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I actually forgot I ordered this.

Furry Reddit - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 19:43
Categories: News

Kneonn J: The comic#3

Furry Reddit - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 19:03
Categories: News

Fapp, the erotic furry RPG, now on Offbeatr! Developer AMA Time!

Furry Reddit - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 18:13

Hi! I'm the lead designer for Fapp, which just started its fundraising campaign on Offbeatr.

We've been working on this project for years, ever since I developed Lands of Luste with Gideon. Now we're finally ready to make our final push to release, using the money from Offbeatr to pay some kickass artists to make our book more than just words.

So if you guys have any questions about the project or tabletop-development in general, I'll be here all night to answer them! Since I lurk here pretty often, I'll be able to answer questions later on too, though not as quickly.

submitted by welovekah
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Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 8 Episode 23

TigerTails Radio - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 18:11
TigerTails Radio Season 8 Episode 23
The latest episode of TigerTails Radio. For previous episodes, visit From: TigerTails Radio Views: 20 2 ratings Time: 02:18:44 More in People & Blogs
Categories: Podcasts

So I was bored in class...

Furry Reddit - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 16:54

... and did a little doodle on my notebook. I'm pretty far from being good at drawing(only thing I can really draw are simple frontal view faces), but it turned out neat in my opinion, now I want what you guys think about it link

submitted by DSTMute
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Categories: News

16 M looking for a furry buddy

Furry Reddit - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 16:26

Hey everyone. I'm Dustin the Artic Fox and I'm looking for a furry buddy to help me get used to my New fursona and also find more furry buddy's so PM for my Kik

submitted by furry_lover
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Categories: News

League of Legends! Let's do it the easy way.

Furry Reddit - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 15:17

So from time to time someone posts about looking for other furs to play with. I though, the chatroom system in league of legends works, why don't we use it.

So, If you wanna talk to furs playing league, autojoin: RedditFurs

That way we don't have to exchange names etc.

Just thought this might be a good idea.

E: and we don't have to worry about servers.

submitted by Shymini
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Categories: News

So I bought a collar today...

Furry Reddit - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 13:20
Categories: News

Wolf Totem

[adjective][species] - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 13:00

Wolf Totem is a 2004 novel about a young Han Chinese student who travels to Inner Mongolia, and finds himself making a personal and spiritual connection with the indigenous wolves.

It is not a specifically furry book, but it explores themes that will resonate with many furries who have an introspective and personal connection to their species of choice. This flavour of furry can be seen as animism, where we imagine that we have a spiritual* connection with a non-human animal.

* Spiritual, roughly, means “not real” or “not tangible”. I include this definition to avoid looking overly fruity.

Our student’s connection with the wolves is, more or less, a furry one. He doesn’t imagine himself a lupine animal-person but he does feel a close connection with wolves in general. He explores his bespoke spirituality via the more structured totemism of the Mongols, which gives the book its title.

Wolf Totem is a book worth exploring if you identify with an animistic version of furry, especially if you are a wolf. It’s also worth reading for its visceral, bloodthirsty, violent set pieces, which rival anything I have ever seen or read.

Wolf Totem has structural and thematic similarities with Carroll Ballard’s 1983 (film) masterpiece, Never Cry Wolf. In Never Cry Wolf, our hero is a Westerner in Inuit country; in Wolf Totem, he is a Han Chinese in Mongol country. Like the Inuit, the Mongols are nomadic, existing as a smaller contributor to a larger ecosystem.

The Mongolian grassland is a place of extreme weather: white-hair blizzards in winter to humid heat and mosquito swarms in summer. Survival is such an environment is fraught.

The (human and non-human) populations of the grassland have adapted to survive these extremes by finding ecological niches. The two main predators, humans and wolves, are often in conflict but are also co-dependent. The wolves will risk an assault on human-raised cattle in times of starvation, while the humans rely on the wolves to keep scavengers and parasites in check. Like all nomadic societies, the Monogls do not have the safety net of a permanent settlement and so rely on the wolves, and other members of the ecosystem, for their continuing survival.

