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New England Furs Pre-Anthrocon Picnic, June 22

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What: 2nd Annual New England Furs Pre-Anthrocon Picnic
When: Saturday June 22, 2002 10am till Sunset
Where: Purgatory Chasm State Park, Sutton, MA
More Info:
RSVP by June 15, 2002 to

This is a great opportunity for new and old folks to meet and get aquainted before the convention and network for ride and room shares. Non furry friends and family are welcome to attend. Any children must be supervised by an adult at all times, especially in the Chasm.If you have room in your car for other people, please email with your email address and location. Anyone who needs a ride will have to look these people up on the ride site and email them yourselves. You may also post for ride share on the mailing lists.

FOOD! Think of what you want to bring. :) In the past the following have been very well recieved:

Hot dogs and buns
Hamburgers and Buns
Linguicia and Buns
Fruit Salad (goes really quick on a hot day!)
Fresh Fruit
Veggie Tray
Spring Water (Very much needed after rock scrabbling)
Chips and Cookies

If you want ice cream or popsicles, bring money. The Ice Cream truck camps out up by the chasm entrance nearly all day in the summer.

There is a big field great for frisbee and other running round kinda sports, and there are tons of trails, including the one through the Chasm itself.

Once again, RSVP to by June 15th so folks know how much food to bring.


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