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Midwest FurFest announces Guests of Honor, theme for 2006

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Midwest FurFest
Hyatt Regency Woodfield
Schaumburg, Illinois
November 17 - 19, 2006

Midwest FurFest is happy to announce that the theme for MFF 2006 will be: Midwest FurFest County Fair!

We are also proud to announce our Guests of Honor for 2006:

We are pleased to welcome the talented artist Heather "Kyoht" Luterman. Kyoht's work has been featured by Australia's National Dinosaur Museum, and Scholastic, the world's largest publisher of children's books and media. You can see more of Kyoht's work at her website,

We also welcome Whitefox (aka Whitey Fawks), noted costumer and co-owner of Arend Studios ( You can find examples of Whitefox's work at any furry convention, and he has created numerous retail, nonprofit, and sports mascots.

Finally, we are happy to be joined by Jen Seng (aka Spunky). Jen is a talented artist and cartoonist whose work has been featured by Sofa Wolf Press, among others. Her work can be found at
Midwest FurFest is a production of Midwest Furry Fandom, Inc.
For more information go to


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