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Woyros Warren episode 107---Ravenous Furries

Furries In The Media - Fri 24 Sep 2010 - 20:23
br /first, thanks to everyone who listened to the travesty that was episod 106: In Bed with Woyro.nbsp; Woyro + Bed = /br /in my continuing effort to put out a podcast at least fortnightly, i managed to crank out an episode this evening.nbsp; talking about the next 2 cons ill be going tonbsp;(Antheria and Furfright) and a little laugh about something that supposedly happened at Mephit /br /the show is downloadable through iTunes.nbsp; also available at a href= /br /the mp3 is posted at divshare.nbsp; here is the link to the current episode:nbsp; a href= /br /and here is the player thingie if you want to listen to it right now.nbsp; its only about 23 minutes long.nbsp; thats about /br /lj-embed id=329 /br /gotta go.nbsp; vacation is calling!br /br /
Categories: News

Stupid California Police Warn Parents of Pedobear, the 'Pedophile Mascot' (Updated) - Fri 24 Sep 2010 - 00:40
"Pedobear is a meme featuring a cute cartoon bear who pops up wherever people are being creepy about kids on the Internet. Cops in California don't understand this, and have issued a hilarious warning about Pedobear."

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Categories: News

Judas and Jesus furry - Fri 24 Sep 2010 - 00:37
Editor's note: NSFW!!! I'm not sure how to describe this video. I guess Jesus is a lamb bent, Judas is a goat... there's crucification, tits, a crown of thorns, betrayal, fucking... what this when you get home.

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Categories: News

Furries Get Their Own RPG: Solatorobo - Fri 24 Sep 2010 - 00:34
"Furries will be delighted to learn that upcoming RPG "Solatorobo" has apparently been designed exclusively with them in mind. Supposedly developers CyberConnect2 (best known for the .hack series and their outstanding Naruto games) have acknowledged the title as "kemono-er" friendly (the Japanese equivalent to "furry fandom") - certainly looking at the artwork it is hard to come to any other conclusion."

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Categories: News

a4My Dog Tulipa4 has terrific debut - Thu 23 Sep 2010 - 19:43
"Paul and Sandra Fierlinger's My Dog Tulip had a terrific debut last week with the third-highest per-theater average at the North American box office. Granted, the film played in one theater-the Film Forum in Manhattan-but its weekend gross of $11,550 from a single location is impressive for an indie animated film. The film continues to screen at the Film Forum this week, with many other cities coming up. Animation fans, it's up to us to support this film and help encourage more variety and choice for animated features!"

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Categories: News

goodfuckingfurryartadvice - Thu 23 Sep 2010 - 19:42
Featuring classic advice such as "Tails don't fucking come out of your ass" and "Do not draw balls like fucking bowling balls unless you are fucking Optimus Prime."

6 Vote(s)
Categories: News

Otters: The Animals That Get Cuter With Anger (PHOTOS) - Thu 23 Sep 2010 - 19:41
"It's no secret that otters are adorable, but the younger ones have a knack for looking adorable and angry at the same time. Check out these 11 little guys, with their permanent scowls and eyes capable of the most disapproving looks you've ever seen. Why are they so upset? Maybe it's this photographer that keeps chasing them around. Sorry otters, you're way too cute not to be documented."

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Categories: News

Jim Henson on Making Muppets 1969 - Thu 23 Sep 2010 - 19:41
"Jim Henson and Muppeteers show kids how to make puppets from simple things like socks. This video aired on Public Television in 1969, prior to Sesame Street, on Iowa Public Television's "Volume See" kids' show." AC440k6iByA

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Categories: News

A message from the board of Antheria. - Thu 23 Sep 2010 - 19:41
"From the staff of Antheria... Dear members, We have good news and bad news. First, the bad news. Antheria's contract with the Westin Hotel LAX has been canceled unavoidably. We regret having to leave such a fine hotel before it was even discovered by our members. If you're already a member of Antheria, you might be asking yourself questions such as, "Is the convention canceled? What about my reservations?" This is where the good news comes in. The Antheria staff has worked hard to resolve these problems and have secured a new hotel for the weekend! And, unlike the Westin,

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Categories: News

First-Ever Baby Snow Leopard Filmed in Wild - Thu 23 Sep 2010 - 19:41
"Curiosity, fortunately, didn't kill this cat, but it did bring a young endangered feline right up to a BBC camera trap in the mountains of Bhutan, allowing the news network to film what is likely the first-ever footage of a baby snow leopard -- the "highest living of all big cats and ... among the most rare and elusive of all animals," according to the BBC -- in the wild."

