Creative Commons license icon Promotes the Ursa Major Awards

Your rating: None Average: 5 (3 votes) has just created a "So you'd like to ... Support the Ursa Major Awards" page. It is clearly intended to help promote sales of the Furry books and DVDs that carries, but that is really no different from the s-f book publishers that blurb their books "Hugo Award winner" -- they are more interested in selling their books than in promoting the Awards. But it all helps. If's writeup leads people to the Ursa Major website, which has links to Furry fanzines and other nominees within Furry fandom, it will be much better PR for Furry fandom than another "Vanity Fair" article.


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A bit of clarification is in order here. Any registered user of can create a So You'd Like To... page. This particular page was created by one Jessica Morgan; the name isn't familiar to me but she is obviously a fan of the URSA Major Awards.

Regardless, it's good to have a fan who is willing to use the features of to promote furrydom.

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