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Bear Lover Killed, Eaten By Bears

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Timothy Treadwell, a well-known author and filmmaker who professed a deep love and kinship for bears, was killed and partially eaten by bears during a trip to Alaska. Also killed was his girlfriend, Amie Huguenard.

Treadwell liked getting close to bears, even singing to them, and tried to promote the idea that getting close to bears in the wild was not dangerous. He had been repeatedly warned that getting too close to bears was risky, and had even survived other bear encounters that threatened his life.

The full article can be seen at the Anchorage Daily News website.


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Score one more for Darwin.

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yep... food for thought. doh!

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And another Brain Damaged Hippie Bites the Dust!

This is what frying your brain with drugs will get you.

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I find it strange how this coincides with "Brother Bear" coming out soon. o_O

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Your sensitivity is touching. Treadwell did more to educate people about the vanishing Griz than anyone else. I think anyone with a brain, drug-addled or not, should show a little respect for the dead, and for what the guy accomplished.

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Mach here.

The thing here is this, for years this guy ran around getting as close to bears as you possibly can, in some cases walking up and playing with them.

He had SOMETHING on the ball. To deny that is to deny simple evidence.

The question I ask is this, "What was different this time around?"

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He had SOMETHING on the ball. To deny that is to deny simple evidence.

The question I ask is this, "What was different this time around?"

I disagree.

If I see a dollar down on the subway tracks, and jump down to get it, chances are I'll make it out safely.

If I do it a dozen times, I may still make it out safely, especially if I look for trains carefully first.

If I make it my hobby, I'll be rail pizza within a year.

Even if you're doing something relatively low-risk, you hit the far end of the probability distribution if you do it often enough. This person was attacked by bears in the past, so calling this an isolated incident is incorrect. Sometimes the bears responded favourably, and sometimes they didn't, but this time he didn't get away when he ticked one off.

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