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Newsbytes archive for July 2019

Edited by dronon as of 21:59
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Contributors this month include 2cross2affliction, BlindWolf8, dronon, earthfurst, GreenReaper, and TyphonDog.

2cross2affliction: Arctic fox is tracked during a thousand mile March across the Northern hemisphere. She didn't like Greenland, apparently.

dronon: The British animated film The Queen's Corgi has created extra interest in the breed.

dronon: The fourteen moves of Snowball. (Science!)

GreenReaper: One fur's perspective on the somewhat-shady world of graphics tablet reviews.

GreenReaper: After a decade of research, scientists agree: this bird's got the moves - 14 of them. [via BBC]

dronon: Adorable harvest mice photos!

GreenReaper: Pittsburgh NPR station WESA outlines furry fandom's appeal for those on the autistic spectrum, with interviews at Anthrocon 2019.

dronon: The flag of the town of Zheleznogorsk in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, has a bear splitting an atom.

dronon: Studio Trigger announces Brand New Animal anime series for 2020.

GreenReaper: "Extremely intelligent" manta ray Freckles doing fine after removal of fishing hook.

2cross2affliction: In a live, in-game event earlier today, Fortnite players witnessed a massive teddy bear mecha fight a kaiju to the death; if you missed it, YouTube has you covered.

2cross2affliction: In another battle of the behemoths, sorta-furry Avengers: Endgame is expected to pass the maybe-furry Avatar as the biggest box office champ tomorrow.

GreenReaper: Sky-tanks slated to save spawning salmon from stone-slide segregation.

earthfurst: "Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling" animated TV special, unaired by Nickelodeon, had distribution rights sold to Netflix, and will release August 9 (2019) on Netflix. The special will include the cast from the original TV series.

GreenReaper: The UK's Daily Mail visits Anthro Weekend Utah, mixing in facts from @FurScience.

BlindWolf8: Merriam-Webster is watching "furry", "fursona".

dronon: Michel Gagné's animated film project for The Saga of Rex is looking good! There's a teaser trailer.

TyphonDog: Bluey: The Australian cartoon that's going global.



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