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Sexy Furs of Many Shapes and Sizes

Edited as of 02:45
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Some of the folks involved with have started a new venture — for a decidedly adult audience. Growl After Dark is described as “Sex-positive smut for people who want something different. Our aim is to celebrate different body types, sexualities, and relationship styles in our sultry tales, focusing on character and story as much as our art.” To that end writer/illustrator Jezebel Tart and writer Riley Black have created a series of digest-sized graphic paperbacks containing both illustrated stories and comics. Furriest among them by far is The Woods, but all of their works have something of interest to furry fans — or collectors of erotica. Needless to say, their web site is for Adults Only!

image c. 2017 Growl After Dark



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About the author

Mink (Rod O’Riley)read storiescontact (login required)

a Mink from Garden Grove, California, interested in music

Ed-otter of In-Fur-Nation. Former Califur programming director. Co-founder of ConFurence.