on Fursonafy.

          Categories: News

          What Are Furry Body Pillows & Where To Get Them?

          Tue 2 Apr 2024 - 05:46

          1. Introduction
          2. The Cultural Significance and Variety of Furry Body Pillows
          3. Custom and Commissioned Pillows
          4. Tips for Purchasing Your Furry Body Pillow
          Article Content Introduction

          Within the diverse and colorful world of the furry fandom, where individual expression and creativity are paramount, furry body pillows stand out as unique and cherished items. These are not your standard pillows; they embody a blend of artistic expression and comfort, designed to bring the vibrant personalities of anthropomorphic characters into a tangible, snuggable form.

          But what are these furry body pillows, exactly, and what makes them so appealing to enthusiasts and collectors alike? This article aims to uncover the essence of furry body pillows, shed light on their significance, and navigate you through the avenues to find one that connects with your furry alter ego or favorite character.

          As we explore further into the realm of furry body pillows, we’ll delve into the cultural relevance, the variety in design and representation they offer, and, crucially, guide you on where to discover and acquire your own. Whether you’re deeply embedded in the furry fandom or just exploring its fringes with curiosity, our journey into the unique world of furry body pillows is designed to be both enlightening and engaging.

          The Cultural Significance and Variety of Furry Body Pillows

          Furry body pillows transcend being mere sleeping aids or decorative pieces; they are a vibrant intersection of art, identity, and culture within the furry community. Let’s explore the layers of meaning behind these items and the diverse range of designs that fans can enjoy.


          Cultural Significance


          In the furry fandom, where the lines between fantasy and reality are creatively blurred, furry body pillows act as a bridge. They provide a physical form to characters that many have formed deep, emotional connections with. For some, these pillows are a comforting presence, offering a sense of security and companionship during the night. For others, they are a canvas for artistic expression, allowing both creators and fans to visualize and celebrate anthropomorphic art in a unique, personal way.


          Moreover, furry body pillows often serve as a focal point for personal identity within the fandom. They can represent a fan’s fursona (an anthropomorphic animal character with whom they identify), favorite characters, or artistic styles they admire. This makes each pillow not just an item of personal value but also a statement of identity and community belonging.

            Fursuit Body Pillow Design

            Image via Reddit 

            Variety of Designs


            The world of furry body pillows is as varied as the fandom itself, catering to a wide array of tastes, characters, and artistic expressions.


            Character Representation: From popular characters in the furry community to custom designs that bring an individual’s fursona to life, the range of characters depicted on these pillows is vast. This allows fans to closely connect with the characters that resonate with them.


            Artistic Styles: The artistic style of furry body pillows can range from cartoon-like and whimsical to highly detailed and realistic renderings. Some pillows feature characters in dynamic poses or expressive scenes, adding to their appeal as pieces of art.


            Themes: The themes of furry body pillows can vary widely, including everything from simple, sweet depictions to more adventurous or even romantic and provocative designs. This diversity ensures that there’s something for every taste and comfort level within the community.

              Custom and Commissioned Pillows

              For those seeking something truly personal, custom or commissioned furry body pillows offer the chance to bring their unique visions to life. Many artists within the furry community specialize in creating custom designs, working closely with individuals to encapsulate the essence of their fursona or desired character in pillow form. This personalized approach not only supports the artists but also enriches the fandom with new, original art.


              In the next section, we’ll guide you through where to find these captivating furry body pillows, from popular online marketplaces to specialized artists and community platforms. Whether you’re looking to purchase your first furry body pillow or add to an existing collection, there are numerous avenues to explore in your quest to find the perfect snuggle buddy.

                Furry Body Pillow Design Printed Onto Actual Body Pillow

                Image via Anime Body Pillows

                Where to Find Furry Body Pillows: A Shopper’s Guide

                Finding the perfect furry body pillow can be an adventure in itself, given the vast array of options available across the internet and within the community. Whether you’re on the hunt for a pre-designed pillow featuring a popular character or seeking a custom piece that brings your fursona to life, here are some key places to start your search.

                Online Marketplaces and Specialty Stores

                General Online Marketplaces: Platforms like Etsy or eBay can be treasure troves for finding furry body pillows, especially if you’re looking for something unique or handmade. Many artists and creators use these platforms to sell their work, providing a direct link between creators and fans.

                Artist Commissions

                Direct Artist Commissions: Commissioning an artist directly is a fantastic way to get a custom furry body pillow that perfectly matches your vision. You can find artists open for commissions on social media platforms, furry art websites like FurAffinity, or during furry conventions. This option allows for direct communication with the artist, ensuring that the final product is exactly what you want.

                Commission Platforms: Websites that facilitate artist commissions can also be a useful resource. Sites like Fiverr or Upwork allow you to browse portfolios, compare styles and prices, and contact artists directly about creating a custom body pillow design.

                Furry Conventions and Community Events

                Conventions: Furry conventions are not only great for immersing yourself in the community but also for shopping. Many conventions have vendor halls where artists and merchants sell furry merchandise. Among these you may find body pillows, this also gives you the chance to see and feel the pillows in person before making a purchase.

                Community Meetups and Swap Meets: Local furry meetups and swap meets can be excellent places to find body pillows. These smaller, more intimate gatherings sometimes feature merchandise sales or swaps, offering another avenue to find that perfect pillow.

                  From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

                  .blog-banner-button{ background: transparent; border-radius: 6px 0px 6px 6px; border: none; padding: 16px 28px; position: relative; cursor: pointer; margin-top: 0px; font-family: 'Lato'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; font-size: 14px; line-height: 140%; align-items: center; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: #1D022E; border: 1px solid #1D022E; width:100%; max-width:200px; } .black-point{ position: absolute; width: 16px; height: 16px; top: 0px; right: 0; background: #1D022E; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 12px; } .blog-banner-button:hover{ background:#1D022E; color:white; transition: 1s cubic-bezier(0.57, -0.43, 0.37, 1.1); } .banner-flex{ display:flex; align-items:center; max-width:450px; width:100%; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; justify-content:space-between; } .banner-p{ color: #1D022E; text-align: center; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; line-height: 140%; /* 19.6px */ text-transform: uppercase; } @media (max-width:540px){ .banner-flex{ flex-direction:column; } .banner-p{ margin-top:8px; margin-bottom:8px; } .blog-banner-button{ max-width:287px; width:100%; padding:12px 20px; } .banner-flex a{ max-width:287px; width:100%; } } Build my fursuit OR Draw My Fursona Tips for Purchasing Your Furry Body Pillow

                  Research the Seller or Artist: Before making a purchase, especially if it’s a commission, research the seller or artist. Look for reviews, previous work, and feedback from other buyers to ensure their credibility and the quality of their products.


                  Understand the Materials and Care Instructions: Furry body pillows come in various materials, each with its own care instructions. Make sure you know what you’re buying and how to care for it, to keep your pillow in the best condition.


                  Consider the Shipping: Especially for international buyers, consider the shipping costs and times. Body pillows can be bulky and potentially expensive to ship, so factor this into your decision.

                  With these tips and resources, you’re well-equipped to embark on your quest for the perfect furry body pillow. Whether it’s a comforting companion or a vibrant expression of your fandom identity, a furry body pillow can be a delightful addition to your collection. Happy hunting!

                  .author_intro_main{ display:flex; max-width: 100%; background-color: #F5F5F5; padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #ccc; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; } .author_intro_img{ margin: 0 10px 10px 0; } .author_intro_img img{ border: 1px solid #D8D8D8; border-radius: 50%; max-width: 500px; width: 150px; height: 150px; } .author_intro_details{ max-width: 100%; margin:0px; padding:0px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; font-family: 'Lato'; } .author_intro_label{ padding-bottom:6px; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; color: #ffa500; } .author_intro_name{ font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; padding-bottom:10px; color: #454349 !important; } .about_author_intro{ color: #454349 !important; } @media(max-width:1024px){ .author_intro_main{ max-width: 638px; } } @media(max-width:540px){ .author_intro_main{ align-items: flex-start; flex-direction: column; } } author image


                  Xege Kheiru

                  Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

                  Share Post

                  The post What Are Furry Body Pillows & Where To Get Them? appeared first on Fursonafy.

                  Categories: News

                  A Beginner’s Guide to Making Fursuit Teeth

                  Mon 26 Feb 2024 - 06:56

                  1. Introduction
                  2. Section 1: Understanding Fursuit Teeth
                  3. Section 2: Designing Your Fursuit Teeth
                  4. Section 3: Step-by-Step Guide To Making Fursuit Teeth
                  5. Section 4: Tips & Tricks For Masterful Fursuit Teeth Making
                  Article Content Introduction

                  Welcome to your crash course in crafting the perfect set of chompers for your fursuit! Whether you’re aiming to create a grin that’s irresistibly cute or a snarl that’s delightfully fearsome, understanding how to make fursuit teeth is your ticket to elevating your character’s charisma. This guide is all about demystifying the process, ensuring that even beginners can tackle this project with confidence.

                  Section 1: Understanding Fursuit Teeth

                  At their core, fursuit teeth are the secret spice that adds flavor to your fursuit’s expression and personality. They’re not just about aesthetics; they’re about bringing your character’s inner world to the outside.


                  Definition and Role


                  Fursuit teeth are the bespoke dental details that give your fursuit’s smile its unique character. Whether you opt for subtle pearly whites or menacing fangs, these additions are key in portraying your character’s species, mood, and personality. It’s all about choosing the right bite to match your furry friend’s bark!


                  Types of Fursuit Teeth


                  Depending on your character’s vibe, you’ll find yourself choosing from a menu of styles:



                  For those who want to keep it true to life, these teeth mirror the look of actual animals or humans.



                  Go big or go home! These exaggerated teeth are all about fun, adding a cartoonish charm to your suit.



                  Bring out the predator in your character with teeth that scream ‘fierce’.



                  Ideal for the gentle giants of the animal kingdom, flat teeth are all about a softer, kinder look.

                    A Set of Canine Fursuit Teeth 

                    Image via Pinterest

                    Materials Overview


                    Picking the right material for your teeth is like choosing the right tool for a job. Each option has its perks:


                    Polymer Clay: 


                    A fan favorite for its flexibility and the fine detail you can achieve. Plus, it’s tough as nails after baking.




                    When you’ve got a winning design, resin lets you replicate it perfectly. It’s durable and customizable with paint or dye.




                    Light as a feather, foam is your go-to for those oversized, toony teeth that won’t weigh down your suit.




                    For those who like to play it by ear, these materials are moldable with heat and cool into a solid form, offering a nice balance between ease of use and durability.


                    Choosing your material is about balancing aesthetics, comfort, and practicality. As we move forward, we’ll guide you through each step of the teeth-making process, from sketching out your design to attaching those pearly whites to your fursuit. Get ready to bite into the fun of fursuit crafting!

                      Section 2: Designing Your Fursuit Teeth

                      Now that we’ve got the basics down pat, it’s time to sketch, scheme, and sculpt your way to the perfect fursuit teeth. This part of the journey is where your creativity gets to shine, so let’s dive in!


                      Planning Your Design


                      First up, grab your pencil and let your imagination run wild. Sketching your design before you start crafting is like drawing a treasure map; it guides you to your goal. Think about the character your fursuit represents:


                      Are they a sly fox with a cheeky grin?


                      A noble wolf with a dignified demeanor?


                      Maybe a fantastical dragon with teeth that spark fear and awe?


                      Your sketches will help you decide on the size, shape, and style of teeth that best fit your character’s personality. Remember, this is your creation—there are no wrong answers here!


                      Material Selection


                      With your design in hand, it’s time to choose your crafting companion, a.k.a., your material. Here’s a quick recap to help you decide:


                      • Polymer Clay is your go-to for detailed, hardy teeth.


                      • Resin works wonders for creating multiple copies of a single design.


                      • Foam keeps things light and is perfect for those exaggerated, cartoon-style teeth.


                      • Thermoplastics offer a happy medium, being easy to shape and solid in form.


                      • Consider not just the look you’re going for but also think about the weight and feel of the material in the suit. Comfort is key, after all!

                      Image of Flatter Fursuit Teeth

                      Image via Reddit

                      Safety Considerations


                      A little PSA before you get down to business: safety first! Whether you’re baking, molding, or sculpting, make sure you’re doing it in a well-ventilated area. And always, always read and follow the safety instructions of the materials you’re using. Crafting is a lot less fun with a side of ouch or whoops.


                      Bringing Your Design to Life


                      With your design sketched and your material picked, it’s time to bring those teeth out of your imagination and into the world. Whether you’re molding, sculpting, or carving, keep your sketches close and your creativity closer. This is your moment to play god (or dentist) and craft the bite that brings your character to life.


                      Remember, perfection is not the goal here—expression is. So if your first attempt isn’t quite what you envisioned, no sweat! Every mistake is just a stepping stone to mastering the art of fursuit teeth making.


                      Stay tuned for the next chapter, where we’ll walk through the step-by-step process of crafting those gnashers, from initial sculpt to final attachment. Get ready to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty (figuratively speaking, of course)—it’s going to be a blast!

                      • Consider not just the look you’re going for but also think about the weight and feel of the material in the suit. Comfort is key, after all!
                      From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

                      .blog-banner-button{ background: transparent; border-radius: 6px 0px 6px 6px; border: none; padding: 16px 28px; position: relative; cursor: pointer; margin-top: 0px; font-family: 'Lato'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; font-size: 14px; line-height: 140%; align-items: center; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: #1D022E; border: 1px solid #1D022E; width:100%; max-width:200px; } .black-point{ position: absolute; width: 16px; height: 16px; top: 0px; right: 0; background: #1D022E; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 12px; } .blog-banner-button:hover{ background:#1D022E; color:white; transition: 1s cubic-bezier(0.57, -0.43, 0.37, 1.1); } .banner-flex{ display:flex; align-items:center; max-width:450px; width:100%; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; justify-content:space-between; } .banner-p{ color: #1D022E; text-align: center; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; line-height: 140%; /* 19.6px */ text-transform: uppercase; } @media (max-width:540px){ .banner-flex{ flex-direction:column; } .banner-p{ margin-top:8px; margin-bottom:8px; } .blog-banner-button{ max-width:287px; width:100%; padding:12px 20px; } .banner-flex a{ max-width:287px; width:100%; } } Build my fursuit OR Draw My Fursona Section 3: Step-by-Step Guide to Making Fursuit Teeth

                      Alright, creative crafters, it’s showtime! You’ve got your design, you’ve chosen your champion material, and now it’s time to get hands-on. Follow these steps to turn that sketch into a snazzy set of fursuit teeth that will make your character smile, snarl, or smirk with style.


                      Step 1: Creating the Mold (If Applicable)


                      If you’re going down the resin route, you’ll start with a mold. Think of it as the blueprint for your masterpiece.


                      Sculpt Your Masterpiece: 


                      Using a material like clay, sculpt the tooth exactly how you want your final product to look.


                      Make Your Mold: 


                      Once your sculpture is just right, use silicone mold-making material to create a mold. Pour the silicone over your sculpted tooth, following the product’s instructions to a T.


                      Cure Time: 


                      Patience is a virtue. Let the mold cure as directed before moving on to casting your teeth.


                      Step 2: Sculpting or Molding


                      For those using polymer clay, foam, or thermoplastics, you’ll sculpt or cut your teeth directly from your material of choice.


                      Polymer Clay: 


                      Get kneading and sculpt the teeth based on your design. Use tools to add details and texture as needed.




                      Draw the tooth shape on your foam, then cut it out with precision. You can use sandpaper to smooth edges or shape the foam further.




                      Heat the material according to instructions, mold it to your desired shape, and let it cool into its final form.

                      Photo of Fursuit Teeth Being Implemented Into A Foam Base

                      Image via Twitter

                      Step 3: Baking or Setting


                      Polymer Clay: 


                      Once you’re happy with your sculpted teeth, bake them in the oven according to the clay manufacturer’s instructions. This step is where clay turns into durable teeth.


                      Resin Casting: 


                      Mix and pour your resin into the silicone molds you’ve created, then wait for it to set. Voilà, you’ve got teeth!


                      Step 4: Painting and Finishing Touches


                      Now for the makeup phase, where your teeth get their final look.




                      If your material isn’t the color you desire or you’re looking to add details, now’s the time to paint. Use acrylics for polymer clay and resin teeth. Just a few strokes can add that much-needed realism or cartoon effect.




                      Apply a sealant to protect your paint job and give your teeth a glossy or matte finish, depending on your character’s needs.


                      Step 5: Attaching to Your Fursuit


                      You’re in the home stretch! Attach your teeth to the fursuit head using strong adhesive (for hard materials) or by sewing them in place (if you’re using foam). Ensure they’re secure and positioned just right to capture your character’s expression perfectly.


                      And there you have it! Step back and admire your handiwork. Whether your fursuit character is a cheeky trickster with a mischievous grin or a noble beast with a regal smile, those teeth you’ve just crafted are the cherry on top of a fantastic creation.


                      Next up, we’ll share some pro tips and tricks to make the process even smoother and your results even more impressive. Stay tuned, and remember, practice makes perfect—and a bit of playful experimentation makes the journey all the more fun!

                        Section 4: Tips and Tricks for Masterful Fursuit Teeth Making

                        Congratulations on making it this far! By now, you’ve got a snazzy set of teeth ready to bring your fursuit’s smile, snarl, or smirk to life. But before we part ways, let’s dive into some insider tips and tricks to elevate your fursuit teeth crafting game. These nuggets of wisdom will help you avoid common pitfalls and achieve a professional finish, even on your first try.


                        Embrace the Power of Reference Images


                        Never underestimate the power of a good reference image. Whether you’re aiming for realism or cartoonish charm, having a visual guide can be incredibly helpful. Study images of real animals or artwork to understand how teeth are shaped and how they sit in the mouth. This can inspire your design and help you nail those intricate details.


                        Practice Patience in Sculpting and Curing


                        Patience truly is a virtue in crafting. Take your time when sculpting or molding your teeth. Rushing can lead to mistakes that are hard to correct later. Similarly, give your materials—whether it’s clay, resin, or thermoplastics—the proper time to cure or set. Trying to speed up the process can compromise the quality and durability of your teeth.


                        Experiment with Textures and Finishes


                        Adding texture can make a world of difference in the final look of your teeth. For instance, subtle indentations on polymer clay can mimic the natural grooves of teeth. When painting, consider using a mix of gloss and matte finishes to create a more lifelike appearance, especially if you’re going for realism.


                        Example Realistic Fursuit Teeth 

                        Image via DeviantArt

                        Secure Attachment Is Key


                        When attaching the teeth to your fursuit head, ensure they’re not just aesthetically pleasing but also securely fastened. Loose teeth can be a distraction and may even pose a choking hazard. Test different adhesives to find one that works best with your materials, or if sewing, make sure your stitches are tight and hidden.


                        Maintenance Matters


                        Lastly, remember that your fursuit teeth, like the rest of your suit, require care and maintenance. Clean them gently after use, especially if they’re painted, to keep them looking sharp for your next event. Store them in a way that avoids pressure or strain, which could lead to cracks or breaks.


                        Learn from Every Project


                        Each set of teeth you create is an opportunity to learn and improve. Don’t be discouraged by imperfections; instead, view them as stepping stones towards mastering the craft. Share your work with the community, seek feedback, and learn from the experiences of fellow fursuit makers.


                        Armed with these tips and a bit of practice, you’ll be well on your way to crafting fursuit teeth that add the perfect touch to your furry creations. Remember, the journey of crafting is as rewarding as the final product. So keep experimenting, keep learning, and above all, keep having fun with it!


                        That’s a wrap on our beginner’s guide to making fursuit teeth. We hope you’ve found this journey informative and inspiring. Whether you’re new to the furry fandom or looking to hone your crafting skills, remember that every detail you add to your suit makes your character more vibrant and alive. Here’s to many more successful crafting adventures ahead!


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                        Xege Kheiru

                        Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

                        Share Post

                        The post A Beginner’s Guide to Making Fursuit Teeth appeared first on Fursonafy.

                        Categories: News

                        How Many Types of Fursuits Are There?

                        Mon 12 Feb 2024 - 06:36

                        1. Introduction
                        2. Mini Partial Fursuits
                        3. Regular Partial Fursuits
                        4. Three-Quarter Fursuits
                        5. Full Fursuits
                        6. Full Plantigrade Fursuits
                        7. Full Digitigrade Fursuits
                        8. Quad Fursuits
                        9. Common Fursuit Styles
                        10. Toony Fursuit Styles
                        11. Kemono Fursuit Styles
                        12. Kigurumi Fursuit Styles
                        13. Realistic Fursuit Styles
                        14. Choosing The Right Type Of Fursuit For You
                        15. Takeaway
                        Article Content Introduction

                        Fursuits are more than just costumes. They are a way to show creativity and personal identity. But what types are there? This article looks closely at the different kinds of fursuits. You’ll see everything from full suits that cover your whole body to simpler partial suits.


                        It doesn’t matter if you already wear or are interested in fursuits. We will explain the many kinds of fursuits because each is a unique art piece.

                        Mini Partial Fursuits

                        Mini partial fursuits are a simpler type of fursuit. They usually include three parts: the head, hand paws, and tail. Each part is essential in creating the character’s look and feel.


                        The head is the main feature of these suits. It’s made with great care to show the character’s personality. The design focuses on things like the eyes, fur patterns, and the shape of the mouth. This makes sure the head shows the right emotions and traits.


                        Hand paws are another part of these suits. They cover just the hands, not the whole arm. It makes it easier to use your hands. The paws match the theme of the suit. The tail is the last part of a mini partial fursuit. It helps show the character’s mood and style. Tails can be of different shapes and sizes. Some are long; others are short. The tail is made to look good and work well.


                        Mini partial fursuits are a good choice for those new to fursuiting. They’re easier to wear, carry around, and look after. Many people like them because they’re a simple way to join in the fun of fursuiting. They’re as expressive as bigger suits but more practical.

                          Image of A Partial Fursuit

                          Image via FuzzButt Fursuits

                          Regular Partial Fursuits

                          Regular partial fursuits are a mix of full character look and easy handling. These suits consist of four parts: the head, the hand paws, the feet paws, and the tail. You can portray a character well with this mix, but it is still easy to handle compared to a full suit.


                          As with most fursuits, the head is the central point of a regular partial suit. It is intricately designed to represent the character’s facial features and expressions. The design is meticulous and detailed, so the head reflects the character’s unique personality.


                          Hand paws add to the character’s look. They can be simple for basic cover. Or they can have more detail like fingers, claws, and pads. These paws usually match the head’s style and colours. This creates a uniform look.


                          Feet Paws cover the wearer’s feet. They transform them into the character’s feet. Depending on which animal is depicted, they can be claws, hooves or padded toes. The paws are designed to be both aesthetic and functional. This allows the wearer to walk comfortably while maintaining the illusion of the character’s feet.


                          The tail is the final component that completes the regular partial fursuits. It varies greatly in size, shape, and length, depending on the species and style of the character. Tails add a dynamic element to the suit that enhances the overall portrayal of the character.


                          Regular partial fursuits are a common choice. They are practical for those who want to show their character without wearing a full suit. These suits are easy to wear and take off. They are comfortable for a long time. They are also easy to carry and look after. Still, they give a good level of character look and feel.

                          From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

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                          Three-quarter fursuits offer something between a full suit and a partial suit. These suits include the head, the upper body (like arms and torso), part of the legs (usually up to the knees), hand paws, and a tail. They cover more than partial suits but less than full suits.


                          The head is the most crucial part of a three-quarter suit. It is made with great care to show the character’s personality. The creator’s skill and the wearer’s ideas come together in the head.

                          Example Of Three-Quarter Fursuit

                          Image via Facebook

                          This suit covers the torso and arms and features detailed fur matching the head. Sometimes, it has special things like wings or special marks. These are part of the character. The suit is made to look good and be easy to move in.


                          The legs are partly covered in these suits. This goes down to the knees. It gives a more complete look of an animal. At the same time, it is practical. It is suitable for warm places or when you need to move a lot. Like the rest of the suit, the leg part has detailed fur work.


                          Hand paws and a tail are also part of the suit. The paws are made for both looks and use. They often have detailed claws or pads. The tail can be of different sizes and shapes. It depends on what the character is like. 


                          Three-quarter fursuits are liked by many. They provide a middle ground between a partial and full suit, allowing the wearer to embody the character entirely. But they are also comfortable. This makes them great for wearing for a long time, like at events or shows.

                            Full Fursuits

                            Full fursuits are the heart of the fursuit world. They cover the entire body, from head to toe. This creates a full character look. They are about becoming the character in every detail.


                            Making a full suit is an art. Each one is unique, often made to order. Makers use various materials, like fake fur and special fabrics. These are chosen for looks and comfort. The process is detailed. It involves designing, sewing, and crafting by hand. It can take hundreds of hours to make a full fursuit. 


