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Robot Chicken? No, Robot Dog

Edited as of 02:46
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Rob Cohen (director of The Fast and The Furious and (yay!) Dragonheart) has a new comic book project out from 4five1 Comics called Red Dog. Here’s what they say: “Some say there’s no greater love in the universe than the love a boy has for his dog. For Kyle, the only kid living amongst 200 grownups on a distant mining colony light-years away from Earth, that saying is a given. Welcome to Kirawan, a planet that Kyle calls, ‘the worst place you could ever imagine’. Kyle stumbles through his days doing his chores hoping to live up to the steep demands of his father, the head of the planet’s mining operation. Still, it’s not all bad: There’s Q, Kyle’s robotic K-9, basically the greatest pet in the known universe. However, during an upload of resources bound for earth, the alien natives of Kirawan launch a full scale attack on the human miners. The events that follow thrust Kyle and Q into the middle of a mysterious civil war; a war in which the fate of the planet will hang.” This bi-monthly limited series is written by Mr. Cohen and Andi Ewington, with full-color art by Rob Atkins. Comic Bastards has an extensive review. The first issue is due later this month.

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image c. 2016 4five1



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Mink (Rod O’Riley)read storiescontact (login required)

a Mink from Garden Grove, California, interested in music

Ed-otter of In-Fur-Nation. Former Califur programming director. Co-founder of ConFurence.