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Morphicon February Newsletter Spectacular!

Edited by GreenReaper as of Thu 7 Jan 2010 - 23:22
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Morphicon 2005 "Growing Pains": May 6-8, 2005
Radisson Columbus-Worthington, OH

In this issue:

* Early Registration and Art Contest Deadlines
* Conbook and Advertising Notice
* Oodles of Programming Panels and Events
* New: Morphicon's Gaming Track!
* Donations Needed for Charity Events


* Early Registration and Art Contest Deadline

Registration Forms:

Early registration ends in one week! If you're thrifty and want the discount registration (only $29), you must register by March 1, 2005. You can use our convenient online form, or send in a mail-order form (also available online) postmarked no later than March 1st.

Potential dealers must also register by March 1st, so if you're considering being a dealer at Morphicon 2005, now is your last chance.

The art contest also ends March 1, 2005. Send a line art submission on the theme "Growing Pains" to Publications and we'll add your entry to the mix. The winner will get their artwork on the 2005 Morphicon T-shirt, and will also get a free Patron membership (or Patron upgrade) to the convention!


* Conbook and Advertising Notices

Even if you don't win the art contest, we'll probably put your artwork in the conbook. The conbook deadline is also approaching, so any grayscale art, poetry, or story submissions should be sent to Publications no later than March 1st.

Advertisements should also be sent to us by the March 1 deadline. Our conbook is half-size, so a full-page ad is 5.5" by 8.5". Advertisement space will be sold in our conbook at the following rates, greyscale or line art only: $25 for full-page, $15 for half-page, and $9 for quarter-page. Conbook advertisement is a cheap and effective way to reach a couple hundred furs with your message.


* Oodles of Programming Panels and Events

Current schedule:

Once again, Morphicon strives to have an incredibly diverse body of programming panels, workshops, and events for our members. This year we have panels and SIGs on a unique collection of topics, such as Babyfurs, inflatables, disabled furs, furry parenting, macrophiles, and totemic spirituality. We have how-to workshops on producing artwork, breaking into the comic and radio businesses, and performing with puppetry and fursuiting. Morphicon's dedication to diversity and inclusion shines through in our efforts to come up with a little something for everyone, so you'll be sure to find something fun to do with your stay.

And don't forget the events! Our infamous Furry Variety Show is back again, certain to shock and amuse. We're one of few furry cons with an official judged Masquerade, complete with awards for winning performances. We have panels on improvisation, and a couple of puppetry shows. There are fursuiting events planned for showcasing suits and just having fun. We feel that performance is the soul of our fandom, and we're dedicated toward providing events for both novice and experienced performers alike. There will be dances on both Friday and Saturday nights, as well.

Additionally, Morphicon has several free food events this year. Our well-stocked hospitality suite is conveniently located right in the middle of convention space, so you won't have to spend the con hungry if you're on a budget. We're hosting our own version of an "Iron Chef" competition, a free pizza party, and a cake-decorating contest (and cake-eating party afterwards). Sponsors will get to participate in an additional ice-cream social on top of this, and Patrons will be treated to both the social and a special free catered dinner with the Guests of Honor. Morphicon promises to be one of the most food-in-ous conventions yet!

Want to be involve in our programming? Email Variety Show to join the pre-scripted Furry Variety Show! Send a note to Masquerade if you want to know more about participating in our judged Masquerade. Or, send Programming your questions or comments if you're interested in participating in other parts of our programming.


* New: Morphicon's Gaming Track!

As if all this weren't enough, this year Morphicon is adding on a Gaming Track. Here's some of what we already have planned:

Friday - We're hoping to have at least one game demonstrated by its creators and/or publishers. Suggestions and offers are welcome!

Saturday - Changeling LARP. Run by Wes Tigris, aka Brian Waite, this event will run most of the day and span most of the convention's public space.

Sunday - Big Eyes Small Mouth sit-down tournament. Run by Siege, aka Zach Collins, this event will feature a Grand Prix style race through outer space.

These events will run concurrently with open gaming time. Console gaming will also be available. A GameCube and a PlayStation 2 will each be available inside the gamespace, and games can be checked out for periods of up to a half-hour from the person in charge. The list of available games is still being compiled; contact Gaming if you'd like to offer yours during the convention.


* Donations Needed for Charity Events

The Animal Adoption Foundation has been saving the lives of stray kittens and puppies since 1977. They're one of the largest no-kill shelters in Southwest Ohio, and they need your help.

Do you have any old furry memorabilia, paraphernalia, or merchandise you don't need anymore? Are you a furry artist or a producer with a few old sketches, prints, or comics you wouldn't mind parting with? We'll gladly
take any furry items for our Charity Art Show or the Charity Raffle! We need your compassion to help save local animals in need.

Please contact Charity and we can arrange to receive any donated items from there. The animals thank you!


See you in May!



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