                            Full suits are loved for how they bring characters to life. You often see them at conventions. They are always a big attraction. Full fursuits come in different styles. Two main types are digitigrade and plantigrade leg styles.


                            Example Of A Full Plantigrade Fursuit

                            Image via Lemonbrat

                            Full Plantigrade Fursuits

                            Full plantigrade fursuits have legs like humans. This makes them look natural and relaxed. These suits are different from digitigrade suits. In plantigrade suits, the legs are straight. They are like how people stand and walk. 


                            Plantigrade fursuits are easy to move around in. Because the legs are human-like, it’s easier to walk and sit. This is why they are a popular choice for extended periods of use. People like to wear them at events and meet-ups.


                            These suits are also great for different designs. They can be used for many characters, from real animals to fantasy creatures. The human-like legs give more space for creative designs.


                            Full Digitigrade Fursuits

                            Full digitigrade fursuits have a unique design for the legs. These suits make it look like the wearer is walking on their toes, as many animals do. This gives the suits an animal-like shape, especially in the legs. It creates a realistic look for creatures like dogs, cats, and other mammals.


                            The materials used in these suits are essential. They often use fake fur that looks real and lasts long. The materials need to be light and flexible. This is so the person wearing the suit can move easily. Despite the extra padding, the suit needs to allow movement. 


                            Wearing a full digitigrade fursuit is a unique experience. It makes them look more like the animal they are portraying. These suits might limit movement a bit more than other types. Full digitigrade fursuits are popular because they bring imaginary characters to life. They are often chosen by people who want to show certain animal characters accurately.

                            Example Of A Full Digitigrade Fursuit

                            Image via MoreFurLess

                            Quad Fursuits

                            Quad fursuits are a very special kind of fursuit. They are made to look like four-legged animals. This type of suit is distinctive because it makes the wearer look and move like an animal on all fours. This design is a mix of costume-making and acting.

                            The construction of a quad suit is both intricate and ingenious. Generally, it comprises a framework that alters the wearer’s arms and legs, giving them a more feral appearance. The framework is then covered with padding and fur, blending seamlessly with the suit. The designer has to think about how the wearer can stay comfortable and move around.

                            The head of a quad suit is placed at shoulder level. This helps make the animal look real. The head is made with a lot of care. It looks at things like where the eyes are, how the mouth moves, and the fur patterns. The head needs to look good but also be practical. It should let the wearer see and breathe while staying in character.

                            The suit also has a body part and a tail. This covers the wearer from head to toe. The body part is made to fit the structure and let the wearer move.

                            Quad suits show the creativity and skill in the fursuit community. They are often used in shows or parades. This is where their amazing design and the skill to move in them can be fully seen. Wearing a quad suit takes a lot of effort. But it makes an impressive four-legged animal.

                            Common Fursuit Styles

                            Fursuiting is full of different styles that spark the imagination. Some styles look very real, and others are more like cartoons. In this part, we’ll look at these popular styles. Each one shows creativity and skill in fursuit making.


                            Toony Style Fursuit Head

                            Image via X

                            Toony Fursuit Style

                            The Toony Fursuit Style is all about fun and cartoon-like features. It’s inspired by animated characters. These fursuits have big eyes, oversized heads, and bright colours. It makes them look like they’ve stepped out of a comic.


                            A key feature of Toony fursuits is their facial expressions. The heads usually have large, expressive eyes and wide smiles. This makes them stand out and look joyful. They often have exaggerated features like big paws or ears, adding to their playful cartoon style.


                            When making Toony fursuits, the focus is on creating a fun look. The materials are bright and soft. Padding is used to make some parts of the suit look bigger. It adds to the cartoon feel. Even with these big features, the suits are made to be comfortable. They allow the wearer to move and express easily.


                            Toony fursuits are popular with those who want to show a playful character. They are often seen at events and conventions. Their bright colours and friendly look make them loved, especially by kids. They show the fun side of fursuits. They are great for playful acting and meeting people.


                            Kemono Fursuit Style

                            The Kemono Fursuit Style comes from Japan. It’s special because it looks like anime and manga. These fursuits have a mix of real and anime styles. They’re known for their soft lines and simple yet expressive faces. This is like the style in Japanese animations.


                            A big part of the Kemono style is the eyes. The eyes are large and look more human. They have detailed irises and a shiny look. This makes the fursuits seem enchanting. The heads are smaller than in other fursuit styles. They are more in proportion with the human body. This makes the suits look more like anime characters, friendly and relatable.


                            Making a Kemono fursuit is all about sleekness. The fur used is short and fine. This gives the suit a smooth feel. The colours used can be both natural and bright. It allows for many different character designs. These can be realistic animals or fantasy creatures. The suits fit closely to the body. This highlights a more human shape while still showing the character’s features.


                            Kemono fursuits are popular with anime and manga fans. They’re also loved by people who enjoy Japanese culture. These suits have become known worldwide. They mix traditional fursuit-making with Japanese animation styles. People wearing Kemono suits often show characters that are youthful and full of energy.

                            Kemono Style Fursuit Head

                            Image via Etsy

                            Kigurumi Fursuit Style

                            The Kigurumi Fursuit Style also comes from Japan. It mixes costumes and comfy loungewear. These are different from other fursuits. It’s more about looking cute and simple rather than realistic or cartoon-like.


                            Kigurumi suits are known for being loose and comfy, like pyjamas. They are big and baggy. This is different from other fursuit styles that are tight-fitting. The heads on Kigurumi suits are simpler. They focus on the main features of the character without too much detail.


                            The fabric used in Kigurumi is essential. These suits are often made from soft materials like fleece. This makes them comfortable and cuddly. The colours can be natural or very bright. This lets people create all kinds of characters.


                            Many people like Kigurumi suits. It includes those new to fursuits and those who have worn them for a long time. They are great for indoor events where you want to be comfortable.

                              Realistic Fursuit Style

                              The Realistic Fursuit Style is all about looking like real animals. It tries to copy the look and body of animals accurately. This style is perfect for those who want to look exactly like a real animal. It could be any animal, like a pet or a wild one.


                              Making these suits focuses on lifelike details. The heads are made very carefully. They have realistic noses, eyes, and ears. The eyes are usually made from glass or resin. This makes them look like real animal eyes. The fur is chosen and used to match real animal fur. This includes the right length, colours, and patterns.


                              The body of the suit is made to match the animal’s shape and movement. This might need special padding or joints. It makes the suit move like a real animal. The suit also needs to be comfortable to wear. It should allow the person inside to move easily.


                              Realistic fursuits need more care than other types. They have a lot of detail and are made from unique materials. These suits are often used in professional settings. It includes teaching about wildlife in plays or movies. The real look is critical in these situations.


                              Example Of A Realistic Fursuit

                              Image via Beetlecat Originals

                              Choosing the Right Type of Fursuit for You

                              Picking the right fursuit is about what you like, need, and want to do in the suit. There are a few things to consider to ensure you get a suit that’s right for you.

                              Understanding Your Character

                              First, think about your character. What’s its personality? What kind of animal is it? Does it look real or more like a cartoon? Your answers will help you decide the suit that fits your character best. Realistic characters might need full suits, while cartoon-like ones could work well with partial suits.


                              Consider Your Activities

                              Consider what you’ll do in your suit. If you’re going to events and moving a lot, you need a suit that’s comfortable and easy to move in. Partial or three-quarter suits are good for this. A full or quad suit might be better if you want to perform or stand out.


                              Budget and Maintenance

                              Think about how much you can spend. Full suits, especially custom ones, can cost more. They need more materials and work to make. Partial suits are usually cheaper. Also, think about taking care of your suit. Full suits need more cleaning and storage space. Partial suits are easier to look after.


                              Personal Comfort and Practicality

                              Your comfort is essential. If you’re new to fursuits, maybe start with a smaller suit. This can help you get used to wearing one. Also, think about storing and moving your suit. Bigger suits need more space and effort to transport.


                              Customization Options

                              Lastly, think about how unique your suit needs to be. If your character is very special, you might need a suit made just for you. This can take more time and money. Ready-made suits are quicker to get and can cost less, but they won’t be as unique.

                              Are you just starting with fursuits and not sure where to get them made? Look no further than Fursonofy. We’re a group of skilled furry artists and fursuit creators who’ve come together to bring your fursonas to life. Commission your fursuit with us in just four easy steps. Start your fursuit journey with Fursonofy today!


                              When picking a fursuit, remember to think about your character, how comfortable you want to be, your budget, and how much effort you can put into caring for it. Fursuits are a way to express yourself and become your furry alter ego in a style that suits you best.


                              In the world of fursuiting, there’s a wide variety of styles to explore. Some fursuits aim to look very real, while others are all about being playful and fun. You can even find suits inspired by anime and ones that prioritise comfort.

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                              Xege Kheiru

                              Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

                              Share Post

                              The post How Many Types of Fursuits Are There? appeared first on Fursonafy.

                              Categories: News

                              Therians vs Furries: What’s the Difference?

                              Mon 22 Jan 2024 - 05:24

                              1. Introduction
                              2. What Are Therians?
                              3. What Are Furries?
                              4. Key Differences Between Therians and Furries
                              5. Similarities Between Therians and Furries
                              6. Are You a Therian or a Furry – How Do You Tell the Difference?
                              7. Takeaway
                              Article Content Introduction

                              In recent times, the online world has seen the rise of many unique groups. Two of these, Therians and Furries, are especially interesting. They are known for their lively expressions and deep interests. Therians and Furries might seem similar to someone seeing them for the first time. But, when we look closely, we find substantial differences.


                              This article looks into the worlds of Therians and Furries. We will explore what sets these communities apart. We will also explore their beliefs, activities, and how they see themselves.

                              What Are Therians?

                              Therians are unique and are often not well understood by others. They have a deep connection with non-human animals. This is a vital part of their identity, not just a hobby.


                              They come from varied backgrounds. Therians’ beliefs mix spirituality, mythology, and personal thoughts. It differs from the Furry fandom, which is more about enjoying art and characters. For Therians, it’s a personal experience. They feel connected to an animal, known as their theriotype.


                              This connection varies among Therians. Some feel a spiritual link that gives them a deep understanding and sense of belonging to their theriotype. Others experience it more as a psychological aspect. It affects how they see the world and interact with others.

                                Image of Toru Ueda, a Wolf Therian

                                Image via New York Post

                                It’s important to know that Therians understand they are human. They don’t deny their human side. Instead, they acknowledge an animal-like aspect in themselves.

                                Community is key for Therians. Even though their experience is personal, connecting with others is essential. They use online forums, social media, and meet-ups. Here, they can share their thoughts and find support.

                                  What Are Furries?

                                  Furries are part of a lively and creative group. They are fans of animal characters that act like humans. This interest goes beyond just liking these characters. It’s a way for them to express themselves and be part of a community.


                                  The furry community started in the 1980s. It grew from science fiction fan groups. Now, it’s a unique group. They enjoy art, stories, and performances about animals with human traits. People from all sorts of backgrounds are welcome in this community.


                                  A crucial part of being a Furry is creating a ‘fursona’. This is an animal character that represents them. It’s a creative process. People make characters that show their personalities or dreams. This isn’t just for fun. It’s a way to explore and show who they are.


                                  Art is essential in the furry world. It includes costumes, drawings, writings, and digital art. Wearing costumes, or ‘fursuiting’, is popular. Only some people do it, though. These costumes are special. They are made to show each person’s unique character.


                                  Furries also like to meet and socialise. They have conventions and meet-ups around the world. These events are more than just fun. They are a chance to make friends, learn, and support each other.

                                  From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

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                                  Therians and Furries have noteworthy differences. These shape their unique identities and cultural practices.


                                  The main difference is how they connect with animals. Therians feel a deep, sometimes spiritual, link with a particular animal. This feeling is a big part of who they are. They don’t just choose an animal they like. They often feel they are that animal in some way. This affects their beliefs and how they see the world.


                                  Furries, however, are fans of animals with human traits. Their interest is more about being fans and expressing themselves artistically. They create and interact with these characters. This includes art, stories, and costumes. For many, their ‘fursona’ is a creative project. It’s a way to be part of the furry community, not a deep identity.

                                  How they show their identity is also different. For Therians, it’s often something they feel inside. They might not show it much in their daily life. But it profoundly affects how they think and feel. Furries, on the other hand, show their interest in more visible ways. This includes drawing, writing, and wearing animal costumes, known as fursuits.

                                  The way they come together as communities is different, too. The furry community likes large social events. They have conventions and meet-ups. Here, they celebrate their love for anthropomorphic art and culture. These events are big and public. They have lots of activities related to furries. 

                                  Therians, on the other hand, are more spread out. They don’t gather in large groups as much. They mostly talk online or meet in small, personal groups.

                                    Similarities Between Therians and Furries

                                    Therians and Furries are different in many ways. But they also share some similarities. Understanding these can help us see the bigger picture of these groups.


                                    Both groups have a strong interest in animals. Therians feel a deep connection with a specific animal. Furries love creating and acting as animal characters with human traits. This love for animal personas is something they have in common.


                                    They also use the internet a lot for their communities. Both Therians and Furries use online forums and social media. These places let them talk, share experiences, and support each other. They offer a safe space for members to be themselves.


                                    A Pair of Fursuiters (Not Therians)

                                    Image via Reddit

                                    Both groups often get misunderstood. The media sometimes shows them in a bad light. It leads to people getting the wrong idea about them. Both Therians and Furries want people to understand them better. They work to correct these misunderstandings.

                                    Creativity and expressing oneself are crucial to both groups. Furries often show this through art and costumes. Therians express it through their animal identities. Even though they do it differently, they both value self-expression.

                                    Lastly, both groups are known for being supportive of each other. They understand and respect each other’s unique views and experiences. This creates a friendly and accepting environment. It lets people explore who they are without being judged.


                                    Are You a Therian or a Furry – How Do You Tell the Difference?

                                    Therians and Furries are rather distinct. Both groups love animal personas. But they are different in significant ways. Knowing the signs can help you see where you fit in.


                                    Signs You Might Be a Therian

                                    Identifying as a Therian is a profoundly personal experience, characterised by specific feelings and perspectives distinguishing Therians from other groups. If you’re exploring the possibility of being a Therian, here are some common signs and experiences within the Therian community.

                                    • Deep Animal Connection

                                    Your most vital sign of being a Therian might be an intense, inherent connection to a specific animal. This goes beyond simply favouring an animal or admiring it. It’s about feeling a deep link where this animal seems like an essential part of who you are. It’s as if a bond ties your very essence to this animal.

                                    • Spiritual and Emotional Bonds

                                    In your experience as a Therian, this connection isn’t just emotional; it’s also often spiritual. You might find yourself feeling a bond with your theriotype that resonates on a much deeper level. This is more than just liking or being interested in an animal. It’s like feeling a sense of kinship or having a profound understanding and empathy towards the animal you identify with.

                                    • Internal Experiences and Perspectives

                                    As a Therian, you probably experience your animal identity more internally. This could include instinctual behaviours, thought patterns, or emotional responses that align with your theriotype. It’s like your internal wiring or mindset is significantly similar to the animal you identify with.

                                    • Shifts in Self-Perception

                                    You might be familiar with ‘shifting’, a common aspect among Therians. Shifting is when you feel a stronger connection to your theriotype. It might appear as a psychological shift, where your mindset or perception aligns closely with your animal identity.


                                    Sometimes, you might experience phantom shifts. This is when you feel sensations of having non-human physical traits, like tails or wings. These traits aren’t physically present but feel very real to you.

                                    • Finding Belonging in Therian Communities

                                    Participating in Therian communities, be it online forums or in-person meet-ups, and feeling connected with these groups is another indicator. When you engage with others who have similar experiences and feelings, it often helps in affirming and understanding your Therian identity. These spaces can give you a sense of validation and belonging you might not find elsewhere.

                                    • Personal Reflection and Discovery

                                    Your journey to recognising yourself as a Therian likely involves a lot of self-reflection and exploration. It’s a deeply personal journey that may change and grow as you delve deeper into this aspect of your identity. It’s about questioning, exploring different parts of yourself, and seeking a deeper understanding of this inner animalistic connection.

                                    Another Pair of Fursuiters

                                    Image via SkyeHighStudios

                                    Signs You Might Be a Furry

                                    Understanding if you’re a Furry is more than just liking certain characters. It’s about how you connect with characters that are part animal, part human, and how you express this interest. Let’s look at the detailed signs that could show you’re part of the Furry community.

                                    • Strong Interest in Human-Like Animal Characters

                                    You find yourself interested in animals that act and look a bit human. This isn’t just a casual liking. These characters in shows, books, or art hold your attention. You’re drawn to their looks and stories; this interest stays with you.

                                    • Creating and Connecting with Your Fursona

                                    A big thing in the Furry world is having a ‘fursona’. This is an animal character you make up to represent yourself. If you’ve made one of these or want to, it’s a big clue. It means you’re getting involved in the Furry community personally.

                                    • Taking Part in Furry Community Activities

                                    If you join in activities related to Furries, it’s a clear sign. This could be attending special conventions, talking in online groups, or meeting with other Furries. Being active like this shows you’re more than just a fan.

                                    • An Interest in Fursuits

                                    Wearing fursuits is a big part of being a Furry for some people. If you have a fursuit, have tried one on, or want to get one, this could mean you’re a Furry. Fursuits let you bring your fursona into the real world.


                                    If you’re searching for a place to have a custom fursuit created, Fursonafy is an excellent choice. Our team consists of artists and fursuit makers who used to work independently in the furry community. Now, we’ve joined forces. This way, we can use our skills to turn your fursonas into real-life fursuits.

                                    • Creating Art or Stories for Furries

                                    If you make art, write, or do other creative stuff for the Furry community, it’s essential. Many Furries like to make and share things about these human-animal characters. Doing this is a big way to be part of the Furry world.

                                    • Feeling at Home with Other Furries

                                    Lastly, it’s a strong hint if you feel you belong in the Furry community. If you find friends and acceptance with other Furries, it shows you might be one of them.


                                    In this article, we’ve looked at two unique subcultures. Both are often not well understood. Yet, they offer rich insights into how people see themselves and their creativity.


                                    Learning about these differences and similarities, we better understand how people connect and express themselves. Whether you’re a Therian, a Furry, or just curious, knowing about these communities adds to our understanding of people. It shows us how people can express who they are and what they like.

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                                    Xege Kheiru

                                    Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

                                    Share Post

                                    The post Therians vs Furries: What’s the Difference? appeared first on Fursonafy.

                                    Categories: News

                                    An Extensive Guide on Fursuit Legs

                                    Mon 8 Jan 2024 - 05:22

                                    1. Introduction
                                    2. Understanding Fursuit Legs: Types and Styles
                                    3. Materials And Tools Needed
                                    4. Designing Your Fursuit Legs
                                    5. Construction Techniques
                                    6. Maintenance And Care
                                    7. Can You Commission Fursuit Legs?
                                    8. Takeaway
                                    Article Content Introduction

                                    In the world of fursuits, every detail is essential. The legs of a fursuit are crucial to the look and feel of a character.


                                    In this article, we’ll explore all about fursuit legs. We will look at different styles, discuss how to build them, learn about the best materials and how to keep them in shape.


                                    But this guide is more than just instructions. It’s about the fun of making and maintaining something unique.

                                    Understanding Fursuit Legs: Types and Styles

                                    Fursuit legs are not just part of a costume. They bring your character to life. Each style of fursuit legs has its unique look. Understanding these styles will help you make your choice. You can choose the one that best suits your character and is comfortable for you. Let’s take a look at one style at a time.


                                    Plantigrade Legs

                                    Plantigrade legs in fursuits are like human legs. These legs stand and walk like us, with the whole foot flat. When you make a fursuit with these legs, the goal is to copy the straight shape of human legs. This makes the suit comfortable and easy to move around in. It’s a good choice if you’re new to fursuits or like a natural look.


                                    Plantigrade legs are easier to make than other styles. They don’t need extra padding or complicated moulding. For the material, you should choose something that is both flexible and strong. It should allow you to move easily and also last a long time.


                                    A big advantage of plantigrade legs is that they’re comfortable to wear. They’re less heavy and ideal for hot days or long wear. These legs also suit many costumes. You can use them for realistic animals or fantasy creatures.

                                      Fursuit Legs of a Deer Fursuit

                                      Image via Furaffinity

                                      Digitigrade Legs

                                      Digitigrade legs are different and have a special look. These legs stand out because they look like the legs of animals such as dogs and cats. Animals walk on their toes, and the digitigrade legs mimic this. They make the fursuit look more like an animal. They give it height and a lively shape. These legs are a good choice if you want your fursuit to look animal-like.


                                      The production of digitigrade legs is more complicated than that of plantigrade legs. They need additional padding to give them the shape of animal legs. This padding is usually made of lightweight foam. It provides the right shape and allows you to move. The challenge is to make the legs look real and still be comfortable.


                                      Digitigrade legs are popular because they make a big difference to the look of the fursuit. They transform a simple costume into something that looks like an animal. They’re more costly to make and wear, but many people find it worth it.


                                      You need to think carefully when choosing the fur for these legs. The fur should accentuate the particular shape of the legs. It can be different lengths or colours. The fabric should allow you to move well and last a long time.

                                        Materials and Tools Needed

                                        The production of fursuit legs, whether plantigrade or digitigrade, requires various materials and tools.



                                        When making fursuit legs, choosing suitable materials is crucial. Each material has a special role. It influences how the fursuit looks and feels and how long it lasts.

                                        • Faux Fur

                                        This is what people see first. It’s the fur on the outside. There are many types of faux fur. They come in different colours and lengths. Think about your fursuit character when choosing the fur. Some characters need a long coat, others a short one. The fur should also be robust. It must be able to withstand a lot of movement.

                                        • Foam for Padding

                                        This is especially true for digitigrade legs. The foam moulds the legs and makes them look real. Use light, flexible foam. It should be easy to cut into the right shape. But it must also be firm enough to keep its shape.

                                        • Lining Material

                                        The inside of the legs needs a lining. It makes the fursuit more comfortable. Use a fabric that is soft and breathable. It prevents the foam from rubbing against your skin. It also helps with sweating if you wear the suit for a long time.

                                        • Thread

                                        A good thread is crucial. It holds the coat and the lining together. The thread must be strong. Fursuit legs move a lot, so the thread needs to keep everything tight.

                                        • Fasteners

                                        These can be zippers, buttons or Velcro fasteners. They help to open and close parts of the fursuit. They must be sturdy. You’ll use them often.

                                        • Elastic Bands

                                        These help ensure that the suit’s parts fit well and move correctly. They must be tough. They will stretch a lot when you move.



                                        The right tools are required for making fursuit legs. Each one has a particular job. They make the work easier and better.

                                        • Sewing Machine

                                        This tool is not a must, but it helps a lot. It sews faster and more neatly than hand sewing. It’s really good for long, straight stitches. If you plan on sewing a lot of fursuits, a sewing machine is a good thing to have.

                                        • Scissors and Cutters

                                        You need a good pair of scissors for cutting fabric and fur. They should be sharp and made for cutting fabric. For foam, use a foam cutter or an electric knife. They will help you to cut the foam cleanly and get the desired shape.

                                        • Measuring Tape

                                        When making fursuits, it is important to be precise. A flexible tape measure is a must. It helps you to measure your body and the materials correctly. This ensures that the fursuit fits well and is easy to move around.

                                        • Glue and Adhesives

                                        You need different adhesives for the other parts of the work. Fabric glue sticks foam to fabric. It must be solid and flexible. A hot glue gun is also helpful for quick fixes and tiny details.

                                        • Marking Tools

                                        When you cut and sew, you must mark where you want to cut and sew. Use pens, markers or tailor’s chalk. They should be visible on the fabric but also easy to remove.

                                        • Pattern Paper

                                        If you make your patterns, you can decide what you want your fursuit to look like. Pattern paper is used to draw these patterns before you cut the fabric. This is really helpful, especially for beginners.

                                        • Needles and Pins

                                        You need different needles for sewing by hand. Some things cannot be sewn with a machine. Pins hold the fabric in place before sewing. They ensure that everything is in line and that you can sew accurately.

                                        From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

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                                        Designing is not just about how the legs look. It’s also about being creative and practical and making sure they’re comfortable. You can choose realistic digitigrade legs or simple plantigrade legs. Either way, this is where your fursuit starts to come together.


                                        Initial Sketching and Planning

                                        The first step in designing fursuit legs is sketching your ideas. This is where you start turning your thoughts into an actual design.

                                        • Sketching the Basic Outline

                                        Your first step is to draw a rough shape of the legs. Concentrate on the general look you want to achieve. Think about whether you want them to look strong, sleek, or animal-like. Draw them from different angles to get a complete picture. It’s okay if it’s not perfect; this is just the beginning.

                                        • Adding Details

                                        Once you have a basic shape, add more details to your sketch. It includes the length and type of fur, unique markings or features such as scales and how they should look. If you are designing digitigrade legs, take into account the shape changes caused by the padding. For plantigrade legs, consider how you want the fabric to drape and move.