The vagaries of seasonal weather mean that that humans—like the wolves—experience feasts and suffer famines. Accordingly the deity of the Mongols, Tengger, is a sky god who controls those things that are outside of the influence of humans. The wolves, rivals and helpers*, are agents of Tengger. And so the Mongols adopt the wolf as their representatives to god: the wolf totem.

* making them, ugh, frenemies

The best parts of Wolf Totem are those that describe the bloody battles between man and wolf. Early on in the book, wolves slaughter a herd of gazelle during winter, leaving bodies preserved in the snow. The humans scavenge a few bodies, providing them with a rare glut of food during a lean time, and plan to leave the rest to feed the wolves over spring. However outsiders to the group, motivated by money from selling the pelts, extract all the remaining gazelles.

The hungry wolves, desperate, attack a herd of Mongolian military horses. The slaughter of these horses during a blizzard is a terrific, horrific scene:

“Horses whose bellies had been ripped open by wolves had just filled their stomachs with the first grass shoots of the year, mixed with some that remained from the previous autumn, and their abdomens were taut and low-slung; when the thin hide covers were torn away by wolf fangs, the stomachs and supple intestines spilled out onto the snow.”


In balance with this aggressiveness, the Mongols know that the wolves play an important if subtle role. They prey on the weak of other species—marmots, gazelle, horses, even humans—thereby ensuring strong and durable populations. This natural selection ensures that the grassland inhabitants are more able to withstand the extremes of weather.

This is a very strong echo of Never Cry Wolf. There, wolves are shown to keep the caribou strong by weeding out the weaker members of the herd. Human hunters, on the other hand, target the largest bulls and therefore imperil the herd’s survival. And similarly, in Wolf Totem, human outsiders will destroy the delicately balanced grassland ecosystem.

Wolf Totem is written from the perspective of a Han Chinese student, an outsider to Mongol culture. While this is based on the author’s real experiences, it works as a neat narrative trick: the readers learns about Mongol culture aside our protagonist.

The student is nearly killed by wolves in the book’s opening sequences, setting up his obsession. This scene is another that parallels very closely with Never Cry Wolf: there, the protagonist is devoured by wolves in a fever dream. In both cases, the wolf is taken as a symbol of personal identity (similar to that taken by many furries).

The similarities between Wolf Totem and Never Cry Wolf are striking but apparently coincidental. In both cases the protagonist is an academic observer, one who is drawn into a reactive, natural lifestyle in contrast to the deadening city. In both cases, the reader is taken on a journey from ignorance to enlightenment. Although where Never Cry Wolf is subtle and haunting, Wolf Totem can be repetitive and heavy-handed.

In each story the protagonist is welcomed by the local nomadic population, and adopts a version of traditional spiritual beliefs. This is possibly a problematic kind of cultural appropriation, where a simplified version of a complex (native) belief system is presented as innate spiritual wisdom. (This is the same process that sometimes leads to outright racist characterizations like Hollywood’s “Magical Negro”, whereby a black person applies mystical powers to help a white person, as in The Matrix, The Green Mile, and The Black Stallion.) However in Wolf Totem, like Never Cry Wolf, the protagonist doesn’t so much appropriate the local beliefs as create a personal, bespoke version—something a lot closer to furry. In both cases, the connection with the wolves is complex and nuanced, and so arguably errs on the side of respectful.

Wolf Totem tells the story of the destruction of the Mongol nomadic lifestyle, and the balance of the grassland ecosystem. This starts with the arrival of the Han students, including our protagonist. They are respectful and curious about the Mongols, but they still push—and sometimes flout—the boundaries of what is considered respectful to Tengger. But the final nail in the grassland coffin comes from the incursion of the Han Chinese Establishment, specifically Chairman Mao and his Cultural Revolution.

