Digging up Positivity - Furry charity and good news - January 2021
Hello, and welcome to the first episode of Digging Up Positivity of this new year. January certainly was a thing. But plenty of good things happened too. Starting off with one of our favorite avians, we will go through some awesome animations, and more, ending with our featurette, TK Wolf! One of the driving forces behind Furs4Life.
Furry Charity Index update
Before we start with this years charities, I wanted to have a special note about last year. Every year we release the Furry Charity Index, but with such a huge amount of data, things get overlooked, so without further ado, here are some updates:
- Further Confusion raised $20,452 for the Billy DeFrank LGBTQ Center of Silicon Valley.
- Team Fastest Furs raised $8,000 for Global Giving
- Team Dogbomb Rhode Island chapter raised $130 and Team Tony raised $5,885 for the ALS foundation
- Team Fastest Furs raised $9,090 for TransLifeLine
With these additions, the known total raised by furries worldwide in 2020, despite everything that has been going on, is $523,759.87. The charity index is a continuous work in progress, if you find anything, no matter how big or small, let us know in the comments or the subscription form in the description.
Flappy New Year
As for 2021: This year had a brilliant kickoff with Flappy New year, where Adler, Blazen, and friends raised $31,311 for Give Kids The World. I was happy to be a part of it, and I even got this amazing Jersey!
Further Confusion
January was also graced by the virtual edition of Further Confusion. This year they raised over $5,500 dollar for Black Girls Code, and you can still donate! So this amount is not final.
Making music to combat ALS
The Fursuiter Band known as ‘We Are One’ is raising money to the ALS Foundation! All the proceedings of their track ‘With you I can run forever’ will go to Team Smelly Mutt, so far they already raised over $400.
And For All got inspired by this, and decided to do the same with their track ‘Bring Us Together’. At the moment, both fundraises are still ongoing!
Radio Rabbit Hole
One of the popular broadcasts on the otter side of the pond is Radio Rabbit Hole. They keep on making the fandom a better place, but with running such an outfit come quite some costs they can’t avoid. Fortunately generous donors gave them $1,400 to keep the rabbit hopping!
It is difficult to imagine for some, but the furry fandom has been around for a long time. And some conventions of back in the days are no longer around, such as ConFURence. Scar did make a nice video about the rise and fall of this furcon.
Cookie Monster Rocks
When geologists venture off on research trips, usually they look for specific rocks, minerals and fossils. However in this case, a Californian scientist did not expect to open up a volcanic rock in Brazil, only to find something that looked like the famous Cookie Monster inside!
Marks’ SkinEditor
In the last year, 3D characters become a lot more popular as many aspects of our fandom made the jump to virtual reality. And with that, of course the demand for having your own unique 3D avatar. But unlike drawing, you can’t just grab a pencil and paper. Especially when it comes down to those dreaded UV maps. You can compare this with the wrapper you find around your chocolate Santa Claus. A while back I mentioned Mark, who now came with a SkinEditor, to make all this a bit more easy. You can find the links in the description!
I love cake, and I love LEGO, I did not think this could be combined, yet Tomosteen made a stop motion animation combing these two. And if ASMR is your thing, there is something for you too. Just don’t drop it on the floor afterwards, your kitchen will be a minefield!
Throat Notes
Long time animator Felix Colgrave, known for his surrealistic animation, released ‘Throat Notes’, a little story about backyard critters you might see in Tasmania. And once again, it is a visual roller coaster ride. His unique style, all done by hand, is extremely time intensive, but the results are lovely to check out, each and every
Long Gone Gulch
Last month the pilot for Long Gone Gulch was released and is certainly an enjoyable watch. In the Western like strange land known as ‘The Gulch’, Rawhide and Snag try their best to be good sheriffs. Unfortunately the odds are stacked against them thanks to their own actions, getting them in a heap of trouble. The fast paced animation and sharp designs really enhance the already bizarre characters. A fun watch! I hope their pilot is successful!
Wolves in the Veluwe (NL)
It is known that the wolves have returned to the Dutch area known as De Veluwe, and last month an entire family of wolves travelled past one of the hidden camera’s of the Dutch ‘Zoogdierenvereninging’. Thanks to this new footage, they concluded that 7 cubs are still alive, which shows there is plenty of food around, namely deer and hogs. They were born in 2019 and 2020.
Featurette: TK Wolf
Last year, TK Wolf was a small guest at the show to tell us more about Furs4Life. But now, it is time to get to know the woof behind the charity a bit more. Hereby I welcome this months featurette: TK Wolf.
[Interview with TK Wolf]
Thank you so much for sticking with us till the very end. Which brings me to these special people, supporters of this channel:
Cosmik with a K
Els Deckers
Tantroo McNally
Score Chaser
We will return on February 27th, where our featurette is not just horsing around!

About the author
Pegla (Danny) — read stories — contact (login required)a designer and Skunk from Hilversum, interested in stuff
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