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Southern Californa furs: assistance requested for Fred Patten!

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Anime and anthropomorphic pioneering fan and writer Fred Patten suffered a stroke in March that left him paralyzed on his right side. He is no longer able to administer his gigantic collection of anime and manga, or his other personal items. His items must be moved on April 25th, and if you live in Southern California and are available to provide assistance, it would be tremendously appreciated.On Sunday, April 24th, volunteers are needed to help with the following tasks:

  • Loading boxes onto hand trucks in Fred's apartment and in Fred's storage units
  • People to continue boxing items once there's more room
  • Transport of items to the Robert and Wendy Pini residence in Thousand Oaks

    On Monday, April 25th, two drivers have volunteered, but it would be nice to have a backup in case of emergency.

    If you would like to help, please contact Lee Gold. She is coordinating the entire move. Her email is

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    [Forwarded from Lee Gold ]

    Fred's collection has been delivered to the UC Riverside Special Collection Library. See and Fred is thrilled - and amazed that we got two 24' foot panel trucks loaded in one day and their contents delivered in another day. His storage units are now empty!

    Now we move on to Phase Two. It's going to be a lot easier. There's only one or two dozen boxes of stuff left to pack. And there's a LOT more room in the apartment! The boxes will get picked up later by Richard & Wendy Pini. Except for the duplicates that ASIFA and C/FO didn't want, which will go to LASFS.

    SUNDAY, MAY 1ST: NOON until it's done
    Fred's apartment, 11863 Jefferson #1

    In addition to boxing stuff, we're also going to stuff Fred's clothes into trashbags that the Golds will take. And we're going to try to disassemble his desk and his good bookcases, and store them at Shurgard through May and early June until we have an idea if Fred will be able to use them again one day. And as usual, we'll stuff the dumpster until it's full.

    Fred is currently at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center in Downey, Building 10, Room #1016, bed 2. [Phone number elided; contact PeterCat to get it.] You can email him at , and Lee Gold will eventually see the messages and print them out for Fred.

    --Lee Gold

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    About the author

    PeterCatread storiescontact (login required)

    an anthrocon art show director from Syracuse, NY

    Intrigued by the late-80s CBS series "Beauty and the Beast," PeterCat discovered SF conventions and began helping out at art shows. On the Internet, he created the Furry InfoPage and in his FurryMUCK persona as Rhal, maintains a list of furry-themed MU*s.