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After the Squirrel, a Moose. Get it?

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Earlier this year we told you about a squirrel named Taco, and a book about him written by Andrew Cangelose and illustrated by Josh Shipley. Well now that same team is back with a new hardcover book, this time following Taco’s friend named Whoopsie — in, you guessed it, This Is a Whoopsie! “This is supposed to be a book about all the different things moose can do, like leaping and jumping and being really tall. But maybe Whoopsie isn’t the right moose for the job. You might want to pick a different moose for this book. Maybe instead we can do a book about falling down a lot? Yeah! Whoopsie would be great at that. From the creators of This Is a Taco! comes the hilarious tale of a clumsy moose who shows how sometimes being a little different can make one great story.” It’s available now from Cubhouse, Lion Forge’s imprint for beginning readers. [And with that, we wish you all a happy, safe, and Furry New Year! — ye ed-0tter]

image c. 2018 Cubhouse


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About the author

Mink (Rod O’Riley)read storiescontact (login required)

a Mink from Garden Grove, California, interested in music

Ed-otter of In-Fur-Nation. Former Califur programming director. Co-founder of ConFurence.