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Remember To Register For Conifur NW 2004

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If you have not done so yet, be sure to register for Conifur NW 2004.If you plan to attend Conifur NW 2004 and have not registered, register here before the September 10, 2004 deadline. Be sure to read the policies.

If you are a dealer and have not yet reserved a table, do so now. If there are no tables left, at least you will be on the waiting list. If you are not a dealer, but wish to know which dealers are confirmed for coming and have reserved tables, you can find the list here.

If you are an artist and want to reserve a panel or table in the art show, do so now. If there is no room, you will at least be on the waiting list.

Visit here if you wish to sponsor Conifur NW 2004.

Go here if you want to volunteer for Conifur NW 2004. Please note that volunteering for Conifur NW 2004 does not register you for the convention; you must still register separately.

For the latest news on Conifur NW 2004, visit the forums.

I hope to see everyone at Conifur NW 2004!


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If you are not a dealer, but wish to know which dealers are confirmed for coming and have reserved tables, you can find the list here.

The list of confirmed dealers is very old. Will it be updated soon?


Your rating: None Average: 5 (2 votes)

I should be processing the next batch of updates this week. Most of the pages will get an update or three. :)



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