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So, what do you get when you type "[your name here] the Hedgehog" in Google Image Search?

Your rating: None Average: 4.3 (10 votes)
A DeviantArt link to someone who actually has a Sonic fan character with your name
44% (15 votes)
A DeviantArt link to someone who actually has a fan character with your name, but not of Sonic for some reason
3% (1 vote)
Mostly pictures of you/connected to you
12% (4 votes)
Mostly cute pictures of hedgehogs
18% (6 votes)
9% (3 votes)
15% (5 votes)
Votes: 34


Your rating: None Average: 3 (2 votes)

What, it's like four thirty in the morning and I'm suffering insomnia, don't judge me, okay?

Anyway, Ninetales won last poll.

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A YouTube video of a green Sonic recolor and a blue Amy recolor in loooooove with some boyband playing over it.

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I got something close - a Sonic video uploaded by a Green Reaper. But my real name did produce a legitimate DA fan character, albeit spelt slightly incorrectly, so I chose that.

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Tantroo The Hedgehog gets me 3 Articles:

My Freedom Planet Review
My Sonic Generations Review
My Sonic After the Sequel Review

Sonious the Hedgehog auto-corrects to Sonic the Hedgehog.

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I get mostly pictures I've uploaded for articles here, too.

The weirdest thing I got is way down featuring a shark trying to eat a seal, which is only weird because it has nothing to do with a. me, or b. Sonic the Hedgehog.

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The weird one for me was a link to a youtube video that featured my Super Mario Maker level: The Forbidden Switch.

Sure it has my name in it, but it's certainly not Sonic related.

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I learned something from my real name; I didn't know there were 10 female Sonic the Hedgehog characters.

Uh, there's the pink one, the squirrel one from the cartoons, the bat one, the rabbit one, the robot rabbit one, the purple cat one, and, uh, the human Sonic slept with in the Xbox game one?

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Kissing is sleeping with someone now? My my, how things escalate quickly these days :)

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I never actually played; just Internet rumors, which almost certainly escalated things.

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Kakurady The Hedgehog gave me my Flayrah article on the Sonic-themed roller coaster.

Image search resulted in photo I took of a hedgehog fursuit (so many spikes! <3).

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This poll is fun!

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I got a huge jumble of images, most of which didn't fit any of the choices offered. I chose based on what I saw the most of among the ones that did, which was cute pictures of hedgehogs.

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Woah...I'll never be doing that again. XD

I'm a different furry with different opinions.

Debut Album out now go stream it plz

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