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'Savva: Heart of the Warrior'

Edited by crossaffliction
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Here is another new animated feature that we aren’t getting in America, at least right now. The Cartoon Brew website has just posted this article about Savva: Heart of the Warrior, a new Russian animated feature that opened in second place in that country, and has since been released in Poland and is coming to other countries in 2016. An American voice dub has been prepared, but no American release has been scheduled yet.

The CB article includes the trailer and a half-dozen stills. Savva and many characters are human, but there are plenty of talking animals including Angee, a white wolf or werewolf.


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Looks interesting. Talking wolves are always a sell. And Mila Jovovich, Sharon Stone & JOE PESCI?! Why hasn't this come sooner!?

And the writer from Lion King 2?! Could the next Kovu be in here?! :D :D :D

I'm a different furry with different opinions.

Debut Album out now go stream it plz

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