3 Vote(s)
Categories: News

Never say no to Panda! - Thu 23 Sep 2010 - 19:41

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Categories: News

Unsheathed #55 - Conflict! Why you need it for your characters and how to make them suffer. Lucky you have an expert otter in da house.

Unsheathed - Thu 23 Sep 2010 - 04:00
We help a reader be mean to his characters, talk about the importance of conflict, and discuss how to know what your story's going to be: short story? Novel? Screenplay? Comic? PODCAST? Unsheathed #55 - Conflict! Why you need it for your characters and how to make them suffer. Lucky you have an expert otter in da house.
Categories: Podcasts

[HYPE] Sunnyville Stories Episodes 3 and 4 - Thu 23 Sep 2010 - 02:45
For immediate release br For further info, contact Max West, br TRAINS AND BANDITS AND SQUABBLES, OH MY! br Two new episodes of Sunnyville comic announced br Comics writer-creator Max West has announced two more episodes of his br independent comic series, Sunnyville Stories, will be put into
Categories: News

Amazing spa deals for Houston people - Thu 23 Sep 2010 - 02:45
Want to look young and beautiful? Then why not go for a beauty br treatment that will not only beautify your looks but also make you br feel more fresh and young!! br Get 52% discount and avail facial package at Houston Medical Wellness br Clinic for just $29. Isn't that amazing!! br Houston Medical Wellness Clinic is undoubtedly one of the popular
Categories: News

FC-9 Override - Well written, well supported, well answered and well purposed emails, made this show totally worth broadcasting mid week. Combined with the secret cheat codes needed to bypass the "homophobic anti-furry parents" level of the game of life,

FurCast - Wed 22 Sep 2010 - 22:59

Well written, well supported, well answered and well purposed emails, made this show totally worth broadcasting mid week. Combined with the secret cheat codes needed to bypass the “homophobic anti-furry parents” level of the game of life, everyone seemed to be satisfied. Now you can play again and try to beat your last clock time on difficult mode!

Download MP3

FC-9 Override - Well written, well supported, well answered and well purposed emails, made this show totally worth broadcasting mid week. Combined with the secret cheat codes needed to bypass the "homophobic anti-furry parents" level of the game of life,
Categories: Podcasts

FC-9 Override - Well written, well supported, well answered and well purposed emails, made this show totally worth broadcasting mid week. Combined with the secret cheat codes needed to bypass the "homophobic anti-furry parents" level of the game of life,

FurCast - Wed 22 Sep 2010 - 22:59

Well written, well supported, well answered and well purposed emails, made this show totally worth broadcasting mid week. Combined with the secret cheat codes needed to bypass the “homophobic anti-furry parents” level of the game of life, everyone seemed to be satisfied. Now you can play again and try to beat your last clock time on difficult mode!

Download MP3

FC-9 Override - Well written, well supported, well answered and well purposed emails, made this show totally worth broadcasting mid week. Combined with the secret cheat codes needed to bypass the "homophobic anti-furry parents" level of the game of life,
Categories: Podcasts

FC-9 Override - Well written, well supported, well answered and well purposed emails, made this show totally worth broadcasting mid week. Combined with the secret cheat codes needed to bypass the "homophobic anti-furry parents" level of the game of life,

FurCast - Wed 22 Sep 2010 - 22:59

Well written, well supported, well answered and well purposed emails, made this show totally worth broadcasting mid week. Combined with the secret cheat codes needed to bypass the “homophobic anti-furry parents” level of the game of life, everyone seemed to be satisfied. Now you can play again and try to beat your last clock time on difficult mode!

.postlink:link { color: #ff9900; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } .postlink:visited { color: #BB5500; } .postlink:hover { color: #ffBB00; } .postlink:active { color: #ffffff; }

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FC-9 Override - Well written, well supported, well answered and well purposed emails, made this show totally worth broadcasting mid week. Combined with the secret cheat codes needed to bypass the "homophobic anti-furry parents" level of the game of life,
Categories: Podcasts

ACTfur s2 ep14 - Pawsentation

ActFur - Wed 22 Sep 2010 - 11:05

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