                                        • Considering Movement

                                        When designing a suit, it’s essential to consider how the legs will move and bend, as this will impact the overall comfort of the suit. It’s a good idea to sketch out where the legs will bend and consider how the material will react to movement.

                                        • Refining Your Design

                                        Go back to your sketches and make adjustments. This may mean changing the proportions, the shapes or the details. You need to try different things to find out what works best.

                                          Fursuit Leg Base

                                          Image via Amino Apps

                                          Selecting Fabrics and Colours

                                          Choosing the right fabrics and colours is the key to giving your fursuit legs. This step is essential for both the look and function of your suit.

                                          • Fabric Types

                                          Faux fur is often used for fursuit legs. It looks natural and is available in many variations. Long, shaggy fur is good for the appearance of wild animals. Short fur is good for pets or slender characters. Think about how long the fabric will last and how easy it is to clean.

                                          • Underlying Fabrics

                                          Use a firm, stretchy fabric under the coat. Lycra or Spandex are an excellent choice. They support the coat and ensure that the suit fits well. They should stretch and then return to their shape. This will keep the suit looking good for a long time.

                                          • Colour Considerations

                                          Colour brings your character to life. Think about how colours look in a different light. Some colours look different inside and outside. Also, think about how the colours work together. This includes any patterns or markings your character has.

                                          • Texture and Patterns

                                          The texture of the fabric can make your suit more authentic. Choose fabrics that look natural. If your character has special markings, you may need to add them yourself. You can do this with an airbrush or sew in different coloured fur. This requires care, but it will make your character more authentic.

                                            Construction Techniques

                                            Now, let’s move from planning to making your fursuit legs. We will cover different ways to make both plantigrade and digitigrade legs. Each type has its methods and tricks.


                                            Sewing Your Fursuit Legs

                                            Sewing turns your fabric into fursuit legs. The first thing you need to learn is the fabric grain. This is the way the fabric is woven. You need to align your patterns with this grain. This is very important, especially with stretchy fabrics like lycra or spandex. It ensures that the fabric stretches properly and retains its shape.


                                            Once you have understood the fabric grain, the next step is to cut the fabric. You should use your final pattern for this. Don’t forget to add extra fabric to the edges. This is important so that the suit fits properly. If you’re cutting faux fur, make sure that you only cut the underside. Avoid cutting the fur itself. This will keep the fur looking good.


                                            Now, you need to pin the fabric pieces together. This helps to keep them in line when sewing. Then, sew the seams. A straight stitch is sufficient for most fursuits. However, use a zigzag or stretch stitch for stretchy fabrics. It allows the seams to stretch without tearing. The legs of the fursuit move a lot, so you should reinforce the seams. This is particularly important in areas such as the crotch and knees.


                                            Once the main seams are finished, you must hem the edges. Hemming makes the suit look neat. It also prevents the fabric from fraying.


                                            Fursuit Legs Foam Base

                                            Image via Furaffinity

                                            Padding for Digitigrade Legs

                                            The production of digitigrade legs for a fursuit is a special task. These legs imitate animals that walk on their toes, such as dogs or big cats. The proper padding is crucial. It shapes the legs and influences how the suit moves.


                                            First, you need to understand the animal’s leg structure. Digitigrade animals have unique legs, large calf muscles and a raised heel. Next, choose the foam. Padding foam is good because it is flexible but firm. It should be lightweight but also strong enough to keep its shape.


                                            The main work is to shape the foam. First, cut it into rough muscle and bone shapes. Then, carve these parts so that they look like real animal legs. Lay the foam on top of each other to form the leg shape.


                                            After shaping, attach the foam to the base of the fursuit legs. This base can be a pair of tight trousers or a layer of lycra. Glue the foam in place with strong glue or sew it by hand. It must fit securely, but you must still be able to move. You can cover the foam with the same fabric as the rest of the fursuit. This can be done by sewing it onto the base or creating a removable cover.


                                            Maintenance and Care

                                            Looking after your fursuit legs well is essential. It keeps them looking good and lasting long. Here’s how you can take care of them:


                                            Cleaning and Washing

                                            Clean the legs of your fursuit often, especially if you wear it frequently. For minor tints, spot cleaning with a mild detergent is sufficient. If they need to be cleaned thoroughly, check the instructions for the fabric. Some suits can be washed in the washing machine on a gentle cycle. Others must be washed by hand. Always use a mild detergent.



                                            The right way to dry them is crucial. Do not use a dryer with high heat. This can damage the fabric and the coat. Instead, gently squeeze out the water. Then, let them air dry. You can use a fan to hasten up the process but don’t use direct heat.


                                            Brushing the Fur

                                            To keep the coat looking good, brush it regularly. Use a coarse-toothed comb or a special synthetic fur brush. Brush it gently to untangle knots and loosen up the coat. You should do this, especially after washing, as the coat can become matted when wet.



                                            Keep your fursuit legs in a cool, dry place when you’re not wearing them. Keep them out of direct sunlight to prevent them from fading. You can hang them up in a garment bag or put them in a big box. This way, they will keep their shape, and the fur won’t be squished.



                                            If you see small rips or tears, fix them quickly. This will prevent them from getting worse. Small repairs can be sewn by hand. You will achieve the best results if you stick to the original seams. For larger repairs, you may need professional help.


                                            Refreshing the Look

                                            Over time, the suit may look a little dull. You can use fabric sprays for faux fur to brighten it up. These sprays can bring back the colour and make the suit smell nice. However, test the spray on a small area first.

                                            Another Fursuit Foam Leg Base

                                            Image via DeviantArt

                                            Can You Commission Fursuit Legs?

                                            Making fursuit legs yourself is great, but perhaps not possible for everyone. If you’re new to fursuit making or need a costume quickly, you can have fursuit legs made by professionals.

                                            When you place an order, you’ll get quality work from someone with experience. They pay attention to every detail to make the fursuit legs look good. You can find people who make custom fursuits on the internet.


                                            Etsy: Etsy is one of these places. There are many artists there who make fursuit legs. You can look at different styles and choose an artist whose work you like. You can also read reviews from other customers to see how good the artist is.


                                            Fursonafy: Another good place to commission fursuit legs is Fursonafy. Our website is all about fursuit orders. You can find many fursuit makers there. You can discuss your wants and ensure they understand your ideas.


                                            When you commission fursuit legs, you must be clear with the manufacturer. Tell them what you want, e.g. how you want your character to look or whether you want the suit to move in a certain way. You should also talk about how long it will take and how much it will cost before you start.


                                              Our guide is perfect for anyone interested in making costumes. We cover the two main styles: plantigrade, like human legs, and digitigrade, which are more animal-like. We give tips on choosing the suitable materials and tools to make your fursuit last and look good. These steps are the key to a fursuit that not only looks good but moves well, too.


                                              And if making your fursuit seems too tricky, we’ll show you how to commission it from professionals on sites like Etsy and Fursonafy. Whether new to fursuit making or experienced, our guide will help you create impressive fursuit legs that bring your character to life.

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                                              Xege Kheiru

                                              Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

                                              Share Post

                                              The post An Extensive Guide on Fursuit Legs appeared first on Fursonafy.

                                              Categories: News

                                              Synths: What Are They In The Furry Fandom?

                                              Mon 13 Nov 2023 - 05:43

                                              1. Introduction
                                              2. Understanding The Furry Fandom
                                              3. Furry Species: What Are They?
                                              4. The World Of Synths
                                              5. The History Of Synths
                                              6. What Makes A Synth A Synth
                                              7. A Few More Things About Synths
                                              8. Why Should You Be A Synth
                                              9. Takeaway
                                              Article Content Introduction

                                              Have you ever come across the furry community and felt mesmerized by the unique culture they proudly flaunt? If yes, you are not the only one. The community is definitely fun and one-of-a-kind.

                                              This amazing subculture has many furry species and characters that can easily catch anyone’s attention. There are avians, dragons, reptiles, mythical creatures, and whatnot. 

                                              Among them are synths as well. Created by Vader-San, these are reptilian android characters and are popular among furry enthusiasts.

                                              Understanding The Furry Fandom

                                              Art has no boundaries. It can take the shape of any object or character around, bringing life to unknown creatures never found on this planet before. 

                                              This is what makes it exquisite, and very few people have the unique artistic abilities to create something extraordinary. 

                                              The term “furry” first came into the limelight in 1983. But it was not until 1990 that this word was recognized as a genre covering the collective appreciation of art related to fictional mammalian anthropomorphic characters. 

                                              Furry fandom was formed on similar principles to create a community or a subculture that represents people who like anthropomorphic animals. These creatures are animals but have many human-like traits. 

                                              The members of this unique community, also known as furries, follow similar interests in literature, art, and other creative activities. 

                                              They have a world of their own, centered around anthropomorphic animals. Most of these creatures are quite like normal animals, like foxes and cats. But there are a few characters that have their different and unbelievable features and attributes. 

                                              Furry species are an actual work of imagination. They have individual personalities and traits that are mostly unknown to most. 

                                              If you ever had a chance to join the furry fandom, you might have noticed certain key elements that make the community stand out. 

                                              For instance, most enthusiasts in this community follow a certain category of art called the “Furry.” Their passion for creating various art forms like animations, illustrations, and comics brings them together. 

                                              Furry species followers also hold conventions inviting similar people from around the world to participate in different activities and share their passion for this universe. Most participants wear fursuits, a costume that represents their favorite anthropomorphic characters. 

                                              One of the best things about the furry fandom is that it accepts people from all ages, backgrounds, and cultures. This is an inclusive subculture of individuals that welcomes everyone open-heartedly.

                                                A Group Of Synth Furries

                                                Image via SynthSpecies

                                                Furry Species: What Are They?

                                                You can’t create a furry fandom without its furry species. They are a central part of this quirky world that all participants create and resonate with. 

                                                Almost all furry species are different, blending human and animal traits. You will be surprised to witness a diverse range of these characters, each exhibiting the artistic potential of the furry fandom members. 

                                                For example, there are canines such as dogs, foxes, and wolves. You also come across felines, including cats, lions, and tigers, and you may also spot horses and unicorns. 

                                                There are also dragons, reptiles, rodents, and certain mythical creatures that you may have never seen. 

                                                All these furry species are a work of high creativity and imagination. Every member of the furry fandom has the complete freedom to customize any existing character or create an entirely new one from scratch. There are no limitations, and that’s what works best in curating amazing designs. 

                                                Since these species are the voice of many and help self-express their thoughts, furry members often develop characters with a backstory, abilities, and personalities. This makes it easy to use these species for various role-play activities. 

                                                The world of furry species is truly an interesting one. But what makes it more attractive and fun is one of the top characters, synths.

                                                From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

                                                .blog-banner-button{ background: transparent; border-radius: 6px 0px 6px 6px; border: none; padding: 16px 28px; position: relative; cursor: pointer; margin-top: 0px; font-family: 'Lato'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; font-size: 14px; line-height: 140%; align-items: center; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: #1D022E; border: 1px solid #1D022E; width:100%; max-width:200px; } .black-point{ position: absolute; width: 16px; height: 16px; top: 0px; right: 0; background: #1D022E; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 12px; } .blog-banner-button:hover{ background:#1D022E; color:white; transition: 1s cubic-bezier(0.57, -0.43, 0.37, 1.1); } .banner-flex{ display:flex; align-items:center; max-width:450px; width:100%; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; justify-content:space-between; } .banner-p{ color: #1D022E; text-align: center; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; line-height: 140%; /* 19.6px */ text-transform: uppercase; } @media (max-width:540px){ .banner-flex{ flex-direction:column; } .banner-p{ margin-top:8px; margin-bottom:8px; } .blog-banner-button{ max-width:287px; width:100%; padding:12px 20px; } .banner-flex a{ max-width:287px; width:100%; } } Build my fursuit OR Draw My Fursona The World of Synths

                                                Created by Vader-San, Synths are truly one of a kind. They are synthetic and fictional species that you can freely use in any science fiction universe. Yes, there are no restrictions on that. 

                                                As a furry enthusiast, you don’t have to worry about getting approval when creating a synth character. The synth community allows you to go wild with your imagination and designs, spreading your creativity in the furry community. 

                                                That said, there are some common characteristics that are mostly found in synth characters. You can create your own unique design based on these features or design an entirely new persona. 

                                                For instance, most characters come with robotic enhancements. Some models may have artificial eyes, and others might feature mechanical limbs. 

                                                Interestingly, the faces of certain synths have 3D screens that display their eyes. These screens are cleverly designed to communicate the character’s emotions and hide any sensory equipment that they may have. 

                                                Another unique feature that almost all synths have is their sturdy frame that resembles a skeleton. The entire structure is supported by muscles and tendons, making these characters look different from the rest of the furry species. 

                                                Synths have bodies with a futuristic design featuring high-tech elements. For instance, you may find them having LED lights, advanced accessories, and armor all around them, representing their strong personalities. 

                                                Here is an interesting fact for you. Most of the synth characters designed in the past were found to have skin that could change color. This means that if you plan to design a synth furry for yourself, you can easily experiment with any pattern or color you like. 

                                                Synths usually don’t have a specific gender, but you can use yours to represent any gender. Besides, this species can adapt to different genders and body shapes at a time. This helps them find and stick to one image that makes them feel comfortable. 

                                                These characters usually have a body image according to their job requirements. For example, synths working as pilots must be small in order to sit comfortably in a plane’s cockpit. However, a professional swimmer can be sturdy, muscular, and large to perform their work as an athlete. 

                                                What Do Synths Eat?

                                                Synths need food to survive. But what makes it all interesting is that most of them have a strong capability to digest materials that can easily extend and repair their bodies. 

                                                They have a solid digestive system that produces lubricants for quick digestion. This helps them eat materials like graphene, coal, metals, graphite, and uranium to spice up their plate of food.  

                                                You will be amazed to learn the names of some food items that synths usually love to consume. They are generally based on puns such as the FooBars, Graphioli, and Polymüsli.

                                                Do Synths Have a Home?

                                                Do you know what makes synths one of the best creatures? It is usually their flexibility to adapt to any environment they are put in. 

                                                You can find them in any biome. They will be around organic people despite their differences. 

                                                Synths can also physically survive in any climate, provided it isn’t too extreme or testing for their bodies. 

                                                To evaluate whether a habitat would suit your synth, just test if it is right for a technical device. If it is, it will definitely work for your synth.

                                                  Anatomy Of A Synth

                                                  Image via Amino Apps

                                                  The History of Synths

                                                  As interesting as they sound and look, synths have had a dramatic past within the fictional world. They were created by a civilization that faced a climatic event, destroying all the infrastructure they had built from scratch. 

                                                  The tragic event took away most of the population, sources and food. However, the only thing left in abundance was fuel and energy. 

                                                  The civilization containing various species thought about this shortage quite cleverly and came up with rebuilding their universe through characters that use electric energy to survive. When the synths were formed, they helped their civilization to grow by building their infrastructure and soon became a major part of their community. 

                                                  Today, synths are known to be the most helpful species in the furry universe. They don’t shy away from assisting anyone who crosses their paths and takes up jobs that can easily make a change in their community. 

                                                  They are an excellent alternative to biological beings for tasks that might be dangerous or impossible for the latter. Since synths are considered as beings rather than robots, you can’t buy or sell them. 

                                                  That in the furry world would be considered slavery. 

                                                  Interestingly, you can make them your friends and even date them if they start liking you.

                                                  Synth Fursuit Head

                                                  Image via Pinterest

                                                  What Makes A Synth A Synth

                                                  To love any furry species, you must first know their behavioral attributes and habits. Synths are quite different from other characters because of their synthetic and free bodies. 

                                                  They don’t have human-like brains. Instead, you will only find a complex set of hardware above their heads. 

                                                  The synthetic brains make most synths possess artificial intelligence as part of their character. This makes them have strong cognitive abilities and enhanced information processing systems. 

                                                  But that said, synths do have the ability to experience genuine emotions at times. They can also learn new skills, form memories, and, at times, might forget things. 

                                                  Since they have a large number and variety of sensors in their bodies and brains, synths can feel pain, thirst, pleasure, touch, smell, and other similar sensations. 

                                                  While they are believed to depend on their complex and unique computing hardware, most synths are not necessarily smarter than normal beings with a biological brain. This is because an organic brain may easily store a large amount of data within a limited time, but a synth’s brain may find it hard. 

                                                  When creating a synth or even understanding one, know that they aren’t perfect. Just like humans, these creatures also have flaws. 

                                                  A synth’s senses can easily be tricked through illusions. Similarly, their system may face a malfunction by a software glitch or malware. 

                                                  They are not ideal in all aspects but that’s what makes them more relevant and realistic.

                                                  Another Example Of A Synth

                                                  Image via Pinterest

                                                  A Few More Things About Synths

                                                  The amazing qualities of synths can easily woo any member of the furry fandom. Here are some more interesting facts about the creature that might just make you a fan. 

                                                  • A synth can become a parent whenever they like. Their children usually have the same traits as them and have small bodies that grow eventually. 
                                                  • Synths die just like organic species. This usually happens when their brains run out of energy. 
                                                  • Most synths look like lizards or dragons. While you can experiment with a unique appearance for your synth, know that most of them are proud of their familiar traits and looks. 
                                                  • The personality of almost every synth develops with time. They build and change it by absorbing their environment and through regular self-reflection.
                                                  Why Should You Be a Synth?

                                                  In a world full of organic creatures, why should you opt for a synth?

                                                  Well, there are many reasons for that. 

                                                  • A synth allows you to express your individual characteristics. Plus, you can change and mold it whenever you want. 
                                                  • Through the specie’s sophisticated sensors, you can experience a world through ultraviolet and infrared. 
                                                  • As the synth character, you get to enjoy the pneumatic muscles of the creature that truly are one-of-a-kind. 
                                                  • Synths work on wireless charging. This means that you don’t have to worry about any [cable mess. You can easily get your juice while on the go. 
                                                  • As a synth, you can be a significant part of your growing community. By hacking your system and unlocking new modes, you can successfully bring diversity to the table.

                                                    Synth Reference Sheet

                                                    Image via Reddit


                                                    Have the unique attributes of furry fandom and synths blown your mind? It definitely is an amazing world and it is worth joining the community to take a break from your organic existence. 

                                                    Moreover, synth species are a gem in every way. Although they have a strong exterior, their flexible personalities, emotional yet highly technological minds, and rich history make them stand out from the other furry species. 

                                                    So, are you tempted to create your synth fursona right now? Get to work because it is an excellent community to be a part of.

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                                                    Xege Kheiru

                                                    Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

                                                    Share Post

                                                    The post Synths: What Are They In The Furry Fandom? appeared first on Fursonafy.

                                                    Categories: News

                                                    The 5 Best Furry Manga You Need To Read

                                                    Mon 23 Oct 2023 - 06:11

                                                    1. Introduction
                                                    2. What Is Manga?
                                                    3. What Is A Furry Manga?
                                                    4. Killing Bites
                                                    5. Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen
                                                    6. Oumagadoki Zoo
                                                    7. Doubutsu no Kuni
                                                    8. Beastars
                                                    9. Honorable Mentions
                                                    10. Where Can I Read Furry Manga
                                                    Article Content Introduction

                                                    Furry content can come in all shapes and sizes. Ranging from animations to comics to stories there are countless mediums of furry content. So, it should come as no surprise that the world of manga has seen the influence of the furry fandom seep into it. In fact, some furry mangas even getting wider appeal than just the furry fandom and branch out to general anime and manga fans which gives furries a little more exposure. However, before we get a little too ahead of ourselves, what even is manga?

                                                    What Is Manga?

                                                    For those who are a bit out of the loop when it comes to anime and pop culture, manga, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary, is a style of Japanese comic books and graphic novels, typically aimed at adults as well as children. In the past few decades, they have really become a cultural phenomenon in the West, and with good reason. The top 4 comic publishers worldwide are all Japanese and since the 2010s manga has massively outsold American comics in America Some of the greatest comic book panels come from manga, and they aren’t bound to any specific genre either. Action, Romance, Adventure, Comedy, Detective, Drama, Horror, Fantasy, if you look just a little bit you can find a whole catalog of manga in any of these genres and more.

                                                    Manga is such a massive part of the Japanese publishing industry that in 2020 its market value hit a new high of ¥612.6 billion. This was also thanks to the introduction of digital manga copies, something that earlier publishers couldn’t make use of back in the 1950s when manga was first gaining some traction in the Japanese publishing world. Unlike a lot of Western comics, however, manga are printed in black and white. There are multiple reasons for this including keeping printing costs low, time constraints for artists, and sometimes just as an artistic choice. However, this also builds up hype for when a popular panel from a manga eventually gets animated in the anime.

                                                      Jiu Jutsu Kaisen Manga Panel

                                                      Image via Reddit

                                                      What Is A Furry Manga?

                                                      So as you might be able to guess, generally when something that isn’t a hat or a pair of boots has the word furry before it as an adjective it refers to the fact that it contains anthropomorphic animal characters. Things like furry art, furry suits (more often called fursuits), and furry animations are all pretty good examples of what I’m talking about. Furry manga is no exception to this rule. Believe it or not, there is a whole sub-genre of anime that tells the stories of animated, anthropomorphic creatures. By the way, when we are talking about anthropomorphic creatures we are talking about animal characters with human characteristics like wearing clothes, the ability to talk, walking on two legs, that kind of stuff. You’d probably also be surprised by just how much of it there is if you look in the right places, so much so, that we have compiled a list for you here of the 5 best furry manga that you should check out.

                                                      From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

                                                      .blog-banner-button{ background: transparent; border-radius: 6px 0px 6px 6px; border: none; padding: 16px 28px; position: relative; cursor: pointer; margin-top: 0px; font-family: 'Lato'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; font-size: 14px; line-height: 140%; align-items: center; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: #1D022E; border: 1px solid #1D022E; width:100%; max-width:200px; } .black-point{ position: absolute; width: 16px; height: 16px; top: 0px; right: 0; background: #1D022E; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 12px; } .blog-banner-button:hover{ background:#1D022E; color:white; transition: 1s cubic-bezier(0.57, -0.43, 0.37, 1.1); } .banner-flex{ display:flex; align-items:center; max-width:450px; width:100%; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; justify-content:space-between; } .banner-p{ color: #1D022E; text-align: center; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; line-height: 140%; /* 19.6px */ text-transform: uppercase; } @media (max-width:540px){ .banner-flex{ flex-direction:column; } .banner-p{ margin-top:8px; margin-bottom:8px; } .blog-banner-button{ max-width:287px; width:100%; padding:12px 20px; } .banner-flex a{ max-width:287px; width:100%; } } Build my fursuit OR Draw My Fursona #1 Killing Bites

                                                      Published in November 2013, Killing Bites tells the story of a high school girl Hitomi Uzaki, and her relationship with Yuuya Nomoto a college student who unknowingly participated in the kidnapping of Hitomi. Little did Yuuya know he had kidnapped a girl who could turn into a super-powered human-animal beast created through gene therapy. So, a less-than-ideal spot, made even worse by the fact that he has become the prize of a wager death match between two of these beasts. Not to jump into any spoilers, the rest of the story revolves around the proxy war that Yuuya accidentally involves himself in through this Hitomi girl.

                                                        Killing Bites Vol. 5 Cover

                                                        Image via Rakuten Kobo

                                                        #2 Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen

                                                        This manga from the year 2016 is set in Seton Academy. This is a school for several diverse animal species but instead tells the story of Jin Mazama; one of the only human attendees. It is a comedy that explores Jin’s relationship with a boisterous lone wolf (as in a literal wolf) girl whom he befriends. The story is driven by the push/pull tension of Jin’s reluctance to join her pack because he hates animals and her insistence that he joins her pack because, well, she has no friends. Sprinkle in a love interest (who is also named Hitomi coincidentally) and an extracurricular cooking club and you got yourself a furry manga classic.

                                                        Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen Cover Art

                                                        Image via Manga Wiki – Fandom

                                                        #3 Oumagadoki Zoo

                                                        Released in 2010 this manga follows the life of Hana Aoi, a so-called “clumsy good for nothing” according to her classmates, who looks to no longer conform to the name calling by applying for a job at her local zoo. While it doesn’t get many visitors she looks forward to spending her evenings with the cute animals, that is until she meets a giant anthropomorphic rabbit that goes by the name Shiina. It turns out he’s actually the director of the zoo and human and also cursed by a ghost that can turn people into humanoid creatures. Honestly, it isn’t any less crazy when you read it for yourself, nevertheless, it is worth the read.

                                                        A Panel From Oumagadoki Zoo

                                                        Image via Tumblr

                                                        #4 Doubutsu no Kuni

                                                        Starting in 2009, Doubutsu no Kuni is a story about a world populated only by non-human animals, that is until the birth of a baby discovered by a raccoon called Monoko. Despite it being a human baby, Monoko dedicates herself to raising this child in a hostile, alien world where it’s the survival of the fittest. It’s a pretty heart-warming action, adventure story and a must-read for any furry manga fans.

