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'Pogo' as animated and voiced by Walt Kelly personally

Edited by GreenReaper as of Sat 23 Mar 2013 - 11:47
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The story has long been told of how the production of the 1969 TV special “The Pogo Special Birthday Special”, a collaboration between Pogo creator Walt Kelly and animator Chuck Jones, turned into a “Hollywood ain’t big enough for the both of us!” feud, that ended up with the two not talking to each other. Jones dismissed Kelly as “he thinks that he’s an animator just because he did about 20 seconds of the easiest animation in Dumbo twenty-five years ago.” (Kelly animated the silhouettes of the clowns carousing inside the circus tent.)

Now Amid Amidi reveals that Kelly was so displeased that he decided to create his own animated Pogo half-hour TV special, “We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us”. But due to the difficulties of producing a half-hour of animation personally while in declining health, Kelly only completed a rough cut of thirteen minutes before he died in 1973.

Amidi has found that thirteen minutes, and presents it on the Cartoon Brew website. It may be unfinished, but it’s pure Kelly, from the drawings of the cartoon funny animals of the Okefenokee Swamp, to their animation, to Kelly performing all of the voices.


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Walt Kelly is the most underrated artist is the furry fandom. If you're not familiar with him, run, don't walk, to read one of his books. You'll be glad you did.

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Actually, it would be very interesting to run a poll to see who Furry fans think is the most underrated artist in Furry fandom. Walt Kelly? Sheldon Meyer? Howard Post? Al Hubbard? Dan Gordon? Ken Hultgren? Jack Bradbury?

Here is Ha Ha Comics #47, January 1947, with signed stories by Ken Hultgren and Jack Bradbury. Hultgren drew the Id Monster that Joshua Meador animated for the movie "Forbidden Planet". Reportedly Walt Disney trusted Bradbury's work so much that he told Western Printing/Dell Comics that they did not need to submit a Disney comic book for approval before printing if Bradbury drew it. He drew most of Carl Barks' Duck story scripts that Barks did not illustrate himself.

Fred Patten

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Hmm. When I think of "artist in furry fandom", It's generally someone with a fan name, not a professional funny animal comic artist who's known (if not that much) outside of it. A few straddle the border and often stick with real names in fandom, like Ursula Vernon (and I had to argue about her placement in Wikipedia's category for furry fandom people).

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Yes, I should have said artist of anthropomorphic animals, not artist in Furry fandom.

Also, I listed just comic book artists. There are also book artists like Wallace Tripp. And comic strip artists like T. S. Sullivant.

Fred Patten

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What Fred said. I meant, "Among furries, Walt Kelly is underappreciated." :)

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The character designs and backgrounds were cute, but the story didn't grab me. Works better as a ten-second comic than a ten-minute animation. Also it's unclear whether he was trying to be pro- or anti-gun-control.

The Christmas Special seems, overall, a better animation. Sometimes collaboration is the best approach!

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Not with Chuck Jones. Everything had to be HIS way.

Fred Patten

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The film was actually 30 minutes long and the longer version has survived.

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