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Further Confusion's Annual Summer Picnic!!

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What: Further Confusion's Annual Summer Picnic

When: Saturday August 4th, 2001 - 11 am til 5 pm

Where: Homeridge Park in Santa Clara, California: 2985 Stevenson Street.
That is off Homestead between Kiely and Pomeroy for you locals. This is
where we've been for the past two years now, so should be a well known
enough spot for locals.

Who: Anyone who wants to come. Fursuiters, Computers folks craving a
Vitamin fix from sunshine, folks you want to introduce to the fandom, and
anyone else that simply wnats a good time, good food, good company and

What to bring: As last year, the convention is providing the burgers, hot
dogs, buns, condiments, plates, utensils, ice and all that sort of thing.
We'll also be bringing frisbees and a few outdoor type games. If you are
gonna come, please bring some sort of side dish: chips, deserts, extra
soda, salads, deviled eggs, cookies, etc. Bring blankets and folding
chairs as well.

If you need directions or have any questions, you can look on the FC
website where there is a link to a map of the park up at, or send email to

We look forward to seeing you all there!


FC Exec Sec.


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