                                                        Doubutsu no Kuni Vol. 3 Cover

                                                        Image via Doubutsu no Kuni Wiki

                                                        #5 Beastars

                                                        If you’ve already read our article on the best furry anime, then you probably have an idea as to why this manga has made it onto the list. We can’t stress enough how brilliant Beastars is. Released in 2016, Beastars throws you into a world of anthropomorphic animals divided by one thing, whether they are a carnivore or herbivores. We’ll try to avoid any spoilers at all, but this debate of objective right and wrong becomes quite nuanced especially once a certain event happens that causes tension between herbivores and carnivores within Cherryton High School to spike to an all-time high. This manga doesn’t just have great writing for a furry manga this has great writing in the scope of all manga, it’s a genuinely edge-of-your-seat read, and furry or not if you are a fan of manga you have to give this a read.

                                                          Beastars Vol. 16 Cover

                                                          Image via Rakuten Kobo

                                                          Honorable Mentions

                                                          Of course, there are more than just 5 furry manga in the world but some of them just couldn’t make the cut for the top 5 so we’ve compiled a slightly shorter list of some that are still definitely worth a read but just didn’t quite make the cut. 

                                                          The Boy And The Beast 

                                                          Miss Kitty & Her Bodyguards

                                                          Kainushi Juujin to Pet Joshikousei

                                                          Polar Bear Café

                                                          Beast Complex: Kurohyou to Rakko

                                                          Where Can I Read Furry Manga?

                                                          Unfortunately, a lot of manga is very difficult to find in the West so, if you’re reading this wondering where the hell you can even find these manga not to worry we’ve got your back. 


                                                          Sites like and are both great options for anyone looking for more of an obscure manga as the catalog of content that they have is just unbelievable, it looks near infinite.

                                                          .author_intro_main{ display:flex; max-width: 100%; background-color: #F5F5F5; padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #ccc; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; } .author_intro_img{ margin: 0 10px 10px 0; } .author_intro_img img{ border: 1px solid #D8D8D8; border-radius: 50%; max-width: 500px; width: 150px; height: 150px; } .author_intro_details{ max-width: 100%; margin:0px; padding:0px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; font-family: 'Lato'; } .author_intro_label{ padding-bottom:6px; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; color: #ffa500; } .author_intro_name{ font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; padding-bottom:10px; color: #454349 !important; } .about_author_intro{ color: #454349 !important; } @media(max-width:1024px){ .author_intro_main{ max-width: 638px; } } @media(max-width:540px){ .author_intro_main{ align-items: flex-start; flex-direction: column; } } author image


                                                          Xege Kheiru

                                                          Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

                                                          Share Post

                                                          The post The 5 Best Furry Manga You Need To Read appeared first on Fursonafy.

                                                          Categories: News

                                                          What Is Bara Furry Art?

                                                          Mon 9 Oct 2023 - 05:14

                                                          1. Introduction
                                                          2. What Is Bara?
                                                          3. Where Does The Word Bara Come From?
                                                          4. So, What Is Bara Furry Art?
                                                          5. How Is It Different To Yaoi?
                                                          6. Where Can I Find Bara Furry Art?
                                                          7. Where Can I Commission Bara Furry Art?
                                                          Article Content Introduction

                                                          Even if you are new to the furry fandom you are likely super aware of the number of LGBTQ+ members of the community there are. Part of what makes the furry community so appealing to LGBTQ+ people is how accepting and generally left-leaning they are. Irrespective of gender, race, sexuality, or neurodivergence, the furry fandom accepts everyone with open arms, just as they would like to be accepted. So with that, it’s not too surprising that there is a very large gay furry art sub-community that is constantly buzzing, considering how much furry art content is out there

                                                          What Is Bara?

                                                          BARA was an image board specifically designed for users to post images of muscular men. So, as you can imagine, BARA furry art is pictures of muscular male fursonas and furry characters. The board was originally a small but active community with four different categories that users could post under: Real, Drawn, Furry, and Alternate. As well as this the board contained what is known as an Oekaki board which was essentially a place for users to chat. Most conversations revolved around gay culture, anime, video games, and other general non-porn interests.

                                                            Example of Normal Bara Art

                                                            Image via Bear World Magazine

                                                            Where Does The Word Come From?

                                                            However, despite the word Bara being popularised by the image board, its use predates the site. The word bara became a colloquialism in Japan around the 1960s for a genre of Japanese art that depicted same-sex love. It would go on to become known in Japan as gay manga. It was made primarily by gay men for gay men. It would usually depict very big, masculine men as the protagonists of its stories, and while the subject material is more often than not pornographic there are romantic and autobiographical exceptions


                                                            Despite all of this, the use of the word Bara (which directly translates to rose in Japanese) to describe all gay Japanese manga is something that was coined more by the Western world. In non-Japanese contexts, it’s used to describe any sort of Japanese media depicting homo-erotic relationships but Japanese gay manga artists would argue that bara is characterized by the masculinity of its characters as well as the nature of the art. The popularization of its use outside of Japan likely came from the image board of the same name that was created in the 90s.

                                                            From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

                                                            .blog-banner-button{ background: transparent; border-radius: 6px 0px 6px 6px; border: none; padding: 16px 28px; position: relative; cursor: pointer; margin-top: 0px; font-family: 'Lato'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; font-size: 14px; line-height: 140%; align-items: center; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: #1D022E; border: 1px solid #1D022E; width:100%; max-width:200px; } .black-point{ position: absolute; width: 16px; height: 16px; top: 0px; right: 0; background: #1D022E; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 12px; } .blog-banner-button:hover{ background:#1D022E; color:white; transition: 1s cubic-bezier(0.57, -0.43, 0.37, 1.1); } .banner-flex{ display:flex; align-items:center; max-width:450px; width:100%; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; justify-content:space-between; } .banner-p{ color: #1D022E; text-align: center; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; line-height: 140%; /* 19.6px */ text-transform: uppercase; } @media (max-width:540px){ .banner-flex{ flex-direction:column; } .banner-p{ margin-top:8px; margin-bottom:8px; } .blog-banner-button{ max-width:287px; width:100%; padding:12px 20px; } .banner-flex a{ max-width:287px; width:100%; } } Build my fursuit OR Draw My Fursona So What Is Bara Furry Art?

                                                            Those of you eagle-eyed readers may have noticed that we made no mention at all of furries at all in the etymology of the word bara so what gives? Well, this is because bara furry art, or gay furry art that depicts masculine characters, likely gained a lot of traction around the same time that the internet was picking up speed. So, the term actually pre-dates the internet era of the furry fandom by about 30 years. However, once the BARA image board was created the two worlds collided and almost became synonymous with each other ever since.

                                                              Example Of Bara Furry Art

                                                              Image via Twitter

                                                              How Is It Different To Yaoi?

                                                              For those of you that are deep in the gay manga rabbit hole though, you might be wondering what the difference is between bara and yaoi as they seem to both be terms for gay manga. While the difference is a little subtle there is a difference. Bara is traditionally made by gay men for gay men, using the aforementioned masculine, muscular characters. Yaoi on the other hand was traditionally made for women, depicting more effeminate and skinny men. While it may not sound like a huge difference there are entire communities dedicated to each sub-genre respectively. Floating around in the same circle of Yaoi you will often hear terms like “femboy” or “twink” used to describe the character they portray which are typically more feminine presenting men. ts, and feelings of all those belonging to these communities, especially if you wish to find quality content.

                                                              Example Of Yaoi Art

                                                              Image via Reddit

                                                              Where Can I Find Bara Furry Art?

                                                              There is no shortage of bara furry art in the Wild West that is the internet so we’ve compiled a list of a few of the best places you can find some of it.

                                                              Deviant Art: Like any sort of digital art, one of the best places you can find it out there is Deviant Art. This site is already home to thousands upon thousands of furry artists let alone the millions of artists outside of the furry fandom that upload to it. Artists like Smuggles and Muscular Fox Man seem to specialize in bara furry art, so you should have no trouble finding any of it here.

                                                              Pinterest: Pinterest is especially great when looking for art under a specific niche as people make random image boards all the time. Not to mention, when you select a specific image on Pinterest they are very good at showing you images similar to the one you selected so you can dive straight down the rabbit hole. 


                                                              Furaffinity: If you are looking for any sort of furry art, checking furaffinity is a complete no-brainer. This site is home to pretty much all furry art and furry artists. As the name suggests, Fur Affinity is a site designed specifically for furry artists to upload their work, whether it just be to share or to promote a service. So, as you can imagine, with such a large bank of furry art, there is a great wealth of bara furry art that you can find here with little to no effort. 


                                                              Instagram: Believe it or not, the furry art community is actually thriving on Instagram if you just know where to look. Just look under hashtags that have anything to do with furry art or muscly furries and you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for. The only issue with Instagram is how quickly they will crack down on NSFW posts and how easily the line between NSFW and SFW art can be blurred.


                                                              Twitter/X: So, if you’re looking for a social media platform where the rules on what you can upload aren’t as strict then Twitter is probably the place for you. When it comes to pornographic content, Twitter is pretty lenient with what you can get away with, so there’s a whole world of bara furry content that you can find there.

                                                              Where Can I Commission Bara Furry Art?

                                                              If you’re more interested in getting some bara furry art of your own made rather than just looking at other people’s work, there are plenty of places you can find it. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled yet another list of the best places to commission your very own bara furry art. 


                                                              MyFurryArt: One of the safest and easiest places to commission any sort of furry art, MyFurryArt is a great option if you’re looking to commission bara furry art. For an additional cost, they offer lewd/NSFW artwork which is a service that a lot of furry artists aren’t comfortable offering. 


                                                              Fursonafy: Yes we are resorting to the shameless self-plug but we also offer NSFW furry art if that is something that you’re looking for. For the most part, we make anything your brain can conjure up, even if that is bara furry art. So, if you’re struggling to find a place to get it affordably, for no additional cost look no further. 


                                                              Social Media Commissions: A great place to find independent furry artists would be social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter/X. These platforms are amazing for both artists to share their portfolios and customers to browse them. Also, social media allows artists to bypass pesky listing or service fees that customers would otherwise have to pay as well as commissions taken by freelancing platforms like Fiverr or Upwork.   

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                                                              Xege Kheiru

                                                              Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

                                                              Share Post

                                                              The post What Is Bara Furry Art? appeared first on Fursonafy.

                                                              Categories: News

                                                              What Are Furry Memes And Where Can You Find Them?

                                                              Mon 11 Sep 2023 - 06:48

                                                              1. Introduction
                                                              2. What Are Memes?
                                                              3. What Makes A Meme A Furry Meme?
                                                              4. Are Furries Just A Meme?
                                                              5. Where Can I Find Furry Memes?
                                                              6. Wrap Up
                                                              Article Content Introduction

                                                              Have you ever heard about furries or the furry fandom? 

                                                              For those who don’t know, furries are people interested in cartoons or anthropomorphic animals. Furries closely relate to the furry animals’ traits, features, and other unique attributes.

                                                              Furry fandom is more like a subculture that brings people of the same interests together.

                                                              Their belief and devotion to the culture are so strong that they often create their own fursonas and fursuits and closely identify with these animals.

                                                              What Are Memes?

                                                              You might think the culture of memes started after the advent of the internet, but that’s not the case at all.

                                                              It may come as a surprise, but memes have always been part of societies and have helped people uplift one another and view life ironically or on a lighter note for years!

                                                              Memes are also heavily trending on the internet today, and most of us have actively been part of it in one way or another.

                                                              A meme may be a phrase, an image, a GIF, or a video shared across social media as is or with slight alteration. Content-wise, it can be about events, everyday life, cultures, etc.

                                                              You can judge a new meme’s impact or how ‘good’ it is based on the speed at which it spreads and, of course, the content. It is bound to get popular if it has something others can relate to or simply gives the audience a break from the real world.

                                                              Another thing is that a good meme captures our situation or life, giving it a humorous perspective, and it gives you all that in just a matter of seconds!

                                                              So it’s easy to understand, relate to, and laugh at in just a glance.

                                                              Good memes are catchy, relatable, and attention-gaining, which makes them fun, easy to remember, and shareable. They often also contain cultural references from movies, songs, TV shows, etc.

                                                              Here are some of the key areas the meme may revolve around:

                                                              • Entertainment
                                                              • Ideas or behaviors
                                                              • Humor
                                                              • Emotions
                                                              • Analogies
                                                              • Cultural references
                                                              • Shared experiences

                                                              Example of a Furry Meme from Reddit

                                                              Image via Reddit

                                                              What Makes A Meme A Furry Meme?

                                                              As we know, furries share a mutual interest in anthropomorphic animals. They often identify with their traits and create their own identities or fursonas around their favorite animals, like dragons, horses, wolves, etc.

                                                              Over time, furries have created their communities, and today, they are present all over the globe and even hold community gatherings where they meet with fellow furries and bond with them.

                                                              Ever since furry fandom gained fame and spread its wings globally, there’s also been a sudden increase in furry memes. So, just like other communities, the furries too share memes, especially those that conform to their unique interests.

                                                              Thanks to the internet, their popularity is ever-increasing, negatively as well as positively influencing furry fandom all around the globe.

                                                              Most of these memes are meant for furries to laugh along with their fellows, but there are still a few made solely to mock them.

                                                              A furry meme, hence, is a meme that features a particular character, reference, or theme that concerns furry fandom.

                                                              Here are some of the essential elements of a furry meme:

                                                              It Features Anthropomorphism

                                                              A furry meme includes animals exhibiting traits like us. For example, animals that talk or walk on two legs instead of four, those wearing attire, or displaying thoughts and emotions.

                                                              It May Include Famous Furry Characters

                                                              Did you know a few specific characters are known to belong and, at times, even represent the furry community? When a meme features these animals, it’s a clear indication that the meme is, in fact, a furry meme.

                                                              Most furries identify themselves as dragons, canine, and feline species.

                                                              But some also create unique mixed identities for themselves, like “Cabbit” (a mix between a cat and a rabbit) or a “folf” (a combination of a fox and a wolf). So, a furry meme may feature these characters.

                                                              Many of these animals or sketches of furries are crafted by renowned artists from the furry community themselves.

                                                              A Furry Meme Has Inside Furry Jokes

                                                              When a meme includes a reference or humor attributable to furry fandom, it’s called a furry meme.

                                                              It may also include an incident based on a convention, the style of a furry character, or anything the furries can relate to.

                                                              Then, there are specific artworks the meme may refer to. These are specific to the fury artists and hence fall under the category of furry memes.

                                                              It is Posted on Furry Communities

                                                              A furry meme may be shared and even circulated from a furry community. The members of the fandom will relate strongly to it.

                                                              It may also include terminologies or jokes only those belonging to the community can understand.

                                                              From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

                                                              .blog-banner-button{ background: transparent; border-radius: 6px 0px 6px 6px; border: none; padding: 16px 28px; position: relative; cursor: pointer; margin-top: 0px; font-family: 'Lato'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; font-size: 14px; line-height: 140%; align-items: center; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: #1D022E; border: 1px solid #1D022E; width:100%; max-width:200px; } .black-point{ position: absolute; width: 16px; height: 16px; top: 0px; right: 0; background: #1D022E; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 12px; } .blog-banner-button:hover{ background:#1D022E; color:white; transition: 1s cubic-bezier(0.57, -0.43, 0.37, 1.1); } .banner-flex{ display:flex; align-items:center; max-width:450px; width:100%; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; justify-content:space-between; } .banner-p{ color: #1D022E; text-align: center; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; line-height: 140%; /* 19.6px */ text-transform: uppercase; } @media (max-width:540px){ .banner-flex{ flex-direction:column; } .banner-p{ margin-top:8px; margin-bottom:8px; } .blog-banner-button{ max-width:287px; width:100%; padding:12px 20px; } .banner-flex a{ max-width:287px; width:100%; } } Build my fursuit OR Draw My Fursona Are Furries Just A Meme?

                                                              Ask any furry, and they’ll tell you furries are not a joke, a trend, or a fad. Likewise, they aren’t and cannot be confined to memes or jokes only.

                                                              Being a furry is a lifestyle for those belonging to the community.

                                                              The fans have a very strong interest in animals with human-like characteristics. In fact, the association is so solid that they closely identify as those characters.

                                                              In other words, their ideology goes beyond just memes.

                                                              They create and auction their furry artwork, participate in social conventions, build online communities, and enjoy roleplaying and listening to or writing about stories of their favorite characters while resonating with them.

                                                              It’s a whole community or subculture with a long history. So, while someone outside the fandom may view them as memes or humor, that’s not even the tip of the iceberg for them.

                                                              How Furry Memes Help Build the Community

                                                              Furries share common interests and relate to one another. That leads to their affiliation with other furries and helps them build a community together.

                                                              Here are some of the things furries do to build a strong bond with one another.

                                                              • They invite other furries as they can relate to the jokes, experiences, and inferences.
                                                              • They share memes and other furry content, giving a unique identity to the furry culture.
                                                              • Furry fandom has shared beliefs and experiences often expressed as furry memes.
                                                              • Since memes are a way to express inner thoughts, irony, and humor on a light note, furries create and share these memes.
                                                              • Furry memes also work as a way to expand the community, introducing the concept to a broader audience.
                                                              • Furries also invite discussions and probe into debates that lead to daily reflections on life and the fandom.

                                                              Another Furry Meme

                                                              Image via Reddit

                                                              Where Can I Find Furry Memes?

                                                              Memes are ever present all around us in today’s digital age. Wherever there’s a transfer of information or content sharing, you’ll find memes circulating the web.

                                                              You can easily find furry memes on various social media platforms, meme sites, and online forums. That means you will likely find content and furry memes in all those places where the furries congregate and gather.

                                                              The most common avenues for sharing (and finding) memes include the following.

                                                              • Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, etc.
                                                              • Messaging Applications: WhatsApp, Telegram, Discord, etc.
                                                              • Communities: Tumblr, Reddit, etc.
                                                              • Others: Online forums, image-sharing sites, discussion boards, etc.

                                                              Here are the top places to check out to find unique and funny furry memes.


                                                              Reddit is a renowned network of communities. It has people belonging to and associating with different communities, including the furry fandom. 

                                                              Here, you’ll find furry memes on specific subreddits dedicated to furry memes, like r/furry and r/FurryMemeTime.


                                                              The top social networking site, Twitter, hosts many furries and fandom accounts. The site has over 237.8 million daily active users, per the latest statistics.

                                                              You can quickly look up the furry memes on Twitter using #FurryMemes as your hashtag. You may also follow accounts that regularly post content on furries and find furry memes there.


                                                              Instagram is a haven for photographers, influencers, and even bloggers. The platform allows people to upload and share videos, pictures, and images with others, connecting with them via likes, comments, and direct messages.

                                                              Many furry artists share memes and artwork on the platform using furry hashtags.


                                                              It is the largest social media platform today, with over 2.06 billion active daily users. 

                                                              Since its founding years (2004), people have been actively using Facebook to create their profiles, connect with friends and family, share content, and create pages and groups.

                                                              You’ll find many Facebook groups created by furry fans. Many often share memes relevant to the community in these groups or pages.


                                                              YouTube is the largest platform for uploading, viewing, and video sharing. Users can also like/dislike videos, subscribe to different channels, and comment with their thoughts on the platform.

                                                              Although YouTube is specifically for videos, the place is a favorite for many furry content creators. They create and share humorous videos or shorts based on furries, adding to the collection of furry memes.


                                                              Another great platform for unique personalized content is, of course, TikTok. 

                                                              Since it allows users to upload short videos only (maximum length being 10 minutes), it is another excellent avenue for exploring and sharing furry memes and humor.


                                                              More of a microblogging platform, Tumblr is another popular place for sharing GIFs, images, text, and videos. 

                                                              Furries registered on Tumblr often post memes and content relevant to the community.

                                                              Furry Forums and Websites

                                                              Then, there are websites and forums dedicated to the fandom. For instance, you can look up websites like

                                                              You’ll find content, artwork, and even specific sections for the furry memes here.


                                                              Since we are looking for memes here, 9GAG is a must-check-out. The place features as the largest meme community online; you’ll find a vast collection of furry memes here and can add unique and relatable memes to your collection.


                                                              Artists in the furry community regularly post memes and related images on DeviantArt as well.

                                                              Furry Conventions

                                                              Many furry conventions have online communities and forums with threads featuring furry memes. Some of them even have specific sections for humor and furry memes.

                                                              Telegram Sticker Packs

                                                              There’s also a messaging app called Telegram, which is common amongst avid furries. You can use the app to create unique sticker packs and memes on Telegram channels and groups.

                                                              Furry Websites

                                                              The furry community also uses some dedicated furry websites to share their memes and content.

                                                              Such as

                                                              • Furry Memes
                                                              • FurRag

                                                              These websites combine and feature furry memes and other humorous content.

                                                              Furry Discord Servers

                                                              You can join Furry-themed discord servers, connect with furry fans, and find memes shared on the channel as well.

                                                              Less Common Avenues to Lookup Furry Memes

                                                              Then, there are some less common or known places to find furry memes. These include the following.


                                                              Some imageboard websites, like 4chan, have specific subsections for furries-related content and memes.


                                                              Many furry creators also host podcasts and live streaming. They often share humorous jokes and memes on air to keep the audience interested. 

                                                              You can find these podcasts on YouTube and Twitch.

                                                              Furry Apps

                                                              Many mobile apps have been created explicitly for the furry community and have meme-sharing options and features.

                                                              You can also look up threads on apps like Fur Affinity and FurryLife Online, where members often share GIFs and comments that count as furry memes. You can find these apps on the Play Store or Apple Store.

                                                              One point to note here is that furry communities keep changing and evolving with time. So, never mock or start a negative conversation on these platforms.

                                                              You need to stick to the rules and respect the different opinions, thoughts, and feelings of all those belonging to these communities, especially if you wish to find quality content.

                                                              One More Furry Meme From Reddit

                                                              Image via Reddit

                                                              Wrap Up

                                                              There’s no preset format or rule for classifying memes or, precisely, furry memes. But some characteristics, like those memes featuring anthropomorphic characters or animals, can be distinguished as furry memes.

                                                              They may even combine images and text with puns or include humor-intended phrases.

                                                              Furry Memes have been part of the furry fandom for decades. Since the community is alive and ever-creative, the memes will likely keep coming and being shared across the board, firmly binding the furry subculture.

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                                                              Xege Kheiru

                                                              Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

                                                              Share Post

                                                              The post What Are Furry Memes And Where Can You Find Them? appeared first on Fursonafy.

                                                              Categories: News

                                                              What Is Furry Transformation?

                                                              Mon 14 Aug 2023 - 06:36

                                                              1. What Is A Furry?
                                                              2. What Is Furry Art?
                                                              3. What’s A Fursona?
                                                              4. Then What’s A Furry Transformation?
                                                              5. Is It Similar To Shapeshifting?
                                                              6. Where Can I Find Furry Transformation Art?
                                                              7. How Do I Commission Furry Transformation Art?
                                                              Article Content What Is A Furry?

                                                              A furry, in its simplest form, is someone who is interested in anthropomorphic animal characters. There are thousands of different sub-categories and sub-fandoms within the furry fandom but the one thing that they all have in common is their shared interest in anthropomorphic (typically cartoon) animal characters. 


                                                              We understand that there are a lot of negative connotations surrounding the furry fandom and a lot of the time it comes down to complete misconceptions about what it means to be a furry. Whether or not this is a case of weaponized ignorance or just an innocent misunderstanding is beside the point, the point is that people have the completely wrong idea about the furry fandom and will likely be even more confused when discovering what furry transformation is.

                                                              Being a furry does not mean you want to have a sexual relationship with an animal. It does not mean you want to be an animal despite what fake news reports about litter boxes being implemented in schools may lead you to believe. It does not mean your pronouns are fur/furself. These are all just gross misrepresentations of what the furry fandom is. 


                                                              So in this article, we’ll not only help you understand what a furry transformation is but also clear up the air on any rumors about the furry fandom.

                                                              What Is Furry Art?

                                                              Furry art describes art that depicts any sort of anthropomorphic animal. This would technically make movies like Zootopia full-length, Pixar-made furry movies which to an extent they are as they tick all the boxes but there is more of a culture to it. When something is referred to as furry art, it was likely made with the intention of being labeled furry art. By this I mean, the majority of the stuff that will come up when you search “furry art” are pictures of people’s fursonas.

                                                              Example of Furry Transformation Art

                                                              Image via DeviantArt

                                                              What’s A Fursona?

                                                              A fursona is a furry characterization of a person. A person’s fursona doesn’t necessarily have to resemble them (but if it does this is known as a truesona), it can be a complete binary opposite of who they are. Fursonas are just fictional animal characters, some people like to liken themselves to their fursona whether that be in the way they dress, their behavior, or their hobbies, however, this is not for everyone. 