Wolf Totem is set in 1971. This was at the height of Mao’s cult of personality, and the goal of his Cultural Revolution was to empower the weakest in society via an establishment-led peasant uprising, intended to destroy inequality between classes. His two targets were traditional beliefs (because they are a roadblock to change) and liberal education (because this creates a class of bourgeois elites).

The outcome was that anything that fit the description of the “Four Olds”—old customs, culture, habits, and ideas—was targeted for destruction. This led to mass book-burning, destruction of buildings, and banning of cultural or religious ceremonies. It also brought China’s education system to a virtual halt, producing a generation of under-educated individuals.

Regardless of the intent of the Cultural Revolution, the outcome—destruction of history and banning of education—is about as perfect a description of evil as I can imagine. It echoes the Nazis in 1930s Germany, or the Taliban in 1990s Afghanistan, or just about any example of cultural or religious whitewashing you care to name.

And so it is inevitable that the Mongols will lose their grassland at the hands of the Cultural Revolution and the rapacious Han. They will give up their nomadic way of live and resettle in fixed farming communities. Wolf Totem takes us through this seachange, which happens quickly and mercilessly.

The Mongol community is pragmatic in the face of this enforced change. They understand that they have limited ability to withstand the influx of Han culture, bureaucracy and infrastructure. And so they adapt. The most egregious victims of the change in Chinese Mongolia are the wolves, who are seen by the Han as merely a predatory species. Our student protagonist is helpless as he learns that he is the vanguard of the force that will destroy them.

Wolf Totem has some shortcomings. The characterization of the Mongol way of life as “good” and the Han as “bad” is glib, simplistic, and sometimes contradictory. For example, there is a description of Mongol wolf traps—whereby the trap is boiled and covered in horse grease to hide human scents—which are said to be an example of man’s intellect and cunning. Yet later, there is a description of Han wolf traps—using the same equipment to the same end but with more effective subterfuge—which is said to be unambiguously evil.

At times like this, Wolf Totem occasionally falls into “Magical Negro” thinking, where the author ascribes a spiritual infallibility to the exotic Mongols. It is as if Mongol acts are assumed to be justifiable (and so are rationalised as such), whereas Han acts are assumed to be bad or evil. This simplistic point of view remains even when the acts are very similar, and even when the actions of the Han make a lot of sense.

There is no doubt that there is a lot of suffering associated with the Mongols’ nomadic lifestyle. They are barely able to withstand the extremes of weather, and their stalemate with the wolves ensures constant conflict. The Han’s move towards permanent farming settlements provides stability and safety for the Mongols and their livestock. To get all utilitarian for a moment, it’s arguable that this reduction in (human and livestock) suffering more than offsets that caused by the hunting (to local extinction) of marmots and swans. (The wolves are also hunted, although Wolf Totem unusually pulls its punch by suggesting that the wolves are merely “driven” across the border to Russia.)

The arrival of the Han is heralded as a death knell for the land. However there is an epilogue where our protagonist returns, decades later, to discover a moderately successful farming community, and that everyone is doing pretty well for themselves.

This isn’t to underplay the negative effects of the Han’s incursion: cultural loss, environmental damage, and destruction of the grassland’s natural ecosystem. But it’s not as black-or-white as Wolf Totem makes it seem. (Never Cry Wolf makes the same mistake. The environmental message, while laudable, has all the subtlety of The Lorax.)

There are also some minor translation issues in Wolf Totem. At times, the reader is assume to be au fait with Chinese terms like li. At other times, the reader is treated with condescension, such as several references to Swan Lake which is unnecessarily and repeatedly clarified to be a Russian ballet.

Wolf Totem is also very repetitive in places. I suspect that this is due to challenges in translating from Chinese to English, where nuanced or modified nouns are translated back to the same English word. I can’t help but feel that it needed a brave translator/editor to cut the length of the book, perhaps by as much as half. As it stands, the narrative of Wolf Totem flags, particularly early on.

