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Friend at a Loss How to Help Rape Victim Get Over Her Anger

Furry News Network - Mon 16 Jun 2014 - 07:56
Author: Hello there, Papabear! I’ve never written to you before—I enjoy reading your kind-hearted advice to other people from time to time when I’m feeling down myself though. Thank you for running this website and column! Now for the problem…. I have a friend who is a survivor of some sort of sexual violence. This […]
Categories: News

How did you discover/join the fandom?

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Jun 2014 - 00:57

Tell me your storieesss

I myself saw a video with fursuiters in it and slowly became drawn to the fandom, then all the hugs made me stay c:

submitted by Invisible_Elvis
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Categories: News

Opossum Tail Making Help?

Furry Reddit - Mon 16 Jun 2014 - 00:57

I'm trying to make an opossum tail for my friend. I want to make it out of a rubbery material so it's like a real opossum tail (no plush stuff). The molding isn't a problem but what would be a good rubbery elastic material I could pour into a mold for a durable final product?

submitted by MezzaCorux
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Categories: News

Future Furry

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Jun 2014 - 22:02

This Fandom, as a social order, has been around for arguably 30 years. In that time we have broken down social walls, made an economy based off of art, and spread from one side of the globe to the other. As someone who just joined a committee to establish central organization to his local Furry community in much the same way one organizes street politics, I pose this question to the Fandom. Where do you think Furry will be in another 30 years?

submitted by Hemms3
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Categories: News

Cold Blizzard

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Jun 2014 - 21:33
Categories: News

I just rejoined the furry fandom after stumbling upon this sub. Thanks for bringing me back!

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Jun 2014 - 21:06

Well I'm officially a furry again. Over a year ago I told myself I was done with the furry fandom, but apparently I couldn't keep myself away from you fuzzy bastards forever. I've missed you guys! I've forgotten how amazing this community is, but going on this sub reminded me of all the great times I've had. The furry community is really like no other! I'm just regretting deleting my fur-related videos off of youtube and my furaffinity, but luckily I found my commissioned art on an old hard drive.

AMA if you want!

EDIT: If any gamer furs are here, feel free to leave your steam name here or PM me and I'll add you. I'd love to play some vidya with some furries!

submitted by Sno-Fox
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Categories: News

I need some Skype friends.

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Jun 2014 - 21:04

Went through a pretty harsh break-up, I only used to talk to my now ex all the time, so wouldn't mind having some people so I could take my mind off of it. I usually stay up really late playing a lot of games so just hit me up. my skype ID: zorritopr

submitted by foxpr
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Categories: News

Emergency commissions to feed a kitty.

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Jun 2014 - 19:40

One if my friends is moving tomorrow and is leaving behind their cat and wants to leave it with me... Downside is I don't currently have money to get food and litter and a litter box... So yeah all of my commissions are $10 right now (with the exception of badges, I need shipping cost for those too)!!!!!

submitted by HarmonyHeartstrings
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Categories: News

Any good deciated furry gaming groups?

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Jun 2014 - 16:27

I've been trying to find a nice group of chill people to game with, preferably something other than TF2. I've tried all the basic ones (TFP, AnFur, OzFur, SCG)

Anyone got any ideas?

submitted by Jinxyface
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Categories: News

A horse, a squirrel, true love.

FurStarter - Sun 15 Jun 2014 - 16:19

horace2A photographic romp in robber masks and vintage sets…

Horace and Agnes: A Love Story

Kickstarter ending 7/13/14
This is a gentle sort of project.

You’ll recognize at least one of the characters from “Horace and Agnes: A Love Story” from the Internets. Horace’s rubber horse head is practically a meme on its own, and I honestly almost clicked past this one when I saw his screaming, whinnying face. I’m glad I didn’t.

Imagine if thhorace1e cast of “Hipster Animals” went crazy with the rummage bin at the Salvation Army and a lomo camera. That’s the feel of H&A: a world of animal people in quirky vintage. Here’s a shot of two high society hippos dancing in the new year in 1968. There’s your Uncle Walt, but with a goat’s head.

