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Rocket City FurMeet Newsletter 4.5.1

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With PawPet Megaplex and FauxCon (the new Texas meet; behind us, we draw ever closer to Rocket City Fur Meet 4.0.

We will have our schedule for Rocket City FurMeet up soon. If you would like to get a peek at it go to This is also a great place to ask questions about programming, our expanded Dealer Den, the art show, our fantastic Pizza feed or anything else.

If you would like to offer programming for RCFM we still have some room left in the mornings or late evenings. There are still some choice times available for Art related events. Contact our Events Programmer, Draconis, at and let him know what you have to offer.

Art? Yes we will have several art related events available. Iron Artist of course. Live Model event. Art panels and several art related contests including one new one that we are keeping secret. (Well, till we post the schedule that is.)

You will be able to see most of what RCFM has to offer just by taking a quick glance at: This is our webpage full of useful items. Like the Art show. We are looking for artists who would like to display their art and possibly make some sales also. Contact for Spiral Raven.

Now as for selling stuff. On Sunday after the Dealer's Den has closed, we will be offering our Furry Auction where you can sell personal items that are furry related. We will be limiting items based on the time amount we have to auction. So bring money and lets see what furs can dig out of their closets that they no longer want.

Do you like Music? We thought you did! We will be offering all the music related items that a furry con can. Sub Level-03 as our GoH will be performing and offering panels including a new never-before-seen video. In addition to this there will be Critical Fail on Sunday. A musical Jam featuring our two bands, 2 and Heros also. So bring your music and lyrics and see what they can do with it. There will be 'how to record music' panels so you can do it yourself and do it right. We will be offering three dances, one each night running late into the morning. (So long as we are not too loud!) Heros, the team of Amberwolf and Alex with their all request dance, and our headliner, Genki, will be your DJ's, So lots of music and more.

Horse's Ghost will be returning with his Black Jack and Texas Hold'em Poker tournaments. There will be programming for your little ones hosted by Amber so the cubs and kittens will be occupied a lot more throughout the meet.

If you want to adopt a cub or kitten, Joel from 'Parenting Children of a Different Species' will be on hand all day Saturday for adoptions. He will be bringing animals that have been rescued and are looking for homes.

So, have we sold you on RCFM? Good! You'll need to register. is a good place to do that. Oh, and you'll need a place to stay. Book your room on line at: or call the hotel at: 256-882-9400.

Just a quick note. We are looking at four writing related panels, two for Second Life, nine fur suit related panel and events, and even more is still being added. So look for the best time you could have at a fur meet here May 27th to the 29th 2006.

Please post this to any list or newsletter where interested readers might gather -- Anime, Sci-fi, furry or anything else we might have overlooked. See you in May!


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The official but still preliminary schedule is now available at our web site:


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