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ConFurence moves Online Scratching Post to Yahoo Groups

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The ConFurence Group, headed by Darrel L. Exline, has created a public Yahoo Group to host messages, calendaring, chat, etc. of all topics related to conventions organized by or sponsored by The ConFurence Group. Visit to join.

You may also choose to receive EMail only by sending a blank message to which is also an option if you do not want to create a Yahoo Groups account.

ZonieCon is only 5 weeks away in Tucson, Arizona. ConFurence 2002 is next April in Burbank, California. CritterConDiego will be in July adjacent to ComicCon International again next year in San Diego.


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About the author

darrelx (Darrel L. Exline)read storiescontact (login required)

a courtroom technology specialist from Lemon Grove, San Diego, CA, interested in polar bears, and furry fandom of course.

Owner / Director, The ConFurence Group, promoting anthropomorphic fandom-realted events since 1999. Chairman: ConFurence 2003; Dealer''s Room Lead: Conjecture (October in San Diego), Fan Tables at LosCon 29 (Burbank, Nov. 2002)