                                                              The point stands however that there is a difference between actual furry art made by furries for furries and art that happens to tick all the boxes of being classified as furry art and that difference is the target audience. This is not to imply that the furry fandom rejects all mainstream furry content, quite the opposite is true, there is actually always love for it as it gives the fandom some exposure, but there is just a difference between mainstream furry content and furry content made by furries.

                                                              From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

                                                              .blog-banner-button{ background: transparent; border-radius: 6px 0px 6px 6px; border: none; padding: 16px 28px; position: relative; cursor: pointer; margin-top: 0px; font-family: 'Lato'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; font-size: 14px; line-height: 140%; align-items: center; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: #1D022E; border: 1px solid #1D022E; width:100%; max-width:200px; } .black-point{ position: absolute; width: 16px; height: 16px; top: 0px; right: 0; background: #1D022E; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 12px; } .blog-banner-button:hover{ background:#1D022E; color:white; transition: 1s cubic-bezier(0.57, -0.43, 0.37, 1.1); } .banner-flex{ display:flex; align-items:center; max-width:450px; width:100%; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; justify-content:space-between; } .banner-p{ color: #1D022E; text-align: center; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; line-height: 140%; /* 19.6px */ text-transform: uppercase; } @media (max-width:540px){ .banner-flex{ flex-direction:column; } .banner-p{ margin-top:8px; margin-bottom:8px; } .blog-banner-button{ max-width:287px; width:100%; padding:12px 20px; } .banner-flex a{ max-width:287px; width:100%; } } Build my fursuit OR Draw My Fursona Then, What’s A Furry Transformation?

                                                              You might be wondering what any of this has to do with what a furry transformation is but not to worry there is a tie-in. Furry transformation is a type of furry art. It refers to furry art that depicts a human person progressively turning into an animal. This is usually shown through stages. At the first stage, they will be a perfectly normal human person then in the next stage they might have a tail and cat-like ears and by the final stage, they will have completely transformed into the animal sometimes keeping their human clothes. This isn’t an exact science so of course it changes from artist to artist but that is the general idea. Sometimes people will illustrate themselves transforming into their fursona other times it is just a random person turning into a fursona.

                                                              Is It Similar To Shapeshifting?

                                                              A lot of people would compare this to shapeshifting which is a trait that a lot of people give their fursonas meaning they can switch forms from animal to person to other animals. Characters like these are known as polymorphs within fantasy fandoms and can be seen a lot throughout furry fan fiction and furry culture in general. So, in short, shapeshifting is actually just a form of furry transformation. However, when the word “shapeshifting” or “transformation” is used in the context of the furry fandom it usually refers to a person turning into an animal or an animal turning into a person, as opposed to an animal turning into another animal like Druids from fantasy fandoms.

                                                              More Furry Transformation Art

                                                              Image via Furry Amino

                                                              Where Can I Find Furry Transformation Art?

                                                              We’ll admit furry transformation art is pretty niche so you might have a fairly difficult time finding some but there are definitely a few places you should look whether you are just browsing for fun or you need some inspiration.


                                                              If you are looking for any sort of furry art regardless of how niche it may be Furaffinity should pretty much be your go-to every time. It is and has been the hub of all furry art for several years now and it doesn’t look like this is set to change. So, if you’re interested in finding furry transformation art, or any furry art for that matter you should definitely check out Furaffinity


                                                              This is another super popular site for furries looking to publish their artwork. Albeit it is nowhere near as popular as Furaffinity but it’s definitely worth checking out if you’re struggling to find the art you’re looking for.

                                                              How Do I Commission Furry Transformation Art?

                                                              If you’ve checked out some furry transformation art and are interested in getting your very own piece commissioned then it’s worth mentioning a few things. For one, you’re going to struggle to find artists advertising “furry transformation commissioning” as it’s such a specific type of art that it’s not even worth advertising. So, when looking to commission art like this, it’s more than likely you’d have to double-check with the artist first if they are even able to pull something like that off. Lucky for you, the furry community, for the most part, is really friendly and with the right artist, they’d be more than happy to help you bring your artistic vision to life. In fact, if you put in a request for a reference sheet with us and specify that you’d like furry transformation art, our artists would be more than happy to help.

                                                              .author_intro_main{ display:flex; max-width: 100%; background-color: #F5F5F5; padding: 15px; border: 1px solid #ccc; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; } .author_intro_img{ margin: 0 10px 10px 0; } .author_intro_img img{ border: 1px solid #D8D8D8; border-radius: 50%; max-width: 500px; width: 150px; height: 150px; } .author_intro_details{ max-width: 100%; margin:0px; padding:0px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; font-family: 'Lato'; } .author_intro_label{ padding-bottom:6px; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; color: #ffa500; } .author_intro_name{ font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; padding-bottom:10px; color: #454349 !important; } .about_author_intro{ color: #454349 !important; } @media(max-width:1024px){ .author_intro_main{ max-width: 638px; } } @media(max-width:540px){ .author_intro_main{ align-items: flex-start; flex-direction: column; } } author image


                                                              Xege Kheiru

                                                              Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

                                                              Share Post

                                                              The post What Is Furry Transformation? appeared first on Fursonafy.

                                                              Categories: News

                                                              Fursuit Eye Mesh: Everything You Need To Know

                                                              Mon 17 Jul 2023 - 04:50

                                                              1. What Is Fursuit Eye Mesh?
                                                              2. Can I Use Any Mesh To Make My Fursuit Eyes?
                                                              3. Are There Any Good Substitutes For This Mesh?
                                                              4. Where Can I Buy Mesh For My Fursuits?
                                                              5. How Do You Paint On To The Eye Mesh?
                                                              6. Conclusion
                                                              Article Content What Is Fursuit Eye Mesh?

                                                              As the name implies, fursuit eye mesh is the fabric that is used to make the eyes of a fursuit. It is often a relatively thin material so that it can be printed on easily while still allowing the wearer to see through it. This is because mesh has thousands of tiny holes in it that allow light to pass through. The more tightly woven a piece of mesh is, the fewer holes there are and therefore the harder it is to see through it. Not all fursuits have mesh eyes and you’ll most often see this mesh in more toony suits than anything but it’s not exclusive to them. It can also be used in realistic heads, kemono heads, and more. Because the eyes are just made with a thin fabric, it’s quite easy to glue them onto the head of the suit and there are a million tutorials you can find out there on how you can install them easily so there should be no issue if you are trying to make your own fursuit.

                                                              Can I Use Any Mesh To Make My Fursuit’s Eyes?

                                                              So, as for the specifics of the mesh you want to use this is where things can get a little tricky. You don’t want to use just any old mesh because it might not give you enough vision or ink might struggle to take to it so you should be a bit more meticulous about choosing the right mesh for your fursuit. Lucky for you, we’re here to help.

                                                              If you’ve read up a little bit on fursuit eye mesh then you’ve probably had this suggested to you a million times already but, Buckram mesh fabric is your best bet for fursuit eyes. This mesh really is just the jack of all trades. It’s affordable, only costing about $3.99 for a square foot of mesh, it’s easy to work with in terms of painting or inking designed onto the mesh and it’s see-through enough that your vision won’t be massively impaired but just opaque enough that people can appreciate the designs you put on to it. 


                                                              Of course, it’s not the be-all and end-all if you’re unable to get your hands on some Buckram mesh fabric it’s just what we suggest. There are plenty of equally useful alternatives to this mesh which you can find below.

                                                              High Visibility Mesh vs Standard Mesh 

                                                              Image via Twitter

                                                              Are There Any Good Substitutes For This Mesh?

                                                              To start, vinyl eye mesh is another great alternative to Buckram. It’s almost just as easy to work with, you can paint onto it nicely, and it’s not too hard to cut. The only problem we find with vinyl mesh is it is slightly harder to see through because it’s a bit more tightly woven than buckram fabric. However, this isn’t a massive inconvenience as you can still get by with the visibility it offers.

                                                              Apart from PVC (vinyl) however, there aren’t many alternatives you’ll find. A lot of the mesh you will find will either be PVC or buckram-based mesh as they are just the most commonplace fabric mesh. 

                                                              However, be warned, all mesh comes with its pros and cons, even buckram. For one, some have complained that buckram mesh fabric often warps and weakens a little too easily with time even if it is better for painting. While on the other hand, more PVC-based mesh often clogs with paint a lot easier thus reducing visibility. As well as this they can often make designs look a little “pixelated” if drawn with a marker pen.

                                                              From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

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                                                              If you’re reading this article because you’re looking to make eyes for your own fursuit but you’re not entirely sure where to buy supplies from, not to worry, we’ll cover your options.


                                                              It might sound like a bit of a no-brainer but Amazon really is the marketplace for everything and anything. You can buy yourself any color mesh in varying different sizes and even mesh that is pre-cut into circles for you. Plus, you can get all of this for less than $10. So, if you’re looking for the most convenient place to buy mesh for your fursuit eyes and a lot of the other supplies for your fursuit to be frank, Amazon is probably your safest bet.


                                                              However, if you don’t want to put more money into Bezos’ pockets and instead want to support the furry community, you can buy from the furry-run platform As you could imagine, they are a bit more in touch with the needs of furries, and their site is dedicated solely to helping fellow furries make their own fursuits and they are relatively affordable. They also offer neat little cosmetics like LED light-up collars and custom-made ones. 




                                                              Another way of supporting the furry community and knowing exactly whose pockets your money is going into is ordering supplies through Etsy. Etsy has a surprisingly big furry and fursuiting community on it. You can buy everything from full fursuits to foam bases and there’s no shortage of supplies either.

                                                              How Do You Paint On To The Eye Mesh?

                                                              Given that mesh has so many tiny holes you might think that it would be challenging to paint on but it’s actually far from it. This will be a brief guide on how to paint your fursuit eyes but there are plenty of extensive guides out there that will cover a lot more than this article. Firstly, if you’re going to use paint from a bottle (as opposed to paint pens or spray paint) we strongly suggest using high-quality acrylic paint. We’ve found that this is just the easiest to layer onto the mesh and the paint that takes to the mesh the best.

                                                              Once you’ve got your paint you’re going to want to apply a thin layer of the patterns and colors you want. Let this dry and apply another thin layer. The reason you want to keep these layers relatively thin is thicker layers can cause small globs of paint to clog the holes of the mesh and therefore affect the transparency of the mesh. Another way of avoiding clogging is by using a sponge, or piece of foam to lightly dab onto the as opposed to a brush as it allows you to use your discretion a little better. Keep on applying the layers of paint until your design is clearly visible and hey presto! You have just painted your very first pair of fursuit eyes.

                                                              Some alternatives to acrylic paint that we’ve seen people have success with are paint pens, felt-tip pens, spray paint, and markers. We know acrylic paint, especially the high-quality stuff, can be pretty expensive so any of these are great options as well.

                                                              Fursuit Eyes

                                                              Image via Pinterest


                                                              So, to wrap things up, if you are looking to make eyes for your own fursuit and are unsure where to even start we recommend first picking a material to make the eyes out of. Our suggestion would be buckram mesh fabric but any of the alternatives mentioned below would also work. For the best quality and affordability, any of the aforementioned stores are a great option to get not just eye mesh but most fursuit supplies. Then when it comes to painting your eyes remember to watch a tutorial on it beforehand as although we’ve given you a brief rundown on how you should go about painting it, our word isn’t gospel and there are plenty of tips and tricks you can pick up from several talented fursuit makers out there.

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                                                              The post Fursuit Eye Mesh: Everything You Need To Know appeared first on Fursonafy.

                                                              Categories: News

                                                              How Furries Have Found A Place In The Second Life Community

                                                              Mon 19 Jun 2023 - 03:40

                                                              1. Introduction
                                                              2. What Is Second Life?
                                                              3. Why Is Second Life So Great For Furries?
                                                              4. Aren’t There Alternatives To Second Life?
                                                              5. Is Second Life Still Popular?
                                                              6. Is It Safe From Trolls & Raiding
                                                              7. Conclusion
                                                              Article Content Introduction

                                                              If you aren’t already aware, furries are subject to quite a bit of hate on the internet and it can often be difficult as a furry to find a safe space to talk to other furries without the sneaking suspicion that someone is waiting to harass you. However, one community for the past two decades has been providing a safe haven for furries looking to meet other furries and it’s known as Second Life.

                                                              In this article, we speak to Keenan Linden, a member of the furry sub-community within Second Life for the past 16 years, for a better insight into how it all works.

                                                              What Is Second Life?

                                                              In its most simple form, Second Life is a multi-media platform that allows users to create an avatar and interact with other users and user-created content within the world. It was initially designed in the early 2000s as a means of completely immersing people in a virtual world. You have to remember that this was at a time when playing things online or even interacting with people online was significantly less of a commodity than it is today. The reason the term “game” isn’t often used to describe it is that it doesn’t really have any objective. Many people liken it to MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games) but Linden Labs themselves (the creators of the software) insist that it is not a game and that “there is no manufactured conflict, no set objective”. It was created with the sole intention of allowing users to personalize an avatar and interact with people within the world as said avatar. So, let’s see why this is such a useful tool for the furry community.

                                                              Screenshot of Second Life

                                                              Image via IEEE Spectrum

                                                              Why Is Second Life So Great For Furries?

                                                              When asked what some of the benefits are of Second Life for a furry Keenan explained that “Second Life has a robust set of tools for customizing how you look within the virtual world. This is critical for me as a furry as it lets me be whatever I wish to be”. As you might already know, personalization is something that is super important to the furry community. A lot of the foundation of the furry community is built on individuality whether that be through fursonas or fursuits etc. Keenan goes on to explain that “… you don’t have to start from scratch. There are plenty of furry bodies and heads that can be customized”. Another thing that makes Second Life so appealing to the furry community is its emphasis on easy customization. When one of the core mechanics of the software is designing your avatar you could probably imagine that it has to work pretty smoothly and this is what lends the platform so well to the furry community. It doesn’t just allow furries to customize themselves as they want, but it allows them to do it intuitively. 

                                                              We asked Keenan what made the customisation so much better than other platforms similar to Second Life and he explained that “Second Life’s marketplace and built-in 3D modeling tools allow you to quickly tweak and customize yourself in-world”.

                                                              From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

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                                                              As you might already know, although Second Life may have been the pioneer in creating a virtual world, there have been many successful community-building tools since that have really knocked out of the park for the furry community, namely Discord. Discord offers infinite tools for community building whether that be for voice channels, sharing art, community activities, moderation, and personalization. Keenan however argues that “Second Life is a virtual world that definitely lends itself to more options for interactions. Discord may have activities now, but in Second Life, you and your friends can tour many places creators have built, participate in amazing games or just hang out somewhere to chill and chat”. 

                                                              Another alternative to Second Life that you may have heard of is VRChat. It offers a very similar experience in terms of being able to tour different player-build locations and create your own avatar so we figured we’d ask Keenan his thoughts on it as a community for furries compared to Second Life. He claimed that he’s been in the VRChat furry community for about 2 years (a fraction of the time he has spent in the Second Life furry community) and that “VRChat has fairly good performance on various machines, and the graphics are fairly nice. This comes at a cost, however, which is that customizing your avatar or creating a world in VRChat can be a bit more involved than Second Life.” He goes on to say that “Both could be more intuitive to new users, but the fact that you can do that live editing in Second Life (to your avatar) is a win to me”.

                                                              Is Second Life Still Popular?

                                                              Given that it’s been around 20 years since the release of Second Life it’s worth checking out how popular the game still is especially amongst furries. We asked Keenan about the furry community in Second Life and whether or not he thought it was growing to which he responded “It’s hard for me to say as I generally hang out with a small group of friends these days, but I feel it’s decently sized. I think there is potential for growth as well, especially with more furry-related marketing.” And it’s true, Second Life doesn’t really angle their marketing toward the furry community specifically, it just so happens that Second Life ticks all the boxes for a furry community to inhabit. However, Second Life has around 750K active monthly users but they saw a massive spike in players amidst the pandemic in 2020 where it shot up to nearly 1 million.

                                                              Another Screenshot From Second Life

                                                              Image via BBC

                                                              Is It Safe From Trolls and Raiding?

                                                              One of the main selling points of Second Life for furries is how it deals with people who can’t be bothered for trolling and harassment. This is done through the use of what is known as regions and parcels. “A region is an island that one can buy, whereas a parcel is a piece of land either in a region or on the mainland which is run by Linden Lab”. These regions and parcels can be made private so that only specific members may join them and this works wonders for the furry community. “Obviously, it is not without its fair share of trolls, especially in more public spaces, but the owners and moderators of those spaces have the tools needed to take care of the problem” Keenan goes on to explain. 

                                                              We then wanted to get an idea of how it compares to the furry community in VRChat in terms of its ability to deal with trolls to which Keenan answered “I’ve seen some of the community, but I haven’t participated in it directly. I feel that VRChat as a whole has a higher degree of toxicity in public spaces. I have yet to go somewhere public and not be harassed by someone”. He goes on to describe how most of his time spent on VRChat is in private worlds with his friends, free from the harassment of strangers in the game. He goes on to explain that “That’s not a reflection of the furry community on VRChat, but it does make it hard for me to socialize with other furries in those public spaces.”

                                                              Furries operating in public spaces is an issue that seems to be equally as present across all platforms but Second Life seems to give furries the greatest tools to deal with trolls effectively.

                                                              Screenshot Of A Second Life Raid

                                                              Image via Reddit


                                                              After our conversation with Keenan, it became clear that Second Life is a platform that a lot of furries find truly useful. It allows for self-expression, exploration, creativity, provides the best tools to deal with trolling, and has an already thriving community. It’s very likely that if you’re a furry, Second Life completely flew under your radar like it did ours but it’s obvious that there is something special here for the furry community and we can only hope that it continues to grow and improve.

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                                                              The post How Furries Have Found A Place In The Second Life Community appeared first on Fursonafy.

                                                              Categories: News

                                                              What Is Furry IRL?

                                                              Tue 30 May 2023 - 05:32

                                                              Article Content

                                                              1. Introduction
                                                              2. What Are Subreddits?
                                                              3. What Is Furry IRL?
                                                              4. How Can Furries Use Furry IRL?
                                                              5. What Kind Of Memes Can You Find In Furry IRL?
                                                              6. Tips For Making Furry Memes And Comics
                                                              7. Which Other Subreddits Can Furries Follow?
                                                              8. How To Use Subreddits Safely
                                                              9. Conclusion

                                                              Did you just embrace furryhood? Congratulations. 

                                                              It’s time to get in touch with some fellow furries. 

                                                              The world has now become a global village – quite literally. You can now connect with others who have similar interests and hobbies, virtually. 

                                                              Reddit (you may have heard of it) is a website where users may join subreddits that concentrate on particular subjects or themes. For furries just looking for a laugh or to share one of their own memes, subreddits like  r/furry_irl exist, so what is it?

                                                              What are Subreddits?

                                                              If you don’t already know what Reddit is, it is one of the most used sites in the world and can be used for a pretty wide variety of things. From memes, to discussion threads, to some more explicit after-dark content, Reddit does it all. Users discuss nearly anything, from politics and news to interests and hobbies. 

                                                              Reddit is distributed into categories called subreddits which allow users to quickly and easily find the niche they are looking for. These subreddits are equivalent to mini-forums or groups, each concentrating on a particular subject or theme. 

                                                              Subreddits can cover various topics and are established and regulated by normal individuals like you and me. Subreddits exist for mainstream news, entertainment, and even some specialized interests.

                                                              Members can comment, post, and share links related to the subject under each subreddit’s rules and regulations. The relevance or interest of these postings is then determined by the upvotes or downvotes received from other users. 

                                                              Thanks to subreddits, it has never been easier to find people around the globe with the same hyper-specific interest as you. 

                                                              Joining a subreddit that matches your interest will allow you to share your experiences and receive assistance with specific problems. Speaking of hyper-specific interests, you can find r/furry_irl, a community for furries to share their experiences and interests.

                                                              Example of how subreddits work 

                                                              Image via NewsWhip

                                                              What Is Furry IRL? 

                                                              Furry IRL is a subreddit where members of the furry community can post exclusively light-hearted or funny furry content. Although members occasionally discuss other topics too, Furry IRL is predominantly a place for furries to share memes and comics. 

                                                              Furry memes are a genre of their own. While some of them poke fun at the subculture itself, others use anthropomorphic animals in an ironic or funny way to comment on current events and human behavior.

                                                              The furry meme community has grown significantly in recent years, especially on platforms like Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter. But Reddit remains the favorite due to its larger user base and its organized layout.

                                                              In terms of structure or humour, Furry IRL is supposed to parody the popular subreddit MeIRL which is a subreddit dedicated to specifically relatable memes.

                                                              From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

                                                              .blog-banner-button{ background: transparent; border-radius: 6px 0px 6px 6px; border: none; padding: 16px 28px; position: relative; cursor: pointer; margin-top: 0px; font-family: 'Lato'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; font-size: 14px; line-height: 140%; align-items: center; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: #1D022E; border: 1px solid #1D022E; width:100%; max-width:200px; } .black-point{ position: absolute; width: 16px; height: 16px; top: 0px; right: 0; background: #1D022E; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 12px; } .blog-banner-button:hover{ background:#1D022E; color:white; transition: 1s cubic-bezier(0.57, -0.43, 0.37, 1.1); } .banner-flex{ display:flex; align-items:center; max-width:450px; width:100%; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; justify-content:space-between; } .banner-p{ color: #1D022E; text-align: center; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; line-height: 140%; /* 19.6px */ text-transform: uppercase; } @media (max-width:540px){ .banner-flex{ flex-direction:column; } .banner-p{ margin-top:8px; margin-bottom:8px; } .blog-banner-button{ max-width:287px; width:100%; padding:12px 20px; } .banner-flex a{ max-width:287px; width:100%; } } Build my fursuit OR Draw My Fursona How Can Furries Use Furry IRL?

                                                              Reddit has become a massive platform for people to connect from all across the world. The forum got over 1.7 billion visits in May 2022, making it one of the most popular sites in the world.

                                                              So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that you can use Furry IRL in many ways. Here are some of them.

                                                              Connect With Other Furries Through Humor 

                                                              If you’ve recently come out as a furry, it can be hard to navigate everything on your own. Maybe you don’t have furries around you. Or, you might not know where to find furries in your area to hang out with.

                                                              Furry IRL can be your connection to other furries. Since it’s online, you won’t have to incur travel costs to meet fellow furries. Plus, being a part of the subreddit will give you a sense of community.

                                                              You can share memes you find online or simply make your own. If you’re a comic lover, you might even go to Canva to create some furry-related comics.

                                                              Share Your Comics

                                                              Have you been creating furry comics lately? Do you have no one to share them with?

                                                              Worry not; Furry IRL is just the place for you. Many people share self-made memes and comics on the subreddit. 

                                                              Who knows, you might find a community that’s interested in your humor and art style. 

                                                              Learn About the Furry Norms

                                                              New furries are often in the dark about how to conduct themselves in the fandom. Furry IRL can be a great place to learn about all the norms and conventions that furries follow and observe.

                                                              Let’s say you’ve never been to a furry convention before, but you’re planning to go to one soon. You might be unsure about what to wear, how to behave, and what to expect.

                                                              Your buddies in the Furry IRL could guide you.

                                                              Have a Safe Space to Explore Your Identity

                                                              Furry IRL is a furry family. You can explore your identity and have fun without worrying about judgment or being ostracized. Everyone in the community has the same interests as you, so it shouldn’t be hard to find someone who shares the same definition of ‘funny’ as you.

                                                              What Kind of Memes Can You Find In Furry IRL?

                                                              You can find many kinds of memes in Furry IRL. Here are some common types.

                                                              Cute and Wholesome

                                                              These memes are meant to be cute and heartwarming. They’re just the way to brighten your day or get a smile on your face.

                                                              For example, here’s a wholesome comic about two furries in love. These memes and comics are generally harmless and always positive.


                                                              Humorous memes use furry characters to create a funny scenario or poke fun at pop culture. These memes may include references to popular trends or memes. They may also be parodies or puns.

                                                              Reaction Memes

                                                              Think of these as furry-fied reaction GIFs. They show a character’s expressions or reactions to situations, often in funny ways.

                                                              You might need to keep up with popular pop culture trends to understand these memes. But if you’re struggling to get what they mean, we’d advise looking through the comment section.

                                                              TikTok Videos

                                                              With the recent increase in TikTok use, TikTok videos have been surfacing on all other social media platforms, including Reddit. You’ll find plenty of funny furry-related TikTok videos on Furry IRL. 

                                                              These videos can help you find more funny content. All you have to do is follow the creator or the furry hashtag they’re using on TikTok to get similar content.

                                                              Example Of Furry IRL Post

                                                              Image via Reddit

                                                              Tips for Making Furry Memes and Comics

                                                              If you want to share self-made memes in Furry IRL, here are some tips to help you rack up those comments.

