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Further Confusion still has rooms, despite what you may have heard

Edited by GreenReaper as of Sun 12 Sep 2010 - 00:58
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Myth: Further Confusion has sold out of hotel rooms on X day.

Truth: Further Confusion has not filled up its room blocks on any day.

Usually this is a problem with who you are talking to on the reservations line. Make sure you give the following 2 codes, and that you are asking for the correct dates.

Hotel Code: SFOSA
Event Code: FURCON

If you or your friends are still having problems. Get the name, and location of the reservations person you are talking to, and send it to Also you can try just calling back. You will get a different representative as they have call centers all over the US.

We will post to the news groups and get word out if we do sell out on any day. So, until you hear from us, there are still rooms available. There hasn't been a problem that we haven't been able to solve with room reservations from our end.

We can help you if you are having problems, but we have to know you need help.

/Leon Horne

/Chairman FC 2002


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The front page isn't working. I'm not sure whats happening. I just keep getting directed here. I can't go to the front page.

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Try force-refreshing your browser (usually Ctrl-R). We had server issues this morning resulting in 503 errors. There seems to be a quirk such that these responses are being interpreted as requests for article 503, and being cached as such.

Flayrah will be moving to a new server with different cache software shortly, and hopefully this will resolve the issue.

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Still not working. Anyone else having this problem?

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Yes me... I clicked on "BBF...." link on news on wikifur and get directed here. It was first time I clicked on this link, so I do not know where the destination should go to even try to fix it (if possible) :/

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I purged that URL, it should work now.

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I just got redirected here. The link I tried was

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Try again. :-)

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Thanks :)

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I'm getting redirected here when I try to view the main page or the 'recent' page. It hadn't been a problem since a couple of days after it first happened in mid-December but it's been doing it again the last couple of days. I've already tried clearing my cache and deleting any cookies that mention flayrah, and it's still happening.

Edit: I just got the same result using the same computer but a different browser that I've never used before to visit the site. On a different computer I am able to access the main and recent pages just fine. It seems to be correlated to which computer I'm using and doesn't matter what browser is used.

Edit #2: Now the main page is fine but the recent/tracker page still redirects here.

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Same thing happens to me on a pretty regular basis.

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I am, but only on two posts that I've tried so far: the 9 Dec ones about Chicago coyotes and Gorey plushies.

Always carry a grapefruit, Treesong

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Well this is ANNOYING. I got an email today saying there was a reply to my comment on the 'history' post. I clicked the link, it came here. I cut and pasted the link, it came here. I went to the main page and scrolled down to the article and clicked on the title, it came here. I clicked on 'More', it came here. I clicked on 'Comments' it came here. And yes, I DID refresh.

I guess there's no more point in trying to comment on the site unless there's a huge announcement that the bug has been fixed.


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All those links go to the same place. If you keep doing the same thing, it will keep serving the same file.

Half an hour ago I upgraded APC (the caching module which had been getting stuck in a spinlock and causing the errors) and restarted the server. If it continues to occur, I will switch to another caching method. There may still be some old error pages in the (separate) squid cache, but I have done what I can to clear out the one you mentioned, and others on the front page.

I think the text of the comment should also be in the body of the email you received.

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Okay, I'll try again.

The text of the comment is not included in the emails, btw:

"Hi Zhora,

GreenReaper has commented on: "Further Confusion still has rooms, despite what you may have heard"

The post is about
Posted by Anon on Sat 17 Nov 2001 - 08:26 Select ratingCancel
ratingPoorOkayGoodGreatAwesome Your rating: None Average: 4 (1 vote)
Myth: Further Confusion has sold out of hotel rooms on X day.

Truth: Further Confusion has not filled up its room blocks on any day.

* Anixexizewavafrm [1]
* conventions [2]
* Further Confusion [3]



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Thanks for your feedback,


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It did work this time. Thank you! :)


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Looking at the comment history it appears this is Flayrah's favourite place to send people when there's an error. It's doing it again. And the bug earlier today caused me to lose my, fairly long, comment...

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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I attempted a routine upgrade of our cache module to a new version and all hell broke loose, here and on WikiFur. I've rolled it back for now, but you may need to clear your cache if you visited the front page in the last couple of hours (on Firefox, you can specify to clear just that time).

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How do you specify?

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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It's "time range to clear" on the clearing dialog (ctrl+shift+del).

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>.> Good news: I've cleared my cache and site is working.
Bad news: I thought you meant clearing dialogue in settings so I wiped the 500mb I had stored thinking some extra menu would show up first...

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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It's happening again - I keep getting redirected here when I try to visit the front page using my primary home PC. It doesn't affect my other computer nor my work computer. The most annoying part is that I have no way to display the main front page of the site from this computer - every link that should display it brings me to this page.

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Sounds like a cached redirect. Have you tried clearing out your cache, or using a different browser?

Hitting /frontpage will also get you the visible front page stories, though not the rest.

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Cache clearing didn't help the other day, but this morning it seemed to do the trick.

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