Editorial review process

Flayrah seeks to provide unusually good information for furry fans. We consider a consistent voice and a reputation for responsible coverage key to this goal. As such, all user-contributed stories are reviewed for accuracy, tone and completeness, in accordance with Flayrah's contribution guidelines.
As of December 2016, those able to edit and publish stories are Laurence Parry (GreenReaper), dronon, Tantroo McNally (Sonious), Alice Dryden (Huskyteer) and Joe McCauley (Mwalimu).
It is the responsibility of each contributor to ensure their stories are accurate, to the best of their ability. After all, your name is on it!
The editors attempt to verify each story from the sources provided and their own knowledge. If they cannot, its publication may be delayed.
Flayrah does not seek a reputation as a promotional or sensational news source. As such, we expect submissions to adhere to a neutral tone. Stories which do not meet this requirement may be edited to the extent deemed necessary, or refused publication altogether.
Exception for opinion-based stories: Stories clearly marked as opinion (including reviews and editorials) need not adhere to a neutral tone. However, they must still provide a reasonable foundation for their assertions in the editors' eyes, especially any factual allegations made.
Exception for newsletters: Convention newsletters have traditionally been posted, as it is understood that they represent the event's views, not Flayrah's. However, the summary must meet our requirements or be rewritten. Excessively promotional content may be refused publication.
Opinion-based stories and newsletters/announcements will be marked respectively as op-ed/opinion or as a press release in Flayrah's news sitemap.
Flayrah writes for a varied audience. Many have limited knowledge of various topics which we cover, and a piece which examines only one aspect of a story may mislead the reader. Contributors should explore all sides of a story and provide references and explanatory text where possible.
If the editors feel that a submitted story is incomplete, they may add clarifying links and material, under the terms of the contributor's license.
If the license does not permit such modification, or the editing required is substantial, contributors may be required to edit it themselves.
Editors may contact a source or third-party expert to seek further information before a story is published.
In cases where such a delay would damage the story, updates may be posted later. Such updates will be clearly noted.
Exceptions to this policy may be made where one or more parties have made it clear that they do not wish to assist in the coverage of a story.
Flayrah gives credit, and expects the same from its contributors. If you found a story link elsewhere, link and name the source as well.
Similarly, if someone gave you a tip, give them credit for doing so, unless doing so would cause them harm.
Editorial process
As a community site, Flayrah wants to post the stories that matter to you. The vast majority of submissions are posted in one form or another.
Ideally, each story could be posted immediately after submission. As a practical matter, almost all posts require some editing first.
Opinion pieces, in particular, undergo a cycle of editing to ensure accuracy and brevity. Our goal is to help you make your point more effectively.
The involvement of an editor should be assumed by readers. Edits may cover all aspects of a story and will typically be made without notice.
If a contributor feels they can no longer put their name to an edited story, they may request its re-attribution or withdrawal.
Flayrah does not solicit products for its contributors to review. We recommend that our members review their own purchases.
If reviewers have a direct arrangement with a publisher or author that concerns a submitted piece, they are expected to disclose it.
If a review copy is offered, we will consider offering it to a reviewer willing to accept it. We cannot guarantee a particular reviewer will do so.
Unsolicited products sent for review will not be returned, and may be charitably auctioned or otherwise disposed of at the owner's discretion.
Flayrah promotes free licenses, and takes copyright seriously. We do not permit reuse of non-free material beyond limited fair use.
If you are a copyright owner and feel that your work has been unfairly used without your permission, please contact us immediately.
Feedback and complaints
Readers may vote on stories and provide feedback in the comments, contact the author, or contact the site owner.
We encourage you to do so in this order; reasoned public debate of a story promotes higher-quality submissions in the future.
If you believe a mistake has been made, you may provide evidence to the editors and seek a correction or clarification.
If you disagree with the editors' decision, you are welcome to post a public comment stating your opinion and the evidence for it.