                                                              • Keep It Simple: This is especially important if you’re making a comic with multiple panels. Try not to add too much detail or complicated art styles because it can be overwhelming and detract from the message you are trying to get across.
                                                              • Use High-Res Images: They don’t necessarily have to be cinema-quality. But they shouldn’t be pixelated or unreadable, either.
                                                              • Be Creative: Give your imagination a nudge. If a pop culture trend has been going around, hop on the bandwagon, but take a furry approach.
                                                              • Be Respectful: Do not hurt anyone’s sentiments when making furry memes or comics. Avoid using derogatory terms or offensive language.
                                                              • Get Feedback: If you’ve got a furry buddy, get feedback from them before sharing your meme on the subreddit. They might give some helpful input.

                                                              When scouring for ideas, you can check out some other furry-related subreddits. We’ve got a list for you below.

                                                              Another Post From Furry IRL

                                                              Image via Reddit

                                                              Which Other Subreddits Can Furries Follow?

                                                              While Furry IRL is a good subreddit, it’s not the only one. You might want to follow other meme-filled subreddits. Or, you may simply want to be part of a subreddit where you can see other people’s art or learn more about the fandom. 

                                                              Here are some other subreddits you can follow.


                                                              /r/furry is another excellent subreddit where you can learn more about the furry fandom, share your artwork, get feedback, and make furry friends.

                                                              If you scroll through the subreddit, you’ll notice that it’s very art-oriented. Many people share their artwork here, and the comments are filled with appreciation or feedback.


                                                              /r/yiffinhell/ caters to older furries. You must be older than 18 to be a part of this community. The subreddit aims to push through the shame and embarrassment often associated with the furry community.

                                                              But that does not mean discrimination, homophobia, racism, or bigotry of any kind is allowed. You must follow the subreddit’s rules to be a part of it. Rest assured; it’s a safe place to share your thoughts and learn more.

                                                              But if you’re a young furry, stick to other options in this list.


                                                              When you join the furry community, one of your first concerns is to get a fursuit. /r/fursuit/ is just the place to learn about fursuits and get inspiration.

                                                              If you plan to get a custom fursuit made at some point in the future, you should know that most sites don’t commission fursuit styles other furries are already using. You’re supposed to come up with your style. Or, you can commission the manufacturer to design a fursuit for you.

                                                              But before you do that, try getting inspiration from /r/fursuit/. You may also find people selling their old fursuits that you can get for a reasonable price.


                                                              Want to have a fun time and share a laugh? The r/furrymemes/ should be on your list of furry subreddits to join.

                                                              It’s exactly how it sounds. You can find a ton of memes here about the furry community. If you’re feeling a bit creative, you can even share the memes you have made.

                                                              It’s quite similar to Furry IRL. The memes and comics are also somewhat similar. 

                                                              The key is to be respectful and not post anything that discriminates or can be seen as offensive.


                                                              Furries are into art. It’s a fact as clear as day.

                                                              But when you’re starting out, understanding how to draw or create digital art can be a bit tricky. That’s where r/FurryArtSchool/ comes in.

                                                              The subreddit has a lot of tutorials from expert artists that you can learn from. If you ever get stuck, you can simply post your unfinished artwork and ask questions about it.

                                                              For example, if you’re struggling with getting the proportions right or are confused about the color scheme, the furry community in the subreddit can be of enormous help.

                                                              How to Use Subreddits Safely?

                                                              Subreddits can be very helpful, but it’s essential to be safe. Here are some tips for using the platform safely.

                                                              Keep Your Information Private.

                                                              Do not share personal information, such as your phone number, address, or government ID, with anyone on Reddit. Doing so can make you vulnerable to threats and theft.

                                                              No matter how friendly someone seems, do not share personal information with them. If someone is nagging you, do not maintain contact with them.

                                                              Click on Links Cautiously.

                                                              If the links look suspicious, do not click on them. Some signs of suspicious links are language you don’t understand, spelling errors, broken links, etc.

                                                              Report Inappropriate Content.

                                                              If you see any inappropriate content, report it to the admin immediately. Most subreddits also have moderators. You should report the content to them. Do not engage with such content.

                                                              Some examples of inappropriate content include the following:

                                                              • Illegal content, such as content promoting illicit or terrorist activities
                                                              • Harassment and hate speed toward someone based on ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, or gender
                                                              • Pornographic content
                                                              • Spam or phishing content
                                                              Be Mindful of Your Activity.

                                                              Keep in mind that your online footprint is traceable. So, be mindful of the content you post and interact with. The information you share on the subreddit should be free of negativity and bigotry.

                                                              Use a Strong Password.

                                                              Having a strong password is vital for keeping your account secure. An excellent way to make your password safe is using a mix of uppercase, numbers, and lowercase letters.

                                                              Reddit Logo

                                                              Image via WIRED


                                                              Furry IRL is among the best subreddits to learn from and engage with other furries. Besides Furry IRL, you can check out other subreddits, such as /r/fursuit/, r/furrymemes/, and r/FurryArtSchool/.

                                                              No matter which subreddit you visit, make sure you stay safe. You should not engage in wrongful activities or share your personal information. As long as you’re safe and follow the subreddit’s rules, you should have a great time learning, sharing, and networking.

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                                                              The post What Is Furry IRL? appeared first on Fursonafy.

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                                                              What Is A Kemono Fursuit?

                                                              Mon 15 May 2023 - 04:21

                                                              1. Introduction
                                                              2. What Is A Kemono Fursuit? Characteristics & Styles
                                                              3. How Much Is A Kemono Fursuit?
                                                              4. What’s The Difference Between Kemonomimi & Kemono
                                                              5. Where Can I Buy A Kemono Fursuit?
                                                              6. What Other Types Of Fursuits Are There? How Do They Compare To Kemono Fursuits?
                                                              7. Conclusion
                                                              Article Content Introduction

                                                              The furry fandom blends creativity, self-expression, and stellar imagination. One of the ways members of this fandom showcase these attributes is through fursuits.

                                                              A fursuit is a furry costume to represent an anthropomorphic animal character. The animal may be real or taken from folklore (i.e dragons, protogen etc.). While some fursuits cover the whole body, others only cover some parts, such as the head or arms.

                                                              Many furries wear fursuits to social events within their community. These costumes are a way for the community members to express themselves. Fursuits may be handmade or bought, with some costing as high as thousands of dollars – more on this below. 

                                                              Here’s where things get even more interesting. There are many types of fursuits, some more realistic than others. The Kemono fursuit is a common type, catering to anime-inspired furries. 

                                                              Does the mention of anime pique your interest? We’ve got more for you below.

                                                              What Is A Kemono Fursuit? Characteristics and Styles

                                                              To understand what a Kemono fursuit is, you should first know what ‘Kemono’ means. It’s a Japanese word that translates to ‘beast.’ Kemono fans are called Kemoners and wear Kemono fursuits. Think of Kemonors as the Japanese equivalents of Western furries.

                                                              In many ways, these fursuits resemble Western furries’ costumes. But there are a few differences.

                                                              Anime-Style Eyes

                                                              It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Kemono fursuits, inspired by Japanese lore, have anime-style eyes. They also have shorter muzzles than Western fursuits. The Kemono fursuits are inspired by moe and kawaii styles, unlike Western fursuits that take inspiration from American cartoon characters and have longer eyes and noses.

                                                              Human-Shaped Hands

                                                              Most Western fursuits have claws, hooves, or claws instead of human-like hands, depending on the animal the fursuit is portraying. Meanwhile, Kemono fursuits have human-shaped feet and hands.

                                                              Many Western fursuit makers have also been influenced by this style. That’s why you’ll find some Japanese-style fursuits in Western stores too.

                                                              Rounded Head Contour

                                                              Another notable characteristic of the Kemono fursuit is the rounded head contour. It doesn’t matter which animal you’re portraying; the head contour is rounder than Western-style fursuits.

                                                              Plain Facial Features

                                                              Kemono fursuits are designed to give smooth and plain facial features. The eye-to-head ratio is also large, with spherical acrylic in scleras. These give the eyes a glossy appearance, helping make the impressions delicate.

                                                              Most Kemono fursuits have a reserved impression. Many of them are made in a way that they look clumsy, innocent, or cute.

                                                              Digitigrade Legs

                                                              Finding plantigrade (flat feet) legs in a Kemono fursuit is rare. The majority of these costumes are digitigrade (walking on toes) fursuits.

                                                              Since the legs have a lot of padding, moving around with the fursuit can be hard. The wearers also have less control and precision over their movement. They also have to wear larger accessories and clothing when dressing up.

                                                              Kemono Fursuit Head

                                                              Image via SkyeHigh Studios

                                                              How Much Is A Kemono Fursuit?

                                                              Kemono fursuits come at a hefty price point. For one, they have a ton of padding that adds to the material cost. Two, they require a certain level of accuracy that only skillful makers can master.

                                                              Keeping this in mind, the high price point is justified. On average, Kemono fursuits range in price from $500 to $2000, and even higher if you choose a custom design. Amazon has quite a few options starting at $700.

                                                              AliExpress also has Kemono fursuits in this range. The plus point is that you’ll most likely get free shipping, regardless of your location.

                                                              But if you have a few extra thousand bucks to spend, you can get custom fursuits made. Kemono Kapi makes custom fursuits starting at $8,000. Partials, such as tails, paws, and heads, begin at $3,600. Meanwhile, if you only need the head, it will cost $2,600.

                                                              They also make pinata specialty suits and complicated asymmetrical fursuits. Both types start at $10,000.

                                                              From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

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                                                              If you keep up with the news in the furry community, you must have heard about how angry the Kemoners got at the release of Kemono Friends. It was a Japanese anime that showed Kemoners with human-like features – something the Kemoners abhorred.

                                                              They argued that the characters in the show were Kemonomimi rather than Kimoners. That brings us to the question: how do the two differ?

                                                              Kemonomimi is a term for characters with animal-like features, such as a tail or ears, but with an otherwise human appearance. The word translates to ‘animal ears’ in Japanese. Kemonomimi characters are common in manga, cosplay, anime, and video games.

                                                              These characters are depicted to be charming and cute – sometimes even seductive. They can be based on many animals, including rabbits, foxes, cats, and dogs.

                                                              The main difference between them and the Kimoners is that the latter dress in full animal costumes and focus more on accuracy rather than cuteness. They do not have a human-like appearance as the Kemonomimi do.

                                                              Where Can I Buy A Kemono Fursuit?

                                                              There are several online places to buy Kemono fursuits. You can either buy a ready-made fursuit or commission a custom one. The former doesn’t give you much personal style liberty, but it is cheaper.

                                                              Meanwhile, customer Kemono fursuits are more expensive but let you choose everything from the fabric to the style and details. Some popular websites where you can buy Kemono fursuits include the following.

                                                              Koshka Fursuits

                                                              Koshka Fursuits is an excellent place to commission a Kemono fursuit if you’re on a budget. Mini partials start at $1500, partials at $1700, and full partials at $1900.

                                                              A full-body plantigrade costs you $2700 or higher, while a full-body digitigrade costs $3000. Koshkafursuits also commissions parts, such as heads at $1000, tails at $250, hand paws at $250, and feet paws at $300.

                                                              The prices increase with the complexity of the style. You can choose from realistic, cartoonish, or anime-like designs and get the suit delivered to your doorstep.

                                                              Lemon Brat

                                                              Lemon Brat is another website where you can commission all kinds of fursuits, including Kemono fursuits. The price of a full fursuit starts at $5,000. So, it’s a tad bit more expensive than Koshka Fursuits.

                                                              But there’s a lot to choose from in terms of variety. Lemon Brat can make the following details for you:

                                                              • Crests, bangs, full hair, or mohawks
                                                              • Horns, spikes, and scutes
                                                              • Minor gradients and airbrushing
                                                              • Expression variations, such as removable grump brows and eyelids

                                                              Do note that Lemon Brat does not make duplicates of characters other individuals own. They also do not make realistic fursuit designs or use extensive airbrushing.

                                                              If you only want to buy heads, they average between $2145 and $2645. Feeling a bit nerdy? You can even add glasses – removable or static – to the heads.

                                                              But if you’re on a tight budget, you can get only tails from Lemon Brat. Tails start at $165 for tuft to knee-length designs. Knee to ankle length tails cost a little more at $300 or higher.

                                                              Do you want to go all out? Opt for a dragging tail at $400.

                                                              Kemono Kapi

                                                              Kemono Kapi is fursuit heaven for Kemoners, but their fursuits can break the bank as they cost $8000 to $10000 or higher.

                                                              The best part about Kemono Kapi is that they can design a Kemono character for you if you do not already have one. The artistic liberty fursuits are of the following types:

                                                              • Guided Artistic Liberty: You can suggest a species, personality traits, color palette, and characteristics, like hooves or wings. Kemono Kapi then designs the character based on your suggestions.
                                                              • Full Artistic Liberty: You do not have to give any suggestions. Kemono Kapi will make the character themselves. You get to see the character after you pay your deposit.
                                                              • Blind Artistic Liberty: It’s like full artistic liberty, but you do not get to see the fursuit after paying your deposit. Instead, you only see it when it’s delivered to your door.

                                                              Kemono Kapi also sells air tags and fursuit head travel bags for Kemono fursuits. If you already have a Kemono fursuit, you can also get updated parts for it.

                                                              For instance, a padding update will cost you $500, while adding suspenders will cost $100. Similarly, eye dome replacement, eye replacement, and shoe addition cost around $100 each.


                                                              If you’re interested in buying ready-made Kemono fursuits, Etsy is a reliable place. Many talented furry and non-furry artists sell their creations on the platform. Some creators also sell parts like tails and hand paws.

                                                              The Dealer’s Den

                                                              The Dealer’s Den is a fursuit marketplace where you can buy pre-owned fursuits. While you may not be able to find the exact fursuit you need, you can save a lot of money by buying second-hand. If you’re a bit creative, you can get parts from different fursuits and make your own.

                                                              Full Kemono Fursuit

                                                              Image via Amino Apps

                                                              What Other Types Of Fursuits Are There? How Do They Compare to Kemono Fursuits?

                                                              There are many fursuits, such as plush, toony, and realistic fursuits. Toony, plush, and Kemono fursuits fall in the abstract category, while realistic fursuits are closest to how animals look in nature. 

                                                              Here are some common fursuits and their comparison with Kemono suits. 


                                                              As the name implies, toony fursuits resemble cartoons. They have exaggerated body features and heads with colorful patterns that you wouldn’t see on real-life animals. Some common traits of these fursuits include:

                                                              • Exaggerated Body Parts: Besides the heads, the noses, snouts, limbs, oral structures, ears, and eyes are also exaggerated.
                                                              • Padding: There’s a lot of head padding, which helps enhance these fursuits’ facial expressions and features.
                                                              • Soft Materials: Toony fursuits are made of soft materials, like cotton and foam. While they look bulky, they’re lighter than Kemono fursuits.
                                                              • Leg Styles: You can find both digitigrade and plantigrade styles of toony fursuits.

                                                              They differ from Kemono fursuits in their appearance. While Kemono is influenced by Japanese anime, the toony style takes after Western cartoon characters.


                                                              Plush suits are human-sized animals made from soft materials, like polar fleece and mink. They also have a great deal of padding and filler, so they appear chubby and stubby. The wearer cannot grab objects since the finger and toe digits are joined in these fursuits.

                                                              Plush suits often have Kemono head styles with big and round eyes. They also have a lot of fur, which makes them look cuddly and adorable.


                                                              Realistic fursuits look closest to how real-life animals look. These fursuits follow natural physiological appearances even when made for fictional animal species. Their common traits include the following:

                                                              • A small eye-to-head ratio
                                                              • Adequate size of body components
                                                              • Usable claws and hands
                                                              • Padding resembling actual muscle structure
                                                              • Plan and neutral colors

                                                              Most of these fursuits have non-plantigrade legs. The wearer can walk around easily. People who make realistic fursuits are knowledgeable in animal anatomy, advanced materials, and natural scale/fur patterns.

                                                              Since these fursuits require higher accuracy, you’ll notice that the commission periods for them can be pretty long. They also cost more than the other types of fursuits.

                                                              But they’re the ideal pick if you want to combine fursuits with human fashion. Since these fursuits have a smaller head proportion, you can fit human attire in them. They also have plain facial expressions that are easier to maintain.

                                                              Another Full Kemono Fursuit

                                                              Image via Twitter


                                                              If you’re an anime fan, you can also enjoy the same artistic vision in your furry lifestyle. The Kemono fursuit combines the kawaii and anime characteristics, allowing a blend of cuteness and realism.

                                                              The Dealer’s Den, Lemon Brat, Etsy, and FursuitCostume Store are the go-to places for Kemono fursuits. However, these fursuits tend to be expensive and can range up to $10000 if you prefer custom designs.

                                                              But there’s no limit to self-expression when it comes to Kemono fursuits. From colorful patterns and intricate expressions to humanistic features like glasses and sick-pack abs, there’s a lot you can do to stand out.

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                                                              The post What Is A Kemono Fursuit? appeared first on Fursonafy.

                                                              Categories: News

                                                              Should Kids Be Identifying As Furries?

                                                              Mon 1 May 2023 - 05:00

                                                              1. Introduction
                                                              2. What Are Furries?
                                                              3. What Is A Fursuit?
                                                              4. Should Kids Identify As Furries?
                                                              5. Why It May Be Harmful For Kids To Identify As Furries
                                                              6. Common Misconceptions About Furries
                                                              7. Resources For Parents With Furry Children
                                                              8. The Takeaway
                                                              Article Content Introduction

                                                              Anyone who keeps up with mainstream media and social media would have come across the term ‘furry.’ Unless you know its background and its implications – social and sexual – you might think it’s merely a term to describe someone excessively hairy.

                                                              But ‘furry’ is more than that. In fact, it’s an entire fandom at this point. The origin of this fandom can be traced back to the 1980s with the start of fantasy and science fiction conventions that gave birth to displays of artworks and stories that discuss animal-human hybrids.

                                                              It is believed that the term ‘furry’ was also coined around that time by its fandom. However, there’s no clear originator who could be credited with the foundation of this name. Some speculate that the term comes from ‘furry animal,’ a term many sci-fi stories use to describe animal-like creatures.

                                                              The general public and media have perceived the concept of furries in many ways, from fun-loving fans of anthropomorphic animals to sexual deviants. While there’s not much harm in adults using this term or identifying as it, the kids’ involvement in the fandom is thought to be a no-no by many.

                                                              But what’s the truth behind furries? Should kids identify as furries? We dissect this topic in detail below.

                                                              What Are Furries?

                                                              Furries are a subcultural group of people with a deep interest in anthropomorphic – with human-like characteristics or qualities – animals. Identifying as a furry could mean creating artwork with anthropomorphic animals or dressing up as these creatures.

                                                              Over the years, the furry community has become a diverse group of people who express their interest by creating art, holding conventions, dressing up in ‘fursuits,’ and socializing online.

                                                              Most furries take on or create fursonas or animal personas to represent their identity. These personas may be based on mythical creatures, real animals, or made-up species.

                                                              Quite interestingly, the furry community is not limited to the general public. Many believe that celebrities are members of the furry fandom too.

                                                              For instance, there are speculations about Shakira having a fursona because she voiced Gazelle for ‘Try Everything‘ in the 2016 movie Zootopia, a movie about anthropomorphic animals. While Shakira has not personally confirmed this, some other celebs are openly furries. One of them is Adam, the creator of Your Movie Sucks.

                                                              Fans also got excited about Lil Nas X joining the fandom as it was reported that he met with SonicFox, possibly one of the most famous furries and FGC players in the world. There are plenty of Reddit threats where fans speculate, confirm, and deny the furry status of some celebrities.

                                                              However, the stigma around the furry fandom and negative misconceptions surrounding this seemingly harmless interest often restrict people to the ‘closet.’ But it’s important to remember that being a furry is not a sexual or harmful fetish. Instead, it’s a mere form of creativity and self-expression.

                                                              Cat Fursona

                                                              Image via Twitter

                                                              What Is a Fursuit?

                                                              A fursuit is a costume resembling an anthropomorphic character or a fursona. Furries usually wear fursuits to express themselves in a unique way. Most fursuits are made using synthetic fur or foam padding. While some cover the whole body, others only cover the feet, hands, or head.

                                                              Wearing a fursuit is not a must-do to be a part of the furry community. Most furries only wear fursuits when attending conventions or events. Some people think furries always wear their fursuits, but it’s a misconception. Since fursuits are made of synthetic material, they’re often uncomfortable and hot to wear for long periods, making it impossible for furries to wear them on a regular basis.

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                                                              Level up your fursona with the help of our expert designers

                                                              "The artists had amazing response times and were constantly updating me on my piece" Clara Draw My Fursona Should Kids Identify As Furries?

                                                              Whether kids should identify as furries or not is a concern that arose primarily when a New York-based family therapist Sara Stockon said in a documentary by Matt Walsh that school kids were increasingly identifying themselves as furries and disrupting classrooms.

                                                              She went on to say that kids were reported to purr and meow instead of answering their teachers’ questions. The teachers were prohibited from asking questions since being a furry is considered a queer identity, and any queries about it would be viewed as a form of discrimination.

                                                              There were also reports of students dressing up in their fursuits and asking for litter boxes in schools. Despite these claims, there have been no videos, pictures, or oral accounts of any of these incidents happening in schools across the US. Reuters fact-checked these claims and found nothing substantial for them.

                                                              Having said that, it’s pretty natural for kids to be curious about different things, and identifying as a furry or having an interest in furries can be part of that. Before coming to an objective answer to whether kids should identify as furries, it’s essential to look at both sides of the coin.

                                                                Why It May Be Harmful For Kids to Identify As Furries

                                                                At its core, the furry fandom is all about self-expression and having fun. But it’s not always entirely safe for kids to be a part of the fandom, especially openly.

                                                                For one, kids do not fully understand the implications of the fandom and may not be able to make the most informed decisions about their actions and words. The lack of maturity might put them at harm, making them more susceptible to inappropriate content and dangerous behavior.

                                                                In many instances, the furry fandom can also act as a gateway to adult content, which is obviously unsuitable for children. Again, their age might make them more vulnerable to exploitation and grooming.

                                                                Moreover, there is a social stigma around the furry fandom, associating it with fetishism and sexual deviancy, which can result in negative psychological and social consequences for kids. Children who identify as furries may be harassed, bullied, or discriminated against in schools. Research shows that furries are bullied twice as much as their non-furry counterparts. Even worse, if they do not have a supportive environment at home, their interests might lead to rifts between them and their family members.

                                                                All of this can accumulate into excessive emotional distress, especially for children who feel rejected or ostracized by their family and peers. Being exposed to such confusing and often misunderstood concepts can also cloud a child’s perception of their sexuality and identity, making it harder for them to navigate these concepts later in their adult life.

                                                                Keeping all these things in mind, one can say that there’s nothing wrong with kids identifying as furries as long as they are aware of the risks. Parents should also make sure to provide a supportive environment for their kids and ensure that they can freely express themselves without any negative consequences.

                                                                Group Of Fursuiters

                                                                Image via Metro Weekly

                                                                How to Keep Your Furry Child Safe?

                                                                If your child wants to express their creativity and interests, you can provide them with a safe environment by following a few tips.

                                                                Educate Yourself

                                                                There is a lot of misinformation spread across the Internet about the furry community, which can make it hard for many parents and family members to find reliable information. Do some research and talk to other furries or experts in the community, so you can accurately understand what being a furry means.

                                                                You can also attend furry conventions to support your child and interact with other parents to learn more about safety measures, like parental supervision and online privacy.

                                                                Have Open Communication

                                                                Establish open and comfortable communication for your child so they can come to you without fear of ridicule or judgment. Practice active listening and show them you care about their concerns and interests.

                                                                You should also set boundaries regarding their screen time and online behavior to ensure their safety. Look for monitoring software to keep track of their activities.

                                                                Follow School Rules

                                                                If your child’s school has strict rules about furry costumes or accessories, make sure your kid follows them. The last thing you want is for your child to get bullied by their peers or the school administration. Breaking the rules also harms the furry community, giving them a bad name and adding to the misconceptions about them.

                                                                Furry Convention 

                                                                Image via

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                                                                Get your custom made fursona in just a couple of clicks!

                                                                "My artist worked tirelessly on my reference sheet despite several complete revisions of the piece" Craig Draw My Fursona Common Misconceptions About Furries

                                                                One of the main reasons many parents are horrified by the idea of their kids exploring their interests through the furry community is the number of misconceptions surrounding this group. A lot of these stem from misinformation and resistance to understanding something new and different. Some of the most common misconceptions about furries include the following.

                                                                Furries Are Sexual Deviants.

                                                                Many furry-opposing groups believe that people who wear fursuits are zoophiles and other sexual deviants. However, there is no evidence to support this idea, and most furries are well-adjusted members of society who dress up as animals to express their creativity.

