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About Furp

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"Patrick "Furp" Reed was a veteran of the Iraq War where he served
with the US Navy. In the course of his duties he made life better for
many a brave Marine. Furp lost his life in a tragic accident outside
of a military base in California when he was struck by another vehicle
while riding his beloved motorcycle. Ironically, the other driver was
himself a Marine. Early reports indicated that the other driver was
intoxicated, although later information suggested that the collision
was simply a tragic accident.

Furp was also a trained emergency medical technician who was
well-known for his kindness and compassion and was always eager to
help someone in distress. He was never without his medical kit and put
it to good use on many, many occasions, both in conflict and at home.
This community is intended to serve as a place for his friends to
share their photographs and memories of this extraordinary young man,
known to many as a shining example of all that is good in the human
spirit. Please tell us what you remember, be it funny or sad or simply
outrageous; as we all know, Furp would have liked the last one best of
all. If you post photos, please place them under an LJ-cut, so that
people do not become annoyed by Furp-spam on their friends lists. We
want him to be remembered fondly.

A number of people have asked how best to honor Furp. The answer, of
course, they already know. Any time you stop to help a stranger whose
car has broken down on the roadside, or stoop to pick someone up who
has slipped on the sidewalk, or simply place your hand on the shoulder
of a fellow human being who is in pain and say, "Let me help you,"
your are honoring Furp in the grandest way."


Please take a spare moment to visit the community and leave a memory
or read through some that have been left.



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