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FC2007: Fur Your Eyes Only - August Mission Briefings

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It's summer, all agents, and that means in addition to the end of shedding
season, it's getting on towards the time when mission headquarters starts to
get busy. This month your mission notes are quick and dirty but important to
maximize your chances of success.

In this briefing:
1. Pre-reg Price Increase
2. Travel Assistance Program
3. Web Banner Release
4. Hotel Reservations Issue
5. Conbook Submission Guidelines
6. Looking for a few good agents
7. Next Staff Meeting
1. Pre-reg Price Increase

Effective September 1st, our pre-registration rate increases to $45. So if
your a spy or villain on a budget, use our online registration system
immediately.  If not and you're on an expense account, we'll gladly accept
that extra $5.  You can reach online registration at:


2. Travel Assistance Program

Help people get to Further Confusion!

Each year, we have some folks who need a little bit of extra help in
affording the trip to Further Confusion. This is your chance to help them
out. The folks listed on this page are folks who have specifically requested
help from the fandom and are people we feel are worthy of your

How to request Travel Assistance

If you need just a little help in getting to Further Confusion 2007, we're
here for you! FC can offer travel assistance to those in need. Just e-mail
us at (with 'Travel Assistance' in the subject
line), and we'll add you to the list below.

When e-mailing us, make sure that you include your real name, fan name,
mailing address, and provide a brief description about yourself and what you
feel you can contribute to the convention. Note that the deadline for
getting onto the travel assistance list is October 1, 2006.

Donating to the Travel Assistance fund

If you want to make a donation to the convention to help a specific person
listed here, here's how you do it. Send us a check (our address is listed on
our Contacts page) with the name of the individual listed in the memo field
of the check (or money order, as the case may be). We will deposit that
check into our accounts, and on December 5 we will notify the person of the
amount received on their behalf. We will NOT reveal the names of persons who
have made such contributions unless both the recipient and the donor desire
us to.

3. Web Banner Release

You asked for it and our brave graphic design department here at HQ always
supports its agents in the field. Our web banner link is now available at the
following location:


4. Hotel Reservations Issue

Due to overwhelming early demand, our room block is out of certain types of
rooms on certain nights. The hotel is not yet sold out. We are working on an
expanded block, so there's no need to panic. However, to allay the concerns
of those of you who can't wait until we get the expanded block increased,
here are directions for you to follow.

When trying to make a reservation, you may be told that you can only get the
convention rate for certain nights and must pay full price for others.

If this happens, please go ahead and make your reservation (if the online system
gives you problems, please call 1-800-222-8733 to speak to a reservation agent),
then send your confirmation number and the (real) name on the reservation to and let us know. We'll make sure you get our rate
for all days.

We appreciate your patience until the hotel expands the room block.

5. Conbook Submission Guidelines

Once again, our conbook will be an all-color affair, so all you artists with
a flare for spies, get in touch with us. You can contact our conbook staff
at The official conbook submission guidelines
will be found here in the next week:


Also, stay tuned as we hope to announce a contest of interest to those
submitting in our September newsletter. Oh and other agencies, if you want
to run a color advertisement, that's acceptable too.

6. Looking for a few good agents

We are looking for special agents to fill key staff positions. We have
many staff positions open still and we are trying to fill them as soon as
possible. There are many different types of staff positions that are open
and there are several benefits to being staff.

If you are at all interested, email us at (or come
to our next staff meeting) and we'll be happy to talk with you and how you
can help the convention.

7. Next Staff Meeting

Our next staff meeting will be September 16th starting at noon in the San Jose
Doubletree. Parking is free - just tell the parking attendant that you're with Further
Confusion when you arrive, and then get a sticker for your parking slip in
the meeting.

And now, the gadgets...

Further Confusion


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