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Islamic Furry Art (and videos, and books...)

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Just when I thought I couldn't be surprised anymore, here somene broght this to my attention:

I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't checked it out myself. Islamic furry. Well, I guess the first American Islamic furry artist is now only a matter of time...




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While it's nice to see that our Islamic brethren have no particular aversion to using animals to tell stories, it is probably worth pointing out that the works at all three of the links listed above appear to be targeted at children. I can't really argue that these aren't furry works, but the use of animal characters in childrens literature and other entertainment is pervasive enough that I regard such works as being of only marginal interest to furry fans. Given that animals become much less common as the target age of the material increases, the real furry fan is the one who continues to seek out and enjoy furry works after they've reached an age when many others have left them behind, and the real furry works are the ones designed to appeal to older fans (possibly but not necessarily excluding children).

Now if anyone knows of a site with Islamic furry works targeted at older fans, that would be interesting to hear about.

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Oops! That was me. (New version of phpNuke keeps logging me off)


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well i'm not sure how or if this applies but there were budhist and daoist and of course indigenous 'furries' before there even was a christ or mahamid ... (and not just in 'children's' stories ... ~;)

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The Gazelle child is a folk story from northern africa that I am familiar with.
Supposed to have happened for real about a hundred or so years ago, its the arabic equivalent to the jungle book, or european wolf children.

As for the rest-
Talking animal stories are as old as islam itself, and are a part of traditional storytelling in the culture- used for stories to entertain adults as well as children.

The old historian,

Iron Badger.

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Well, I'm glad to see that my contribution got some attention here (oh, and Anon, the name of the Islamic Prophet is 'Muhammad', not Mahamid). And concerning adult Muslim furfans, I reember seeing a message posted about a year or so ago on Daphne Lage's Tall Tails site that was from someone with an Arabic name in the UAE. Don't know whatever became of him.

That said -- sorry to bring up an off-topic post, but am I crazy or did the site have something up concerning a South African furry site a few days back?


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Why so surprising? Furry/talking animal tales are present in every single culture of the world, since millenia before a "fandom" ever existed...

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