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Fangcon's opening night: October 26

Edited by GreenReaper as of 20:59
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FangconOverture, curtains, lights,
This is it, the night of nights

And that night will begin October 26 at Tennessee’s new Furry event, Fangcon. This three-day con will host its “Opening Night” in Nashville at the Millennum Maxwell House Hotel. Room rates start at $101 a night over the traditional Halloween weekend. Look for a lot of Halloween antics throughout the con, as well as activities. One of these is the Halloween Ball hosted by Goldenwolf. Bring your fursuit and dress your costume up in a costume. If you do not have a fursuit, just come in your own Halloween themed costume. After all, it is a Monster’s Holiday!

The con theme is "Musicals!", and leading the way with this is the musical composer himself, GoH, Rhubarb The Bear, known for Julie Bunny must Die and Fosgate: Ferret Loan Officer, and more recently headlining his own show at select fur cons. Rhubarb will be offering up all his various talents in his show from his numerous years in the music show business of the entertainment area of Branson, Missouri and now currently Orlando, Fl. His shows are an audience fun filled event. You need to get to his show to get a good seat and feel free bring to bring an instrument as you might find yourself part of his show.

No more rehearsing and nursing a part
We know every part by heart
Overture, curtains, lights
This is it, you'll hit the heights

There is another height to look forward to. GoH Calamity Cougar and Draconis bring the traveling Furry Drama Show. A diverse show of musicians, videos, performances hosted by the cougar himself. The FDS brings from other furcons various talented individual works. The show has performed at Wild Nights, RCFM and will travel to Oklacon, Fangcon, and then end its touring year at Furry Fiesta. So you can expect to see a lot of talent brought forth from this cooperative effort.

And oh what heights we'll hit
On with the show this is it

Fangcon’s artist GoH is Kat Miller aka. Foxenawolf, known for Devia Comics. She will be offering various art-related panels at the con along with art events. This will be a great time to see her there.

Tonight what heights we'll hit
On with the show this is it

Look for all sorts of activities to do at the con. Fursuiting-related games, fursuit parade and panels with Goldenwolf, Writing with Phil Guesz, and dances! If you are a DJ and want to spin at the dance, shoot a post on the Fangcon forums. This holds true for panels or events. If you have some special skills to share this is the time to let us know so we can show case those talents.

The newest Tennessee Furry con has opened its registration doors with pre-registration of just $35. and super-sponsorship of $120. This upper membership also includes something else you cannot get anywhere, an Aurora badge but this is only guaranteed delivery with pre-registering. So get in the door now.

Fangcon is also opening it’s doors to the Dealer Den. The cost is $40 a table, and it is first come, first served, so if you are looking for a table to sell from contact Shelby our DD Coordinator asap

For any other information about the con check out the main page of our website. We are looking to see you there October 26–28. Break a leg!

If you would like to help support Fangcon, please help distribute this newsletter to mailing lists or furry forums which might be interested. --JugularJaguar


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About the author

Jace Inugami (Raulin C. Hentchel)read storiescontact (login required)

a waitor and Wolf Ghost from Nashville, TN, interested in japanese language and culture, cooking, video games, comic books and art

A member of the fandom since the infamous CSI debacle, Jace has slowly built his way into the life of furry. Joining deviantArt and later Fur Affinity in high school, he built up his friends in the community, though never had a local group to get close with. While at Vanderbilt University, Jace met with Frocta at a local coffee shop, which through much care and nourishment grew into a huge weekly fur meet.

Now graduated from college, Jace has been working as the Secretary for FangCon's inaugural, as well as a moderator on the Tennessee Fur Forums, and acts as an active member of the Nashville Furry community, frequently hosting meets at his apartment.