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Call Scooby-Doo! Get Phone Sex!

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A children's book giveaway, featuring toll-free numbers for kids to call to talk to members of the Scooby gang, was recalled too late to prevent families and businesses from reaching the phone sex line one of the numbers really went to.


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(I remember this from the last articles on Scooby Doo here...)
Dials the phone...
Welcome to the Scoobie Doo Sex Line...
Press one... to listen to Velma and Daphine get it on while under an evil spell.... Press two to hear Scooby Doo explain why there is a "Mystery" in the Mystery Van....Press three to hear all about the real story between Shaggy and Freddy.... Press four for endless looped sound track of "Ruh Rooh"

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Roh, raby! Raster! Raster!

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sick, twisted and demented... ... WHOOHOO! }:=8}

Tlaren }:=8}

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