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Jeff Goode's play 'Fursona Non Grata' to appear at Fangcon, with other stage events

Edited by GreenReaper
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Fangcon 2014 Furstock Playwright Jeff Goode's Fursona Non Grata is to appear at Fangcon on the weekend of November 7-9 in Knoxville, Tennessee. This play premièred at Wild Nights last year in the Central US, and also played on the West coast at Califur IX. The performance will be a radio play featuring many of the performers in their roles at Wild Nights. There will be some casting, as well as a rehearsal.

This play is just one of the performances the convention will be offering. Fangcon's musical Guest of Honor is NIIC The Singing Dog, who is both a stage and studio performer. He will be presenting his newest album "Instinct". Another musician, Buck (or Husky in Denial) is debuting the album "Kay". These two are just the tip of the iceberg for entertainment. Rhubarb The Bear will be returning to Fangcon; and on stage for their first Eastern appearance is A Dozen Dead Furs - a metalcore band from Oklahoma.

The anthro convention includes Ipequey and PacerFox representing Fursuiters as GoH's. If you are an artist, you can visit with TN's own GoH artist Galaxy Owl. Now back in the scene again are those Party Animals, room party GoH Frozen Oasis! They will keep the con cool with their libations. Keeping it hot will be Ozo Matii, a fire juggler. The convention stage is open for those who want to show their talent with the Furry Drama Show hosted by Calamity Cougar.

Fangcon will also feature the Furry Fandom's largest Twister mat for you to test your fursuiting agility on. The con theme is Furstock, celebrating the 1960's and the Woodstock era. So register soon before time runs out. Pre-registration closes Saturday, October 11.


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Omg I love furries

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a Gargoyle from Norman Oklahoma

Jugular Jaguar and Calamity Cougar as a Fursuiter, Furry Drama Show Director, Convention organizer and Staff, Photographer and Videographer