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Junk… In… Space!

Edited as of 03:46
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Lion Forge Comics have launched their new Caracal imprint for younger readers with Quantum Mechanics, an all-alien themed graphic novel written and illustrated by Jeff Weigel. “On a nowhere asteroid on the far rim of the galaxy, two young alien girls-Rox and Zam-spend their days tearing apart and repairing clunkers in a spaceship junkyard. These aspiring gearheads yearn for the chance to test their skills on something besides rusted old rockets and broken-down planet-hoppers. Their big chance finally comes when the captain of a mysterious ship called the Quasar Torrent enlists the kids for some repair work. But what initially looks like a golden opportunity quickly becomes a nightmare when the young friends find they’ve been kidnapped by what turns out to be a band of space pirates! Rox and Zam find themselves swept up in the astro-bucaneers’ vendetta against a huge intergalactic corporation that’s forced this motley band of working stiffs from across space into a life of crime. Now the girls must chose: Do they want the comforts of home and family, or the glamorous adventure of a lifetime-to be part of a crew of colorful misfits intent on plunder, revenge, and excitement? Their lives, friendship . . . and maybe even the fate of a galaxy . . . hangs in the balance!” Comicosity has an in-depth review.

image c. 2018 Caracal Comics


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Mink (Rod O’Riley)read storiescontact (login required)

a Mink from Garden Grove, California, interested in music

Ed-otter of In-Fur-Nation. Former Califur programming director. Co-founder of ConFurence.