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Flayrah's coverage on April 1 was . . .

Edited as of Sun 4 Apr 2010 - 19:07
Your rating: None Average: 5 (3 votes)
Too foolish
33% (3 votes)
Not foolish enough
33% (3 votes)
Just right
33% (3 votes)
Votes: 9


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For the record:

  • The report from the Onion is pure satire, as usual
  • The story about PafCon is true as far as it goes (I don't know if the con exists, but the flyers and site do exist)
  • The Beaver did change its name, but not to North American Pussy – the point was to get away from being a sexual innuendo, of which they were perfectly aware
  • Fur Affinity didn't announce a new feature; however, they do have real security vulnerabilities that work as described in the article (which I told them about); perhaps fortunately, there really is no easy way to delete your whole account
  • Furry to Furry probably isn't removing their most popular features, though the report is based on a real administrative message (i.e., it's their hoax)
  • Similarly, people really were turning into floofs in Furcadia yesterday, but this was by design

The things we didn't cover:

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Too bad you can only see this post after you voted.

In addition to fixing that, I think it might be a good idea in to put this comment on the front page.

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That's not entirely true; you can view the post without voting via the tracker ("recent"). Regardless, I'll post it.

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Oh? really /f/chan was redirecting all boards to /f/? Didn't notice cause /f/ is the only board I ever go to really....

Yeah, still April 1st, but believe me on this one...


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I thought fchans gag was hilarious. It's more 'serious buisness' users.... not so much.

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Still shutting down the site cause of whining and calling people immature on April fools day like its a bad thing is even funnier. That's like calling someone a Leprechaun on St Patrick's day. Guess they could dish the foolery, but couldn't take it.

Of course I wasn't their so I don't know what caused the decision. My educated guess is that people started to upload all the porn onto the /f/ board.

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