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Pittsfurgh Fall Fur-b-que! 10/12-13/02

Edited by GreenReaper as of Thu 7 Jan 2010 - 23:20
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Hello everyfur!

Well, here in Pittsfurgh we furs like to howl in the Summer and howl it out in the Autumn with a bi-annual furry meet at the Foxes' Den in Aspinwall, PA!

This year is no different and the Fall Fur-b-que will be held Columbus Day weekend October 12th & 13th.

The Fur-b-que will be run similar to the one in June. As your hosts, we will provide the carnivorous main course along with the plates, cups, napkins and condoments. The folks attending help spread the cost by bringing a side dish or dessert and soft drinks.

It's a great way to get together and socialize without the somewhat hectic atmosphere of a convention.

The itinerary for the Fall event is:

Saturday Oct. 12th: BBQ & Bowling.
Sunday Oct. 13th: Brunch & Zoo Meet

More information will be issued as I get it together. I'm working on putting up a website for the party. I'll post the link when its' up
and running. It will include suggested side dishes, directions, nearby lodging, and pics from the Summer Fur-b-que. :)

You can RSVP today or send questions by sending an E-mail to:

Hope ta see ya there!

Swift Fox


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Ok .. Asked and got no answer to my email. .. "condoments" ??? Is this gonna be just a BBQ or is this also an invite for some heavy play in a private area with those inclined for a bit 'O fun. ;) Need to come with more toys ifn it is.

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