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All The Little Horses — All Through The Years

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It seems hard to believe that an enterprise as long-lived as My Little Pony hasn’t had a production art book created for it… Thank goodness for Mary Jane Begin, who finally brought us My Little Pony: The Art of Equestria (in hardcover, from Abrams). Rather appropriate that it celebrates (mostly) the latest incarnation of the show: “My Little Pony: The Art of Equestria presents, for the first time, a deep exploration of the art and illustrations from this beloved animated series, Friendship Is Magic. Beginning with the show’s premiere and taking readers through its fifth season, the book offers an amazing collection of the art and design that bring this wonderful series to life. The book takes readers behind the scenes of the show and explores how favorite characters and the landscape of Equestria came to look as they are today. Beyond the television show, My Little Pony: The Art of Equestria also examines the intriguing fan culture—including the fan art movement inspired by Friendship Is Magic. With a rich array of con- ceptual art, episode storyboards, and memorable scenes from the show, My Little Pony: The Art of Equestria is the ultimate guidebook, collector’s item, and fan keepsake.” And you can get it now at Barnes & Noble.

image c. 2015 Abrams

image c. 2015 Abrams


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Mink (Rod O’Riley)read storiescontact (login required)

a Mink from Garden Grove, California, interested in music

Ed-otter of In-Fur-Nation. Former Califur programming director. Co-founder of ConFurence.