I don’t actually know your Uncle Walt, maybe he has a goat’s head. I can’t make assumptions with furries.

Horace and Agnes, AKA Asia Kepka and Lynn Dowling, are jointly raising money for a photo exhibit at the Griffin Photography Museum, opening up the world of Horace and Agnes to the greater Winchester, Massachusetts museum-going community; the Kickstarter is intended to provide funding for their gallery launch-frames, transportation, etc etc…probably more rubber masks are involved at some point.

horace3I like this photography collection. It’s quirky, the vintage clothes and props are just dead on, archetypally 1950s, and the sense for real characters have real lives and real friendships is so strong. Sure, it’s all soaked in a Wes Anderson-based marinade, but try to look at “Home Movies” and not want to put on a rubber dog face and  tipple back a sloe gin fizz. Somehow, the artificial rubber masks lend everything huge amounts of life.

The Kickstarter itself has one of those typical “art over product” problems, if it’s a problem–there really isn’t a magic pledge point where one can get the thing, whatever the thing is. The books are very expensive (even if you like the joke a lot, $100 is a bit much to pledge for a joke), the calendar’ looks like it’s just a single image. There’s no place that really feels like the right pledge point for someone who doesn’t know the photographers personally and isn’t likely to make it up to Massachusetts.

You can see more of the “Herbert And Agnes” story on Asia Kepka’s portfolio, or of course at the Kickstarter page. The “making of” video at the end is worth a view, if you’re amused by the rest of this silly stuff.

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.

Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Jun 2014 - 15:28

Ok I'm looking for something subtle, or maybe even a shirt only furries will understand. Can you help me find something? :3

submitted by Mison0514
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Categories: News

Looking for something

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Jun 2014 - 15:21

I'm trying to find something for a friend. Does anyone know where I can find a drawing of a baby wolf/fox hybrid? I tried Google, but the results were less than satisfying.

submitted by crookedear
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Categories: News

Clean furry wallpaper?

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Jun 2014 - 13:51

I'm looking for clean (g-rated) furry wallpaper. I tried searching online and let's just say when the filters are on...what I got was NOT clean.


I mean, sure, nothing wrong with that but anyone got a website for actual clean furry wallpaper?

submitted by Lots42
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Categories: News

Haven't Posted here in quite a while

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Jun 2014 - 13:49

Not a new furry, but I created a new username a while ago and thought I'd make a post on one of my fav subreddits. I guess I'll re-introduce myself: I'm a Wolf and a Nerd (a guy, 16), I like programming, blogging, reading and occasionally writing, listening to music and being a derp on the internet. Here's my full About Page

My fursona's drawing isn't finished yet, but in the meantime I'm using this as a ref (SFW) (not my art, artist could not be found, I even did image searches couldn't find it x3). So uh...yeah, just wanted to re-introduce myself on here if anyone wants to talk or do something. Thanks and have a good day :3 * hides behind my tail *

submitted by tolbiac-110
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Categories: News

The underrated subreddit.

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Jun 2014 - 09:29

I don't think some of us are aware that there is a subreddit called /r/furryartschool. You can post your art and people will give you constructive criticism and it's great for helping others improve their art. I think it could use more people. It's a great place to learn and improve.

submitted by HoodieStrings
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Categories: News

Anyfur interested in a Zombie Apoc chatzy RP room? :3

Furry Reddit - Sun 15 Jun 2014 - 06:49

Hey there survivors, We've been held up in this Mall for 7 days now with little contact with any furs on the outside, your the first non-zed we've seen. Now down to business, I assume your not scratched or bitten? Good, you can stay here with us but its not gonna be free, your gonna need to do your bit by scavaging the city and the shops here for food, water, medicne, bandages and weapons. Anyway, am I gonna stand up here and shout at you or are you going to come in? Well theres a door around the back:

submitted by thatfuralex
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Categories: News