                                                                While it’s true that there’s a sexual component to the fandom, it’s not the prerequisite or primary focus. Most furries engage in activities such as art and costume-making, gaming, or music instead of sexual activities.

                                                                It’s essential to keep in mind that furries are people, and people have sex. Just because they might do it in a costume or a tail doesn’t mean they are sexual deviants.

                                                                Furries Support Bestiality.

                                                                Since furries have fursonas and wear fursuits, many people believe they are into bestiality. Again, this is wrong since furries are merely interested in anthropomorphic animals and not actual animals.

                                                                All Furries Have a Fursona.

                                                                Again, not true. Not all furries have a fursona, and not every furry needs to. A fursona is just a personal character a person might use to represent themselves, but a furry doesn’t require a fursona to be accepted into the community.

                                                                Some furries only enjoy creating artwork, while others only appreciate others without actively participating in the dress-up side of things.

                                                                Furry Fandom Is a Cult.

                                                                The furry fandom is the farthest thing from a cult since there is no hierarchy or leadership. Similarly, furries do not have any specific rituals, beliefs, or practices enforced on others.

                                                                Fursuiter At Furry Convention  

                                                                Image via Insider

                                                                Resources for Parents With Furry Children

                                                                Thanks to the Internet, there are many resources for parents to learn about their children’s interests. If you want to learn about the cultural aspect of being in furry fandom, you should check out the Culturally F’d YouTube channel.

                                                                It also helps to get the perspective of another furry parent, especially when your child is just getting started with exploring their interests. Moms of Furries is a popular channel where parents of furries can learn from a parent with first-hand experience of raising a furry child.

                                                                There are online forums and groups dedicated to furries that you can join to learn more about their lifestyle, such as Furry Amino or the Reddit Furry page.

                                                                FurScience is another good resource for parents since it’s a research group that studies the fandom and provides science-backed insights that could be helpful to parents trying to understand the furry community in depth.

                                                                If you want to take your child to a furry convention, Anthrocon is the best option. It is the largest global furry convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, every year, joining the furry fandom from all over the world. The convention has various activities, such as art shows, dances, workshops, and panels. You can check the convention’s website to see what they have in store for this year. 

                                                                Attendees don’t necessarily have to wear costumes or fursuits. The convention also has a marketplace where you can buy merchandise. Overall, the idea of Anthrocon is to make furries feel welcome and give them a safe space to interact with others with a shared interest.

                                                                The Takeaway

                                                                The territory surrounding the self-identification of kids as furries should be tackled with the same level of caution and understanding as any other lifestyle choice. It’s important to remember that furries are just people with interests that may differ from the mainstream.

                                                                Parents should understand the social, sexual, and financial aspects of the fandom and be aware of potential risks when their children become more active in the community.

                                                                The best way to understand what your child is going through and how they feel is to talk openly with them without judgment. Educate yourself about the fandom, understand their interests and passions, and support them in their journey of self-discovery.

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                                                                The post Should Kids Be Identifying As Furries? appeared first on Fursonafy.

                                                                Categories: News

                                                                What Are Truesonas?

                                                                Mon 17 Apr 2023 - 04:33

                                                                1. Introduction
                                                                2. Truesonas: When It All Started
                                                                3. Truesona vs. Fursona: What’s The Difference?
                                                                4. Why Do People Make Truesonas?
                                                                5. How To Make A Truesona?
                                                                6. Can You Draw Someone Else’s Truesona Without Their Consent?
                                                                7. Why Do People Hate Furries?
                                                                8. Should You Make Your Truesona?
                                                                Article Content Introduction

                                                                If you already have your fursona, a truesona is just a level ahead of it. The concept is pretty much the same as fursona, but the personification isn’t an alter-ego of the creator. Instead, a truesona closely and realistically resembles its creator in many physical aspects. This means if your fursona is your exact representation, it’s actually your truesona. 

                                                                Truesona is all about body positivity! People first draw their fursona and then make it exactly like themselves in terms of body type, unique features, marks, scars, etc. The purpose is to own yourself and how you look and be confident in showing it to the world.

                                                                Let’s explore truesona, its history, its defining characteristics, and how to make one yourself. We will also discover its importance in the furry fandom — call this a “Comprehensive Guide to Truesonas.”

                                                                Truesonas: When It All Started

                                                                Urban Dictionary accepted the term “truesona” as an actual word on Oct 21, 2021, but its history dates back to the early 2010s. In 2012, we saw the first usage of truesona on Furaffinity, where a user, “KitaraSoftpaw,” published their artwork as “Truesona Clothing Designs ~ XiaoMao Mashe ~ Celyn” on Apr 26. 

                                                                However, truesona didn’t become mainstream at that time. Furaffinity only revealed a few searches being made for the term during 2012-2018. Things picked up pace in the late 2010s when a bigger truesona movement started on Twitter as “body positivity.” The term’s usage skyrocketed within a few days, and many artworks were published online. 

                                                                Some fantastic examples of truesona artwork are “Sew3r-Gat0r’s journal entry” on DeviantART on Mar 15, 2016, and “f__ern’s post” on Twitter on Dec 2, 2019. The former artwork included a meme-like questionnaire, asking users whether they have an OC, and if they do, they must list their favorite truesona/fursona below. Sew3r-Gat0r called truesonas and fursonas the same thing.

                                                                The f__ern’s post on Twitter consisted of a photo of their truesona, which was actually their fursona. That’s when the term became widely popularized in the community. There was another post on Twitter by “SeasideDoe” on Mar 15, 2016, who posted a persona that closely resembled them.

                                                                Daisy, Example Of A Truesona

                                                                Image via Twitter

                                                                Truesona vs. Fursona: What’s the Difference?

                                                                Truesona comes from fursona, a portmanteau of “furry” and “persona.” If you’re a beginner trying to grasp things, furries are anthropomorphized avatars, personas, animal characters, alter-egos, or any form of identity a person chooses as their desired representation. So, a fursona is a species with distinctive marks, body features, and a fictitious name. 

                                                                Fursonas are as diverse as you can think of. They can be sapient, feral, bipedal, quadruped, covered with clothes, or wearing nothing. The artist or creator decides how their furry will look or how they would like their alter-ego to appear. A fursona too close to the creator (rather than their alter-ego) is called a truesona.  

                                                                So, there is not much difference between fursona and truesona except that the latter is the actual representation of the creator. They are both anthropomorphized avatars or animals in the furry fandom.

                                                                However, truesona is a relatively new term than fursona. The concept of fursona started in Western society in the 1970s and 1980s when roleplaying games became popular. The live-action multiplayer RPG introduced avatars that players can create and customize on their own. These alter-egos then represent every player in front of others in the game. 

                                                                In contrast, truesona’s first usage was in the 2010s when some Twitter users and artists published their artwork on different platforms. We discussed the most popular ones earlier. So simply put, truesonas are fursonas, but it’s a relatively new concept and is the most accurate representation of the artist.

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                                                                Level up your fursona with the help of our expert designers

                                                                "The artists had amazing response times and were constantly updating me on my piece" Clara Draw My Fursona Why Do People Make Truesonas?

                                                                Now that you know what truesonas and fursonas are, the question is: “Why do people make either of them?” 

                                                                Here are four reasons why people make truesonas:

                                                                • Be a Part of Furry Communities. Furries have made an online safe place where people from different backgrounds share their truesonas and fursonas to interact with like-minded individuals. There is zero judgment in these groups, allowing people to express their true selves in front freely. You can also make friends who find comfort in portraying themselves as truesonas, just like you.
                                                                • Have A Unique Representation. Who doesn’t want to stand out? Everybody does, but a furry wants it even more! Unlike fursona, a truesona portrays a person more accurately with the tiniest details about their body. Thus, it’s more likely to be unique, something that no one else can have. With the constant growth in the furry community, self-representation is essential, which is why people make their truesonas. In fact, some furries have reference sheets for their truesonas that describe their interests, hobbies, and quirks. 
                                                                • Use Them As a Personal Expression. While the primary purpose of making a truesona is to show it to the world, some people like to keep them private. This means they express their thoughts and imagination with their truesonas without posting or using them in the community. Other people like creating fursonas and truesonas and don’t count themselves furries. For them, these representations are just artwork. 

                                                                • Make Some Extra Cash. Some artists make multiple fursonas and truesonas of themselves for selling purposes. But who buys someone else’s truesonas? These are those people who lack drawing skills but need a fursona that genuinely represents them. While it’s hard to find a truesona that depicts two different persons, many buyers choose the one that defines them the closest. They then make the required changes to transform it into their exact truesonas.
                                                                How To Make a Truesona?

                                                                A truesona can be any canine, including wolves, foxes, and huskies. Some people also choose felines, dogs, and dragons, but their choice varies depending on their background or demographics. For example, wolves are more popular among heterosexuals, and huskies are common among homosexuals. 

                                                                Gender-wise, women typically choose arctic foxes, and men are likelier to opt for red foxes. These are just general findings, not standard rules for making a truesona. So, you can go for any character or animal you think best depicts your personality. 

                                                                Many furries also make truesonas out of hybrid species, meaning combining two different animals into one. According to the International Anthropomorphic Research Project, the most popular hybrids include dog/wolf, tiger/wolf, dragon/wolf, fox/wolf, etc. Many were utterly anthro, while ferals were the least popular. 

                                                                If you have a knack for creativity, you can pick and customize any anthropomorphic creatures for yourself. Ensure the character has your body shape, marks, and scars at the right spots to make your fursona look truesona. Remember that you’re not creating your alter-ego but your accurate representation. 

                                                                The decision to make or post your truesona is yours. You can use your truesona only for yourself or to interact with other furries in the community. As most furries say, your truesona will help you embrace your body, flaws, and all the imperfections. Proudly show it off on online forums like Reddit or Discord servers and engage with other furries!

                                                                You can also buy a fursona from others and transform it into your unique truesona. Whatever option you choose, just make sure your truesona looks precisely like you, or it won’t fulfill the purpose of making all those efforts.

                                                                Another Truesona

                                                                Image via WattPad

                                                                Can You Draw Someone Else’s Truesona Without Their Consent?

                                                                Making someone else’s fursona without consent has similar risks as drawing someone else’s character without permission. Don’t confuse it with artists making fan art or fursona of someone as a gift. A post on DeviantART discussed this topic openly, asking different furries whether it’s okay to make someone else’s truesona or fursona. 

                                                                A user, Sopheirion, posted this question, and the responses gave mixed reactions. Most said drawing someone else’s truesona for gifting or surprising them is fine. In fact, some users said they’d love being surprised by fan art. 

                                                                On the other hand, many people bluntly said it isn’t ethical to draw someone else’s fursona without their consent — even if it’s intended for gifting. An artist must always ask for permission and then make it. However, such responses were relatively few. 

                                                                In short, gifting a fursona or truesona to someone is widely accepted in the furry or artist communities. But not everyone is comfortable with others, especially strangers, drawing their fursonas without permission. That’s mainly because truesonas are unique and personal for every person, so why would they prefer someone else to intrude on their privacy? 

                                                                Some people may also think that the other person is trying to “cash them out” or “using them” for more followers, praise, and popularity in the community. So, as a safe practice, always ask for the other person’s consent before drawing their fursona, especially when you don’t know them personally.

                                                                Rhys, The Truesona

                                                                Image via Toyhouse

                                                                #banner_2 { border-radius: 16px; padding: 52px 68px; background-image: url(/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/banner_2_img.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100% } .fursonafy_banner_inner { width: 100%; max-width: 390px; } .fursonafy_banner_p:nth-child(1) { margin-bottom: 20px; } .fursonafy_banner_title { font-family: 'Poppins'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 600; font-size: 18px; line-height: 22px; color: #1D022E; } .fursonafy_banner_feedback_mob { display: none; } .fursonafy_banner_review_com { font-family: 'Poppins'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 600; font-size: 16px; line-height: 20px; color: #454349; padding: 0; padding-left: 20px; position: relative; top: -8px; } .fursonafy_banner_review_person { font-family: 'Lato'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; color: #454349; padding: 0; padding-left: 20px; } .fursonafy_banner_fursonafy_btn { width: 100%; padding: 16px 28px; max-width: 197px; height: 52px; font-family: 'Lato'; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1; text-align: center; font-weight: 600; text-transform: uppercase; color: #FFFFFF !important; background: #BC2EFF; border-radius: 6px 0px 6px 6px; border: none; cursor: pointer; display: flex; margin-top: 30px; justify-content:center; align-items:center; position: relative; } .fursonafy_banner_fursonafy_btn:hover { background: #1D022E; transition: 1s cubic-bezier(0.57, -0.43, 0.37, 1.1); } .fursonafy_banner_black_point { position: absolute; width: 16px; height: 16px; top: 0px; right: 0; background: #1D022E; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 12px; } @media (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1240px) { .fursonafy_banner_inner { width: 74%; } } @media (max-width: 768px) { #banner_2 { border-radius: 28px; padding: 30px 24px; background-image: url(/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/banner_img_mob.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100% } .fursonafy_banner_feedback { display: none; } .fursonafy_banner_feedback_mob { display: block; } .fursonafy_banner_inner { width: 100%; max-width: 100%; text-align: center; } .fursonafy_banner_p:nth-child(1) { margin-bottom: 10px; } .fursonafy_banner_review_com, .fursonafy_banner_review_person { padding-left: 0px; } .fursonafy_banner_review_com { top: 0; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 8px; } .fursonafy_banner_fursonafy_btn { max-width: 100%; } }

                                                                Get your custom made fursona in just a couple of clicks!

                                                                "My artist worked tirelessly on my reference sheet despite several complete revisions of the piece" Craig Draw My Fursona Why Do People Hate Furries?

                                                                For many reasons, furries have been receiving hate for a long time. Some people hate them because most furries belong to the LGBTQ community. Meanwhile, others believe that the furry fandom isn’t family-friendly or appealing enough. 

                                                                When truesonas became a thing, around the late 2010s, the phrase “Keep Furry Weird” became mainstream. It responded to the Furry Converse Advertisement announced as a Brazilian convention’s sponsor. Many other terms in derogatory language also became popularized later.

                                                                Another reason for hatred against furries is their connection with sexuality and erotic fan art. Some people think furries sexualize animals or they want to have sex with them, a practice called zoophilia. And that’s actually true. 

                                                                The Furry Survey found that every 1 in 6 furries have accepted that they’re zoophiles. While that’s just a tiny part of the community, zoophilia is a severe crime. Another issue for furries’ hatred is the “murrsuit,” a fursuit that’s specifically designed for having sex with animals. Again, only a fraction of furries do this, but they own it publicly and call it their kink. 

                                                                To end this hate, many furries have publicly clarified that they don’t endorse or practice zoophilia. One great example is the “Burned Furs” movement that gathered furries worldwide to disapprove of zoophilia and other sexually-deviant practices. So, as long as you stay away from criminal offenses, there is nothing wrong with becoming a furry.

                                                                Cassidy, Truesona Reference Sheet

                                                                Image via tumblr.

                                                                Should You Make Your Truesona?

                                                                As we discussed, being a part of furry fandom isn’t wrong or embarrassing. The same goes for making your fursonas and truesonas and using them to interact with other furries. You’re free to express yourself however you like. But of course, you can’t ignore the ongoing hate around the furries.

                                                                People dislike furries, fursonas, and truesonas primarily because of zoophilia, the use of murrsuits, and the overall sexualization of animals. While these practices are rare, they do exist. So, if you’re not practicing any of these crimes, you should make your truesona today!

                                                                The actual thing that matters is what you feel. If you think your truesona depicts your true self, don’t think twice about posting it on your social media account or furry communities. Remember, the true essence of creating a truesona is body positivity. Once you show the world that you own your scars and flaws, you will feel confident and face the world with more courage. 

                                                                If you’re hesitating because of people’s hatred, just avoid all the sexual practices when drawing and using your truesona. This way, you won’t provoke any non-furry, and there won’t be any attack on you online and offline. It will also allow you to use your avatar anywhere you want! 

                                                                The good thing is that you can easily find many communities with a clear stance against the sexual implications. There is zero tolerance for NSFW content in these groups, so you can share your truesonas with anyone freely. 

                                                                However, if you do want to become a part of NSFW communities, don’t be shy. Talk to other furries already in such groups and ask how they avoid people’s criticism. The best way to tackle all this is to make an alternative account and use it to join your favorite furry communities. This way, no one can identify you!

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                                                                The post What Are Truesonas? appeared first on Fursonafy.

                                                                Categories: News

                                                                The Worst Furry Stereotypes

                                                                Mon 3 Apr 2023 - 04:01

                                                                Article Content

                                                                1. Introduction
                                                                2. Why Are There Stereotypes Surrounding the Furry Community?
                                                                3. Common Furry Stereotypes
                                                                4. Misconceptions About Furries & Sexual Deviancy
                                                                5. Relationships
                                                                6. Social Interaction
                                                                7. Social Contribution
                                                                8. Furry Art
                                                                9. The Takeaway

                                                                The furry fandom has a tendency to cross-over into the more mainstream hobbies of science-fiction fans, artists, writers, etc. and this can cause some friction. Often due to the furry association with these genres, certain stereotypes have become attached to its members.

                                                                While many of the furry fandom’s stereotypes can be attributed to malicious outsiders, some have been perpetuated by its members. One of the most pervasive and damaging stereotypes is that all furries are sexual deviants.

                                                                But these stereotypes have a spectrum of harmfulness. These can range from believing all furries are geeks or nerds while others try to draw a comparison between the fandom and zoophilia. 

                                                                However, a lot of these stereotypes derive from ignorance and misunderstandings, so it’s wrong to believe these stereotypes describe a diverse community comprising people of all colors, races, countries, genders, and backgrounds. Furries are simply people who like to express themselves in a certain way. And just like every other person, they also have individual personality traits, interests, sexual preferences, gender identities, and diverse opinions.

                                                                The furry fandom isn’t defined by any of those stereotypes, and it’s unfair to assume it does. So it’s essential to be mindful of these stereotypes and not judge the entire fandom based on them. To do that, you might need to learn a little more about these stereotypes and where they stem from.

                                                                Why Are There Stereotypes Surrounding the Furry Community?

                                                                Humans have an inherent tendency to speculate when they do not fully understand something. We have done this since the dawn of time, assuming the world to be flat and seeing the sun as an entity to be worshiped.

                                                                The same has happened in the case of furries, where many people do not fully understand the concept, falling prey to misinformation and misunderstanding. Like any other community, the furry subculture also has different groups, some of whom may confine to certain stereotypes.

                                                                These groups do not represent the whole community. But the rampant misunderstanding surrounding the community has led many to believe that these stereotypes are universal traits among furries.

                                                                Another reason people stereotype furries is due to their unusual behaviors. In mainstream society, furry behavior is often seen as odd or strange, leading to the assumption that all furries must be weird. It can lead to people forming negative opinions about the furry community as a whole.

                                                                The portrayal of furries in the media has further fueled these stereotypes. Many sensationalized TV series and new stories show furries in negative roles, perpetuating the stereotype that furries are weird, awkward, and creepy.

                                                                There is also a consensus that the furry fandom is a cult, and every member has similar values, beliefs, and practices. Since cultist mentality is already seen as a negative trait, many people group furries into the same category, often discriminating against them in educational, professional, and social settings.

                                                                Many stereotypes, such as those associated with sexual behavior, can harm the furry community. Therefore, there’s a dire need to debunk these myths and create a more understanding atmosphere for furries.

                                                                By doing so, we can help destigmatize the furry fandom, allowing it to be seen as the diverse and multifaceted community it is. We must also recognize the individual members of this group and view them in their unique perspectives rather than as a collective culmination of a singular stereotype.

                                                                Fox Fursuit

                                                                Image via Esquire

                                                                Common Furry Stereotypes

                                                                Furry stereotypes can be put under several categories, from medical disorders and sexual deviancy to appearance and sexual orientation. Let’s discuss each type in detail.


                                                                The general thought about the furry community is that it is a fetish-based fandom, where members have a fetish for anthropomorphic animals and dress up in elaborate costumes.

                                                                Many also believe that the furry community is a subculture at best and will never become a mainstream culture. Not many believe it to be as well-established as anime or science fiction.

                                                                Some also believe that furry fetish is just a fad. People who become a part of the community merely do it for attention and leave the fandom once the novelty wears off.

                                                                However, this is not entirely true since being furry does not describe a member’s lifestyle. Being a furry is just a part of their existence, just like being an American or a Christian or vegan would be.

                                                                It doesn’t define every aspect of a person’s life or dictate all their behaviors or beliefs. As for it being a fad, the furry fandom has been going strong since the 1980s and has only increased in size.


                                                                Another common stereotype about the furries is that they are predominantly white men who are also a part of the LGBTQ community. Many furries are thought to be either overweight or underweight and conventionally unattractive.

                                                                The older furries, also called gray muzzles due to their graying hair, are thought to be grossly out of shape and averse to fitness. Meanwhile, the LGBTQ furries younger in age are often called furry twinks, which is an insult to the LGBTQ community.

                                                                It’s also a common belief that furries are unhygienic and do not wash due to their association with an animal-life lifestyle. While outdated and offensive, these stereotypes are still pervasive in society today.

                                                                It’s wrong and downright foolish to believe that all members of a community will look like or have the same sexual preferences. In reality, furries are a diverse group of people who look different from each other and have various sexual preferences. While most furries might be white males, whiteness is neither a prerequisite nor an identification mark for a furry.

                                                                Furries live their lives like any other person. They wash, dress well, have jobs, socialize, and look after their appearance just as any non-furry would.

                                                                Medical Disorders

                                                                Some people also believe furries suffer from mental health issues, such as Asperger’s Syndrome and body dysmorphic disorders. These assumptions are rooted in the belief that furries have an obsession with anthropomorphic animals, which is seen as a sign of autism.

                                                                It is also believed that furries may have personality disorders. Many people associate furries with otherkins, individuals who believe their physical form does not define their mental states, spiritual nature, psychology, or personality.

                                                                Otherkins believe they have a sympathetic affinity or connection with an entity or animal. Traditionally, otherkins have been mythological, beginning with fay folk and becoming dragons, demons, griffins, and unicorns.

                                                                However, there is no scientific evidence to prove that furries have mental disorders or that the attraction towards the furry fandom is due to a genetic or mental underlying cause. The misconception about the correlation of being furry with having a mental disorder comes from the lack of understanding about the community.

                                                                We should keep in mind that everyone has unique interests. The way someone expresses themselves is not an indicator of their mental health.

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                                                                Level up your fursona with the help of our expert designers

                                                                "The artists had amazing response times and were constantly updating me on my piece" Clara Draw My Fursona Misconceptions About Furries & Sexual Deviancy

                                                                The belief that furries engage in unconventional sex acts is also a common stereotype. According to the stereotype, furries engage in the following types of sexual behaviors.

                                                                • Fursuit Sex

                                                                Also known as zoot sex or fursuited sex, fursuit sex describes sexual interaction in which one or both parties wear a fursuit. While some furries might engage in sexual activities wearing a fursuit, it is not always a norm.

                                                                Fursuits can be uncomfortable and large to maneuver, making it difficult to perform most sexual activities.

                                                                • Pedophilia

                                                                It’s a common misconception that furries are pedophiles, mainly because of the growing number of children entering the community who rely on adult furries for guidance.

                                                                But this is entirely false and unfounded. While some individuals might have inappropriate thoughts or desires, it’s unfair to make a blanket statement about all furries being pedophiles.

                                                                • Plushophilia

                                                                People who have a deep love and appreciation for stuffed animals are called plushophiles, and the concept is termed plushophilia. However, in most cases, this is only limited to playing with plushies or using them for support or comfort.

                                                                But sometimes, plushophiles may feed their sexual desires with plushies. The satisfaction may come from fantasy gratification or pure sensual enjoyment. Since plushies are animals, many associate plushophiles with furries, painting the latter in a negative light.

                                                                But with any other negative stereotypes, it’s important to remember that it’s only a few outliers that give the whole group a bad name.

                                                                • Zoophilia

                                                                Zoophilia refers to the attraction of humans to animals, which is paraphilia. It means that zoophilia is not an accepted form of sexual expression and can be considered illegal or immoral in many countries.

                                                                Many wrongly assume that furries are into zoophilia because of the mix of animals and humans in the furry community. However, this is not true. In fact, many zoophiles also distinguish themselves from beastialists, people who have sexual contact with animals.

                                                                To say that all furries engage in sexual activity with animals is untrue. Furries express themselves through art, costume-making, literature, and music related to anthropomorphic animals. But that does not equate to sexual affiliation or attraction.


                                                                Since many people do not understand what goes inside the furry community, they think furries are not capable of loving others or having normal relationships. Some people even go as far as thinking that there are no married couples in the furry community, and if there are any, they do not have children due to genetics or personal problems.

