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About movies in the theaters, Summer 2001 is:

Edited by Aureth
Your rating: None
The best ever!
0% (0 votes)
Better than the average summer season.
4% (5 votes)
Mediocre--I can take it or leave it.
18% (20 votes)
Worse than usual.
16% (18 votes)
The worst summer season ever!
7% (8 votes)
Movies suck. I read books!
16% (18 votes)
39% (44 votes)
Votes: 113


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Presumably, the way to get Jen's goat is to insist that with this year's mediocre crop of movies, we're all sitting around watching Feren for entertainment. :)

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Feren's not all that interesting to watch though. He's more of an interactive toy ;)

And if you want my goat you're welcome to it. I don't need it anymore, I've got a panther instead ;D

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Since Feren seems to be the answer to everything, is there a picture of him anywhere?

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I am not interactive!

"We use them for divine retribution."

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Your rating: None Average: 5 (1 vote)

*pokes Feren* hee hee

*pokes Feren* hee hee

*pokes Feren* hee hee

I'd say you are

Melissa "MelSkunk" Drake

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