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Scientists Debate Blending of Human, Animal Forms

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Scientists debate whether or not we should turn animals into people. (Furries, on the other paw, think the time for debate is over.)

Click here for the full story, courtesy MSNBC.

Unfortunately, scientists are not yet debating whether we should turn people into animals. One step at a time, I suppose...



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Well, there has actually been some debate. Dr. Joe Rosen is a plastic surgeon who seems to be rather interested in the idea.

There's a great article about him here. This part of it particularly mentions turning people into animals. : )

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(Furries, on the other paw, think the time for debate is over.).... ... One step at a time, I suppose...

Minorities always think the debate is over... they just don't realize it until they have to try and answer the tough questions, like in this case the one about such a mundane thing as medical ethics.

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the fundimental ethic of real medicine is to avoid causing harm, or such is my understanding of the common understanding which like most things common may not be entirely accurate or othen again it may be close enough. the other would be to avoid supporting and enabling tyranny.

for medicine to be drivin by profit motive (as it has been allowed to become in the u.s.) rather then keeping people well and healthy is pretty unethical itself to begin with.

there are issues of risk avoidance for the medical community in this of course. there's always someone who might want something irriversable done to them only to change their mind and attempt to hold the medical proffession accountable for their own lack of foresight or thoughtfulness.

this seems much more likely a source of medical community resistence then any sort of real question of ethics. and i don't see how anyone other then some sort of fanatic could classify that as an 'ethical' question. though it is of course a real and valid question and concern.

then again the main concern might be health risks and the diversity of special needs of 'furry sapiens'. these are all issues that i can see needing LOTS of reliable and indipendent research before anything is ever actualy authorized. but i can't see this as not ever being done. only that there remains a LOT more to be understood then just the mechanics of implimenting such physiological transformations.

at any rate it's all very fascinating. and perhapse some mad dissaffected gene hacker may someday release an organic 'genetic virus', perhaps through geneticly modified food stocks, that will transform us all into furrys whether we want to be or not! who knows what the 'gm' food the world is alread ingesting might end up doing to the 'human' genome anyway?

the medical community's 'go slow and let's make sure' may have already been over ridden by the agrocorp industry in ways not even they are awair or concerd with/of doing.

we do indeed live in strainge and interesting times

even if we don't yet have nice silkey all over fur and fully functional and respectable looking tails ... yet


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Trickster (A. Wolf)read storiescontact (login required)

an eternal student / researcher from OH, interested in about 6.9%