There are also a couple of very minor outright errors, which suggest to me that the translation and publication may have been rushed. Such errors are not really acceptable given that the translation is for a major publisher who paid $100k for the English rights. It also feels like a failure to properly respect the book itself, which has sold some 20 million copies—that’s slightly more than The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; slightly less than The Hunger Games.

Still, notwithstanding these quibbles, Wolf Totem is worth the read for the unmistakably furry animistic spirituality, and the visceral scenes of life and death. But if reading’s not your thing, there is always the coming 3D film adaptation directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud (The Name of The Rose), due to be released in February 2015.

How do you do it?

Furry Reddit - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 12:23

It sounds kind of weird... but furs of reddit, how do you end up befriending furries? I've always had a bit of a problem trying to make fur friends, either they just seemed interested in wanting free art, or we're so different that we can't really talk about any common ground, and then there are the ones who get all murry-purry up in your tails that it's like "dude, wtf?". I am pretty sure I do end up attracting the wrong crowd, but then it's a question of how do you attract the right crowd?

Tips, suggestions, anything really.

submitted by Frau_Aeron
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Categories: News

She Could Resolve His Need for Online Role Playing by Indulging His Fantasies in Real Life (Followed by a Reversal)

Ask Papabear - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 12:04
Hello Papa Bear,

I have a problem I'm not sure if it is common or not. I've been with my significant other for almost two years, and we live together. But, I get nervous with them contacting other people and making friends, and my biggest worry is online role playing. Both he and I enjoy it, and while I hardly do it now, I don't use my fursonas. None of my furry characters, to be honest. It was agreed upon between us both not to use them, and now that we live together, it's weird role playing in the same house at times, and he recently asked to use the characters. The thing is, I'm not worried he'll cheat. Not once has that crossed my mind. I know he loves me, and he knows I love him. That's why it's so confusing for these emotions. I get worried, but not in the sense that others usually do. Just, the idea of his character interacting with someone else, and possibly having sexual interactions happening bothers me. We both agreed art is not acceptable with anyone else unless agreed upon prior and only with certain characters, and that all RP's excluding our own will be in non canon. But that doesn't make me feel better.

I have suffered from abuse and extreme abandonment to the point of being traumatized. Friends no longer wanting to be friends hurts me more than I can explain, and I've been yelled at, been locked inside rooms, and when expressing my emotions, I have been threatened by my own parents. And if that wasn't the worst part, not only did my father abandon me, but the entire side of that family wants nothing to do with my existence after accepting me with open arms and making me feel like part of the family. I highly think that this has something to do with why I'm worried about him RPing with others, but I'm not sure, and I'm not sure what to do about fixing it, or healing in the least. I'm thinking about seeking a councilor, but they're too expensive at this time.

I'm really not sure what to do. Please help.

Thank you.

Conflicted Person (age 21)

* * *

Dear Conflicted,

Papabear’s very sorry to hear that you suffered from so much abuse by the hands of your parents and others. I think you are correct that this troubled past is affecting your present situation. That was a very insightful observation on your part.

When it comes to fursonas, you clearly equate fursonas with the real person; therefore, when you or your boyfriend fool around online using a fursona, it is “cheating.” You say that it doesn’t make you think he’ll cheat when he does sexual RP, but obviously it does bother you. That’s because even though consciously you are okay with it, subconsciously you are not okay with it.