                                                                Kids who join the furry community are thought to be brats with poor relationships with their families, especially parents. None of this is true since furries are just like any other regular person with their fair share of relationship conflicts, love interests, and children.

                                                                Furry Couple 

                                                                Image via BuzzFeed News

                                                                Social Interaction

                                                                Most of the stigma around furries comes from the stereotypes around their social interactions. For instance, many people think furries are overtly sexual, a stereotype that fits in with the misconception about sexual deviancy.

                                                                Similarly, furries are thought to be geeks, nerds, or fanboys with little to no social skills. Some people also believe furries to be egomaniacs, only interested in talking about themselves and their fursonas.

                                                                But all these are just misconceptions. You never know if your friendly local librarian who helps you find the sequels of all your favorite fantasy books may be a furry. Similarly, the kind-hearted doctor at the clinic may also be a furry.

                                                                Being a part of a specific group does not dictate how someone behaves socially. Likewise, acting a certain way doesn’t mean you belong to the furry community.

                                                                Furry Dating App – Ferzu

                                                                Image via Ferzu

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                                                                Get your custom made fursona in just a couple of clicks!

                                                                "My artist worked tirelessly on my reference sheet despite several complete revisions of the piece" Craig Draw My Fursona Social Contribution

                                                                Another stereotype closely related to poor social interaction is that furries do not contribute much to society. They are uneducated and mostly hold low-prestige jobs. Furthermore, most are on welfare assistance, such as disability.

                                                                Again, enforcing a stereotype like this is like saying that gamers or anime enthusiasts do not contribute anything to society because they are so focused on playing video games or watching anime.

                                                                The truth is that furries come from different income levels and demographics. Like non-furries, they may or may not have jobs, may or may not be educated, and may or may not be socially involved. Affiliating with a particular community does not translate to one’s uselessness in society.

                                                                Fursuiter in Pink Fursuit

                                                                Image via CNN

                                                                Furry Art

                                                                A somewhat illogical – and unkind – stereotype about furry artists is that their art amounts to nothing, and they do not have the same skill level as non-furry artists. Going back to assumed sexual deviancy, many believe that furry artists only create pornographic content and often use it as a gateway to children.

                                                                All of these are generalizations that do not hold any truth to them. While furry art often has sexual undertones, not all artists create pornographic content. Furry art tackles various genres and can often be seen in galleries, conventions, and publications—all attended by children and adults alike.

                                                                The Takeaway

                                                                It’s not uncommon for misunderstood communities to be ostracized and stereotyped. But we live in the era of technology and fast Internet where misinformation can spread like wildfire. 

                                                                It’s about time we learn about the furry community and understand that one or a few outliers do not define the entire population. Furries are just like any of us who have lives, relationships, and careers. They may have their own style and preference, but that doesn’t make them any less of a human being.

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                                                                The post The Worst Furry Stereotypes appeared first on Fursonafy.

                                                                Categories: News

                                                                Famous People Who Are Suspiciously Like Furries

                                                                Mon 20 Mar 2023 - 05:20

                                                                Article Content

                                                                1. Introduction
                                                                2. The Furry Fandom
                                                                3. What Are Fursonas?
                                                                4. 3 Famous People Who Are Suspiciously Like Furries
                                                                  1. Elon Musk
                                                                  2. Shakira
                                                                  3. Ariana Grande
                                                                5. Do All Furries Wear Fursuits?
                                                                6. Why Do People Create Fursonas?
                                                                7. Should You Create A Fursona?
                                                                8. Final Words

                                                                In recent years, furries have taken social media by storm, and with this commotion comes the need to clarify what furries are and what they do.

                                                                Furry is a term describing people who are fond of anthropomorphic fictional characters. They do things like wear human clothes, speak like humans, walk on two legs, etc. The best example we can give is Sonic the Hedgehog is a popular fictional furry character.

                                                                Controversial ideas about furries are dominant in mainstream media. Due to this, there is a growing need to understand that furries at their core are just people who have an interest in anthropomorphic fictional animals.

                                                                The furry fandom has hobbies revolving around artwork related to furries. It includes creating digital art, cosplaying, creating fursuits, etc. You’d be surprised to learn more facts about the furry fandom and some famous people who are a part of it!

                                                                The Furry Fandom

                                                                The furry community, also known as the furry fandom, consists of individuals who express their individuality by relating themselves to an anthropomorphic fictional animal.

                                                                The community usually but not exclusively interact on discord servers, Facebook groups, and other social media platforms. The internet has allowed the furry fandom to connect with other like-minded individuals through various platforms.

                                                                In fact, the first furry community was formed in the 1990s when an online furry newsgroup came into being. Since then, the fandom has spread globally as numerous people have connected through mainstream media. 

                                                                Furries and the arts are very closely tied. Some furries like to draw (hence the plethora of digital art you can find online) while some furries like to write stories about fursonas. In essence, the furry fandom has a broad spectrum encompassing numerous talented people looking to express themselves through various art forms.

                                                                A Group Of Fursuiters

                                                                Image via Outfront Magazine

                                                                What Are Fursonas?

                                                                Even if you’re new to the fandom, you must have come across the term fursona. Well, what is a fursona, and why do people associate themselves with it?

                                                                A fursona is a furry-themed avatar that a person identifies with. The avatar has human traits which precisely depict the person. Many people also use a fursona as their primary display picture on social media platforms. 

                                                                Therefore, a fursona is a personalized anthropomorphic character created for the furry. These fursonas can also be an idealized version of a person or their digital mascot. 

                                                                Mainstream media continuously advocates for self-expression and individuality. Regardless, many people are not open to the idea of furries. It is due to the many misconceptions regarding the stereotype around furries.

                                                                Online communities tend to face criticism. Unfortunately, the furries are also a victim of negative comments. Over the years, many people have formulated misconceptions that furries sexualize anthropomorphic animal characters.

                                                                Due to this, numerous people dislike furries. However, critics tend to be mad about the most insignificant things. Therefore, it’s best to learn more about furries by joining their community, as they are the friendliest! 

                                                                In addition, some people like to believe that furries exclusively sexualize fursonas. However, fursonas are only a creative way to express individuality. Most people create a fursona to express their imagination, while others use it to introduce themselves to the furry community.

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                                                                Level up your fursona with the help of our expert designers

                                                                "The artists had amazing response times and were constantly updating me on my piece" Clara Draw My Fursona 3 Famous People Who Are Suspiciously Like Furries

                                                                Furries are a part of a growing community that likes to express themselves with different forms of art relating to anthropomorphic animal characters. Many furries connect through Reddit, Twitter, Discord, and Instagram.

                                                                But you’d be surprised to know about some famous people who are a part of this community. Here are four famous people you probably didn’t know were furries.

                                                                Elon Musk

                                                                Tweet Source:  

                                                                You probably didn’t think that the pioneer of international space travel was a furry! Elon Musk, the chief engineer of SpaceX, is known to be a self-described fur-curious.

                                                                In a casual conversation, Musk took to Twitter to talk about furries. However, when a user asked if he belonged to the furry community, Musk denied it. Shortly afterward, he said that he might even be fur-curious. Of course this was probably a satirical comment made by the new owner of Twitter but it’s always fun to imagine. 

                                                                This could be due to the people not responding well to his tweets. But we can get the hint that he doesn’t want to be crucified for being a furry on the internet! But we have yet to find out more about his fursona.

                                                                Elon Musk

                                                                Image via BBC


                                                                Shakira, the queen of Latin music, is indeed a furry! This pop star released a music video for her song “She Wolf” in 2011. This song talks about letting your inner wolf out at night.

                                                                Many people refused to focus on the lyrics until she explained that she was talking about transforming into a wolf. Years later, during the Super Bowl performance with Jennifer Lopez, Shakira dressed in a red outfit, boots, and a wristband, twinning with her Zootopia character named Gazelle.

                                                                Zootopia features anthropomorphic fictional characters, including Gazelle, that bear a resemblance to Shakira. Shakira even confirmed that she identified with Gazelle, her fursona.

                                                                She said, “I just felt I needed identification with it, and I said to them, ‘Listen, this is me. Gazelle is me. I’m in. You can hire me now if you want!”

                                                                But Shakira has not faced backlash for identifying herself with Gazelle. Surprisingly, the Twitter audience appreciated her tweets and continued supporting Shakira. While she has never explicitly said that she is a furry, the evidence makes some pretty strong suggestions.


                                                                Image via The Hollywood Reporter

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                                                                Get your custom made fursona in just a couple of clicks!

                                                                "My artist worked tirelessly on my reference sheet despite several complete revisions of the piece" Craig Draw My Fursona Ariana Grande

                                                                Ariana Grande, a pop icon indeed, belongs to the furry fandom! At best, she projects her inner furry on various events by wearing cat ears and furry outfits. Many furries also suspect that she may be a closet furry, as she hasn’t commented on the speculations yet. 

                                                                However, liking furry posts on social media, licensing cat-ear headsets, and wearing furry outfits may be subtle hints of being supportive of the furry fandom. Regardless, she’s garnering the attention of furries as her fans continue to dress up in fursuits!

                                                                Ariana Grande

                                                                Image via Allure

                                                                Do All Furries Wear Fursuits?

                                                                According to a 2007 survey, only about 26% of people attending a furry convention owned a fursuit, while 30% reported having worn one. 

                                                                Another survey consisting of 2000 furries concluded that only about 25% of furries dress up in a fursuit. That leaves you wondering what 75% of people do if they do not wear a fursuit. 

                                                                Well, the furry community is a diverse group with different forms of art as expression. Therefore, it is wrong to assume that all furries wear fursuits.

                                                                The furry fandom has numerous ways of expressing individuality, creativity, and fondness. This includes having a digital fursona, clothing, or even accessories. However, having a fursona is one of the most common ways of self-representation in the furry fandom.

                                                                Why Do People Create Fursonas?

                                                                The furry fandom is an ever-growing community with thousands of members. In this large community, members must have different self-representation ideas, which becomes increasingly difficult. Fursonas are a fantastic way to represent yourself at conventions.

                                                                Besides this, many people create fursonas to express their imagination. They don’t intend on using the fursona but simply create them as food for thought, while others make fursonas to bring their character to life by turning them into a fursuit.

                                                                In addition to this, the growing community of furries has increased the demand for fursonas. Therefore, many artists make a collection of fursonas to earn a commission. As a result, the artists in the community are able to make decent money by utilizing their creative skills.

                                                                Should You Create a Fursona?

                                                                Fursonas are a fun way of expression, creativity, and self-representation. Even if you’re not an active part of the furry community, having a fursona solely for yourself can be a fun way of associating oneself with fictional characters!

                                                                The best part about fursonas is that you can customize them according to your liking! All you have to do is share the details about your fursona.

                                                                Choose colors, species, names, and poses. Next, an artist will create a draft of your fursona for you to review. If you want to make changes, you can request edits.

                                                                Once satisfied with the design, you can receive your finished fursona at your email address!

                                                                Final Words

                                                                It is time to unlearn the misconceptions about fursonas and embrace your inner furry! With numerous platforms accommodating the furry fandom, you can now easily become a part of the community by joining an online group.

                                                                If famous people like Shakira are openly furry, it’s thought-provoking for closet furries to join the fandom now because being a furry does not come with rules. If you’re fond of anthropomorphic animal characters, you simply count as a furry!

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                                                                The post Famous People Who Are Suspiciously Like Furries appeared first on Fursonafy.

                                                                Categories: News

                                                                Everything You Need to Know About Furry Network

                                                                Mon 6 Mar 2023 - 08:25

                                                                1. Introduction
                                                                2. What Is Furry Network?
                                                                3. What Is The Goal Of Furry Network?
                                                                4. Why Is Furry Network Controversial?
                                                                5. How Did Furry Network Deal With The Controversies?
                                                                6. Does Furry Network Help Furry Artists?
                                                                7. Why Should You Join Furry Network?
                                                                8. Furry Network’s Big Plan
                                                                9. Bottomline
                                                                Article Content Introduction

                                                                Furry, a term describing individuals who like anthropomorphic fictional characters, have recently gained popularity all thanks to the weird and wild wonders of the internet. It allows thousands of furries from all over the globe to connect through various social media platforms.

                                                                The furry fandom has creative hobbies that revolve around cosplaying, creating fursuits, digital art, animation, paintings, and fursonas. The furry community continues to bond over their shared interests in art and animation.

                                                                Many people express their individuality and creativity by writing expansive stories as well. These hobbies bring together the furry community. However, the community has exclusively experienced negativity due to the prevalence of misconceptions regarding furries.

                                                                The furry fandom now communicates in private groups, discord servers, or links through other platforms. One such platform is the Furry Network. This online community-focused platform enables furries to share their artwork and other content for commission.

                                                                This website features a robust art and photo upload system, enabling users to create and share various art forms. Let us learn everything about the Furry network and how it has helped thousands of furries!

                                                                What Is Furry Network?

                                                                Furry Network, an online place for furries to share, promote, and purchase furry art, was created in 2015 by Varka and Bad Dragon. This site had several goals, such as providing the furries with modern art tools, reliable commission work, and a safe environment to share like-minded interests.

                                                                This welcoming network is an incredible platform for closet furries to become a part of the online furry community. Moreover, identity and representation are critical elements of personality in the furry fandom.

                                                                Fortunately, the Furry Network is one such platform that enables users to uniquely present their personas and characters. Its creative media is one of the primary gateways for furries to explore, understand, and share interests.

                                                                In addition to this, the Furry Network exclusively believes in community guidelines, making the platform a safe space for people to share and promote their creative work.

                                                                Furry Network Logo

                                                                Image via GitHub

                                                                What Is the Goal of Furry Network?

                                                                Furry Network is a safe space for furries from all over the globe to share all sorts of content. From writings and animations to digital art, fursuits, and creating fursonas, the Furry Network aimed to become a site where furries could effectively communicate and link with like-minded people.

                                                                In addition, the Furry Network promotes commission workers and helps artists earn decent money. Therefore, Furry Network has introduced some excellent tools that help artists effectively use their skills.

                                                                Their navigation and accessibility system is also simple, as it maximizes the chances of artists and commissioners finding each other.

                                                                Due to this streamlined community, it’s easier to share talent, skills, and creations. The commission marketplace tools also enable the team, artists, staff, and the community to build a better foundation.

                                                                This promotes the Furry Network’s idea of a strong community system. Here are various ways the site enables the community to connect and safeguards their rights. 

                                                                • Furry Network allows users to promote their submissions, resulting in selected submissions being featured on a user’s profile. 
                                                                • You can ‘favorite’ a submission to add it to your gallery. 
                                                                • The site also allows you to import submissions and avatars from the Fur Affinity account.
                                                                • You can create multiple profiles under a single account.
                                                                • The site allows you to group the submissions under folders. 
                                                                • You can post your artwork.
                                                                • Clients can request the artist to notify them when artwork is available.
                                                                • Artists can privately email clients.
                                                                • Furry Network acts as a third-party escrow service for reliable payments. 
                                                                • Furry Network pays commissioned artists for their work once they receive payments from the client.
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                                                                Level up your fursona with the help of our expert designers

                                                                "The artists had amazing response times and were constantly updating me on my piece" Clara Draw My Fursona Why Is Furry Network Controversial?

                                                                Furry Network has been a subject of controversy on various occasions. One of the most popular controversies around Furry Network was the allowance of erotic cub imagery on the website. 

                                                                Many users reported the site. Then requested them to remove cub pornography. Other users reported that anthropomorphic cub pornography made them uncomfortable.

                                                                Consequently, voting was held in which 1389 users voted in favor of removing cub pornographic content while only 620 votes were against the thread. 

                                                                There were several suggestions regarding the ban on cub pornography. Some other alternatives and additional bans included the following.

                                                                • Banning exclusive anthropomorphic sexual content. 
                                                                • A ban on homosexuality and rape.
                                                                • Adding a clause to the terms of service to protect users from censorship.

                                                                After the suggestions, Varka enacted the ban. Varka also thanked the people who spoke up about the posts and made changes to the terms of service and content criteria. 

                                                                Furry Network then introduced a new acceptable upload policy that prohibits content containing minor characters in sexual situations which appear younger than 18 years of age.

                                                                Enactment of this ban made the Furry Network an even safer space for young-adult furries to explore new content and art forms.

                                                                How Did Furry Network Deal With The Controversies?

                                                                The core values of the Furry Network focus on forming a safe community for furries. Therefore, their primary goal was to consider feedback to build and run the site within community guidelines.

                                                                Furry Network appreciated the feedback and considered controversial decisions to avoid hurting users’ sentiments. 

                                                                Moreover, they wanted to provide the furry fandom with a safe and reliable platform. Therefore, with proper reasoning, the Furry Network made sensible amendments to its content policy. 

                                                                They also re-evaluated their content policies regarding underage furry characters as it promoted the idea of sexualizing minors. 

                                                                Furry Network decided that excluding the content with cub pornography was a deal breaker, and it was in the best interest of the furry community to remove all content featuring underage furry characters in sexual situations.

                                                                We can conclude that Furry Network quite efficiently handled the controversies by being open to negative feedback and adapting to change. After all, these steps were vital for the furry community to be safe and successful.

                                                                Red Panda Fursona From Furry Network

                                                                Image via Furry Network

                                                                Does Furry Network Help Furry Artists?

                                                                Furry Network enables artists to access configurable tools that allow them to be available for commission work. These artists can also close commissions if they are not available for work. 

                                                                Their customers can also notify the artists if they’re interested in a piece. Moreover, the artists can simply email their customers to notify them about the availability of an artwork/product.

                                                                The product category on Furry Network also allows customers to check out new pages where they can see product examples. This gives them a better idea as to what they should expect. 

                                                                In addition, Furry Network has an excellent payment method as it features an internal payment processor. The CCBill handles all the payments. Moreover, payment disputes are also resolved by the Furry Network to accommodate the clients.

                                                                Here are numerous offerings through which the Furry Network benefits commission artists and clients. 

                                                                • Users can browse, expand, and collect multimedia 
                                                                • Artists can create and promote their content
                                                                • You can look into the site’s extensive collection of fiction writings 
                                                                • You can follow your favorite creators 
                                                                • The site allows you to safely buy & sell commissioned work

                                                                Furry Art From Furry Network

                                                                Image via Tumblr.

                                                                #banner_2 { border-radius: 16px; padding: 52px 68px; background-image: url(/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/banner_2_img.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100% } .fursonafy_banner_inner { width: 100%; max-width: 390px; } .fursonafy_banner_p:nth-child(1) { margin-bottom: 20px; } .fursonafy_banner_title { font-family: 'Poppins'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 600; font-size: 18px; line-height: 22px; color: #1D022E; } .fursonafy_banner_feedback_mob { display: none; } .fursonafy_banner_review_com { font-family: 'Poppins'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 600; font-size: 16px; line-height: 20px; color: #454349; padding: 0; padding-left: 20px; position: relative; top: -8px; } .fursonafy_banner_review_person { font-family: 'Lato'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; font-size: 12px; line-height: 16px; color: #454349; padding: 0; padding-left: 20px; } .fursonafy_banner_fursonafy_btn { width: 100%; padding: 16px 28px; max-width: 197px; height: 52px; font-family: 'Lato'; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1; text-align: center; font-weight: 600; text-transform: uppercase; color: #FFFFFF !important; background: #BC2EFF; border-radius: 6px 0px 6px 6px; border: none; cursor: pointer; display: flex; margin-top: 30px; justify-content:center; align-items:center; position: relative; } .fursonafy_banner_fursonafy_btn:hover { background: #1D022E; transition: 1s cubic-bezier(0.57, -0.43, 0.37, 1.1); } .fursonafy_banner_black_point { position: absolute; width: 16px; height: 16px; top: 0px; right: 0; background: #1D022E; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 12px; } @media (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 1240px) { .fursonafy_banner_inner { width: 74%; } } @media (max-width: 768px) { #banner_2 { border-radius: 28px; padding: 30px 24px; background-image: url(/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/banner_img_mob.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 100% 100% } .fursonafy_banner_feedback { display: none; } .fursonafy_banner_feedback_mob { display: block; } .fursonafy_banner_inner { width: 100%; max-width: 100%; text-align: center; } .fursonafy_banner_p:nth-child(1) { margin-bottom: 10px; } .fursonafy_banner_review_com, .fursonafy_banner_review_person { padding-left: 0px; } .fursonafy_banner_review_com { top: 0; padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 8px; } .fursonafy_banner_fursonafy_btn { max-width: 100%; } }

                                                                Get your custom made fursona in just a couple of clicks!

                                                                "My artist worked tirelessly on my reference sheet despite several complete revisions of the piece" Craig Draw My Fursona Why Should You Join Furry Network?

                                                                Joining the Furry Network is a straightforward way of linking with like-minded individuals who create, sell, and buy multimedia content. Becoming a part of this platform is the same as joining any other furry community, such as Discord servers but with one exception.

                                                                The exception is that platforms such as Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, or Facebook are exclusively social. In contrast, Furry Network features a business model for commission work. 

                                                                But it also provides an excellent opportunity to interact with fellow furries and make new friends. However, the site’s primary goal is for furries to find new content and share their own if they wish to earn a commission. 

                                                                What Makes a Furry Network Great for Posting Content?

                                                                Furry Network is an excellent platform for posting content due to its updated rules and regulations regarding content guidelines. Moreover, artists in the furry community can post their content in their gallery, which other users can ‘favorite.’ 

                                                                Besides this, Furry Network provides artists with a channel to showcase their talent and increases their exposure to earn a passive income. Various like-minded individuals can access similar content. They can buy, share, promote, and like the content of their choice. 

                                                                In addition, writers can publish their extensive stories on the site. The best part about this commissioned marketplace is that it allows you to share various content, including the following.

                                                                • Writing
                                                                • Animation
                                                                • Video
                                                                • Audio
                                                                • Digital art
                                                                • Fursonas

                                                                Thus, Furry Network is a one-stop shop for all types of multimedia content. The marketplace has had recent updates, which also tackle numerous problems users face.

                                                                For example, it is easier to surf through the thousands of users to find new content creators on the site due to galleries. Moreover, you can keep fresh content on your homepage even if you do not follow many users.

                                                                If the people you follow aren’t active, your gallery will feature recently published posts from the last day to help populate your gallery. This keeps users hooked on new content.

                                                                Furry Network’s Big Plan

                                                                Furry Network is an extensive commissioned marketplace with a plan! This platform looks forward to resolving the biggest issue artists face. Commission fraud is one of the least tackled issues of artistically inclined fandoms. 

                                                                But Furry Network aims to prevent commission fraud by preventing the artist from receiving money and deceiving the client.

                                                                They aim to implement this by working as a third party that handles money until the fulfillment of a purchase agreement. 

                                                                Furry Network can receive money from the client by acting as an escrow service. When the artists complete the commission, Furry Network can pay them. This payment model has the capacity to reduce commissioned fraud.

                                                                However, the platform may need to deal with the client’s horror stories when they demand a refund even after receiving the artwork. But these steps make Furry Network one of the most trusted commissioned marketplaces for the community.

                                                                Due to the enactment of these steps, Furry Network has become a well-trusted site for artists and clients of the furry community.

                                                                Business Model 

                                                                If you have attempted to commission your piece of furry art, you must have considered pricing it well. Furry art requires talent and creativity, as fursonas bear a close resemblance to furries. 

                                                                This challenging art form is quite expensive, but that does not mean furry artists are always drowning in commission work. Some exceptional artists may get hundreds of requests, but that isn’t the case with most furry artists, as this artwork is quite expensive. 

                                                                In such cases, commission fraud is quite prevalent, which may discourage artists from sharing and promoting their content. 

                                                                To tackle this problem, Furry Network has formed an exclusive business model for the community. Thus, Furry Network’s commissioned marketplace features less of a social model and more of a business model, as the sole idea behind the platform was to enable artists to promote and share their furry content. 

                                                                With time, the Furry Network has formed a large community. But this platform has successfully eradicated the fear of underpaid artists facing commission frauds.

                                                                In addition, the furry community focuses on individuality and self-representation, which allows them to create their fursonas.

                                                                Due to this, artists spend a lot of time and energy creating digital mascots. Furry Network provides such artists with a safe and reliable platform with easy multimedia integration. Moreover, the platform continuously seeks to build a robust commissioned system to prevent client abuse.


                                                                The catalog of platforms for furries has become saturated in recent years. But artsy furries continue to look for safer and more reliable platforms to showcase their digital art and media. 

                                                                Even with a plethora of other platforms, furries continue to trust the Furry Network as their primary platform of choice when it comes to expressing art and individuality.

                                                                Besides the social model, this furry community site has numerous features that promote business and commission work amongst artists.

                                                                Overall, the Furry Network is a decent site with a relatively simple interface that allows easy navigation for all users looking to become an active part of the artsy furry fandom.

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                                                                The post Everything You Need to Know About Furry Network appeared first on Fursonafy.

                                                                Categories: News