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FSB canceled and replaced.

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In a recent e-mail alert, it was announced that this year's Furry Spring Break was canceled. However, the convention was replaced by another similar one, called "PawPet Megaplex Convention". Same time slot and location. Details can be found here.


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I don't get it?

What happened?

Please tell me it isn't fall out from the stupid MTV thing?

Swift Fox

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It has nothing to do with the MTV thing as FSB was cancelled long before the show aired. It just took a while for the public announcement to come out because of the busy holiday season.

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This is a shame. The new name implies that this convention is for PawPet fans. Though the PawPets have many fans, I cannot imagine that their fan base is large for a convention.

Regardless, I wish them the best of luck with their convention.

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There will be something for everyone at Megaplex. By not putting one specific group that the convention is targeted to the convention is able to offer a much broader range of entertainment. This will be an event than everyone can attend, with their parents and kids if they chose. :)

Hope to see you there!

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Isn't it kind of late to find a hotel for March? Maybe this should have been put off untill next year. It reeks of a 'quick fix'. I has been trying to save the money to get to a FSB. This just doesn't sound like it has the same atmosphere. :/

Melissa "MelSkunk" Drake

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Their use of the word "funny-animal" seems to indicate that this is not a "furry" con. I think the thing that disappoints me is that instead of just stating this is a G-rated furry con (which it is from their promotional materials and emails. They are abandoning the fandom.)

I'd support gladly a G rated furry con, but this thinly disguised attempt to have their cake and eat it too, I do not. And thats a shame, we need more folks willing to fight to improve the fandom.

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I guess I did not read it as abandoning the fandom as much as making it accessible to those who do not know what "furry" means... or that there even is a fandom for it.

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No art show! Some of us can't attend every con to set up in an Artist's Alley.

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A press release stating concerns about recent claims and rumors has just been made as well.

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Here's a better page to view. Explains why FSB was canceled in the first place and why they decided to go with the path they're going for the "replacement" con.

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