So, my question is how is your real-life sex life? If it is fulfilling, why is there a need to role play online? If it is not fulfilling, that would explain the online games and, I assume, masturbation to computer images. Either way, my suggestion would be to spice up your real-life sexual activities. Transfer your fantasy role playing to the real bedroom. Do you have a fursuit? Does he? You might try wearing them in bed. Here are some other tips for role playing in real life:

  1. Indulge your lover’s fantasies without judgment. Part of the reason you might be seeing him on the computer is because he is afraid to tell you what he really wants. Make clear to him that, no matter what it is, you will be open to his fantasies and go with it.
  2. Ask him to afford you the same courtesy. Sex is a two-way street, and you need your fantasies fulfilled as well.
  3. Decide who will be the more dominant one in the game and who will be the submissive one. It doesn’t work well if you both want to dom or sub. If you are both one or the other in preference, then have two sessions at a time so you can switch roles to please each other.
  4. Learn to let go of your inhibitions. This goes together with #1 above. The more you do this, the more you’ll relax with one another and the better the sex will become.
  5. Learn to talk dirty to your lover. This is a learned skill, believe it or not. It’s different from typing.
  6. Foreplay is essential. Don’t just go for the goal of climax. Role playing is all about the foreplay. Take it slowly. Learn about sensual touch and massage. Make it playful!
  7. Role playing is really a form of acting. And, as with actors, you need to become your character. Really get into it. If he’s the delivery boy and you’re the dominatrix vixen whose husband is out for the night, get into that wicked mindset and have fun with it.
  8. Incorporate all 5 Senses: Sex is 90% mental and only 10% physical. This is why so many people get into online RP. However, the advantage of real-life sex play is that it incorporates the senses of touch and smell and taste, which have yet to be achieved online. Take that extra 10% and make it work to your advantage.

By working on your real sex life, you will achieve two things: 1) both of you will likely see less reason to play online because you’re having so much fun in your own bedroom, and 2) it will bring the two of you closer together; you will trust each other more because you have opened up more, which will lead to a stronger bond, and, with that, it should alleviate your anxieties that stem from your childhood abuse.

Part of the tragedy of Modern America is that the young generation is being brainwashed into believing that the virtual world is the place to be. In my (thus far) two years as an advice columnist, I see this as one of the biggest tragedies of today: a world of "communication" where no one is communicating, including in the bedroom. You have a boyfriend and you love each other. One of the joys of a loving relationship is real-life sex! Why would you pass that up for a computer? Do it! Have lots of it! It's good for you! 

Happy yiffing!


* * *

Dear PapaBear,

I wanted to clear up that in my last message, I stated I have been with my significant other for two years, which confuses me as to why I would write that (dyslexia runs in the family so I think I have some mild form of it) but I've actually been with him for almost four years.

When it comes to our sex life, we are both very sexually driven. We are both very passionate lovers and are both very open to each other about our desires and fetishes. We have heavy amounts of fourplay before, and even at times where sex doesn't follow, and we have roleplayed our characters from time to time, but haven't tried the porn-mocking mailboy or poolboy scenario's yet, which I want to, and he has agreed to try for me. We talk dirty, and we talk loving, throughout the entire process.

Personally, I am a very Straight Demi-Sexual Monogamous person. I have to be with one person and one person only, and looks are almost not that big to me. I don't look around when I'm walking down the street or at a store. Friends and even family will point out someone they think is attractive, and I hadn't even noticed the persons existence. I'm not sexually or romantically attracted to anyone other than my boyfriend or people that resemble him in some way or another.

When it comes down to roleplaying, I don't mean sexual roleplays, although they can happen. I mean, him and I both enjoy story driven scenareos. We enjoy roleplaying in a setting with reasons. That's why I, and I'm pretty sure, him, are not really interested in roleplaying with someone who wants sex and sex only. The thing is, I understand that when roleplaying with someone, characters can interact and relationships can develop. I'm not sure, but it's all just so scary. And I'm angry that I know that he isn't looking for an outlit for his sexuality. I feel like I shouldn't be bothered and I'm just hurting him, and I enjoy roleplaying too, but I actually never use any of my furry characters. I've always had a set of non-furry characters.

