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I read:

Edited by Aureth
Your rating: None
0-1 book a month
21% (18 votes)
2-4 books a month
38% (32 votes)
5-7 books a month
14% (12 votes)
8-10 books a month
19% (16 votes)
8% (7 votes)
Votes: 85


Your rating: None Average: 5 (3 votes)

8-10 books is a slow month for me. (and that doesn't count comics and assorted stories on the Internet.)

Richard Reid
Captain; Webship Corwinda

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I read Feren, in addition to several books a month! Where's my category for that?

Kidding! But I hope these 5-10 book-readers a month have already read Alysha's Fall. You have, right? ;)

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We need a bigger scale! I read a dozen actual paper books a month, plus half that in digits. Heck, another good survey would be: How many books do you write a month?

(Answer: 0.5, in my case)


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I.... have no idea why I'm on this poll. O_o


"We use them for divine retribution."

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Well? Have you read yourself? ;D

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Because CowboyNeal wasn't available? :-)

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Maybe because you post more articles to Flayrah than anyone else does? Or perhaps it's just because you're a personal friend of the admins and they just want to mess with your head.

*noogies panther*

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Not often, and when I do I just flip to the comics section. They have some pretty funny stuff printed in there! Lots of internal organs and the like....

"We use them for divine retribution."

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Hmm. Doomed to be Flayrah's whipping boy.

Strangely, I'm okay with this! :)

"We use them for divine retribution."

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But my head is such a delicate thing! Messing with it is far too easy, I would think... ;)

"We use them for divine retribution."

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Whoa. Someone got the obscure reference. ;)

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What, that Feren's a whipping boy? That's not so obscure, I thought everyone knew that.

*noogies panther again*

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Well I haven't read Feren but I have read Aureth, does that count?

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pauses, cants his head, and then breaks into a wide grin

I SO am not going to say anything. Aureth would hurt me.

"We use them for divine retribution."

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