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Teddy with a Dirty Mouth

Edited by GreenReaper
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… and attitude. Look out below world, but Seth MacFarlane — creator of Family Guy — is about to unleash his first feature film on you this July. Simply called Ted, it tells the story of a young man who once wished that his childhood teddy bear would live with him forever… and now, he does, well into our hero’s adulthood, though both of them are obviously having trouble growing up. Interesting thing is, it appears that Ted the talking stuffed bear, his human friend, AND their other friends get along better that you might expect in this sort of a set-up. The R-rated film stars Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis, as well as Seth MacFarlane himself — yep, he wrote it, he directed it, and he stars as the voice of Ted, who’s animated in CGI. Cartoon Brew has a link to the film’s first trailer — but take warning, this is very raunchy and very very Not Safe For Work! Don’t say we didn’t tell you. Interestingly, Cartoon Brew also has an article about Imagine THIS, a cartoon strip that Lucas Turnbloom has been drawing since 2008… and which has some amazing similarities to Ted. They don’t accuse the Ted team of directly stealing, the the article is still interesting.

image c. 2012 Universal Pictures


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Of course they don't accuse him of stealing...but isn't that what the guy is known for..???

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