Something, though, is that in our first year together my mom found when she went on my computer without me knowing and onto my Facebook, saw I was roleplaying with one of my longest (ex) best friends. She told me that it was bad, that it was cheating, that my boyfriend couldn't trust me. I'm not sure if her words have stuck or not. Him and this same ex best friend started roleplaying, though. And like I said before, it wasn't for sex. It was an outlet for creativity. But, it turned into romance, which turned into sex, with all of his furry characters along with hers, and at one point she even drew art of one of her characters with his, which really destroyed me. She began to become obsessed with him. She would mockingly tell me things about /my/ boyfriend, as if I didn't know, or maybe even things I didn't know at the time. I think she developed a crush on him because she always wanted to roleplay and talk with him and it was just hard watching it unfold. This is what eventually destroyed our friendship and it's been about twoish years since her and I last talked, and same with him and her. 

I'm sorry for rambling. I'm hoping that this helps bring light into the entire situation.

Thank you,


* * *

Hi, again, Conflicted,

This is a totally different ball of wax from what you described in your first letter. The new letter explains well that your sexual relationship with your boyfriend is a good one, and also points out I was wrong in assuming the online role play was disturbing to you because it was sexual--it wasn't.

So the two key points of your new letter are the online relationship your boyfriend had with your now-ex girl friend and the fact that you mother snooped on your computer and told you that your role playing (even innocently) was cheating.

You noted in your first letter that the relationship with your father and his side of the family was horrible. How about your mother and her side? I, for one, wonder why a mother is spying on her 21-year-old daughter. You're a grown woman and what you're doing online is none of her business. I'd be pretty pissed off at her if I were you.

So, then your mother says what you were doing was "cheating." Um, no, it wasn't, especially when you and your boyfriend have agreed it's fine to do some nonsexual roleplay with others online. But now you have it stuck in your head that what your boyfriend was doing was cheating all because of your mother's unwise remark.

Do yourself a favor: ignore your mother's opinion, realize that you can have a little online RPG fun with other people and that it is not cheating. Give yourself and your boyfriend a break. Neither one of you is guilty of anything bad. You love each other, you have a good relationship, you have a good sex life, you have both agreed on certain do's and don't's when it comes to what you do online. In my opinion, you guys have it under control. You've been in a happy relationship for four years now, so why screw it up with insecurities that are not justified?

At this point, I would wonder if perhaps what is sneaking in here is that you feel very happy with your boyfriend but, on some very deep level because of the abuse you received, you feel unworthy of happiness, so now you are looking for a way to sabotage it, destroying the relationship and saying to yourself, "See? I didn't deserve happiness."

Knock it off.

Be happy! You deserve it! Stop overthinking and enjoy your couplehood. The only one making yourself miserable is YOU! Recognize that and realize that this guy loves you for a reason--because you must be pretty cool. Therefore, enjoy the happiness.


Furry goals

Furry Reddit - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 09:49

Probably done this one already but fuggit, why not have a round two? WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS?! Want a piece by a popular artist, to buy a fancy, shiny suit, to have a tail or ears that actually work? Anything you desire, be as specific as you want! And for fun, let's keep the theme to things that sound silly, even though you're dead serious. Like... for example, I want to guest star in someone else's picture, if in a comic or commission, as a person's dakimakura. Why? Cause I think it'd be damn hilarious and I love silly ideas like that!

submitted by Senelbeat
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Categories: News

Furry comics for October 2014 (Previews and Marvel Previews)

Furry News Network - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 08:38
Author: crossaffliction Guardians of the Galaxy was the only furry comic to make it to the top 100 list again, so I’ve got nothing. read more Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.
Categories: News

Unofficial EF20 Dumpster Photoshoot

Furry Reddit - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 08:35
Categories: News

Good place to buy a tail and cat ears?

Furry Reddit - Mon 25 Aug 2014 - 08:13

My girlfriend and I are trying to find some good cat ears at least :)

submitted by ipitythefail
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Categories: News