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Furtopia poetry contest is open to all furs. :)

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So would you like your furry poetry to be read? I would like to announce a new Furtopia Poetry Contest.
Any fur may apply and does not have to be a Furtopia member. Users may post there submissions or comments here:;f=14 under "poerty corner".

from MelSkunk: "Read more" to get the full details

On Dec the 10th Furtopia admins will all cast their vote. The selected poetry (and some runners up) will be linked up in the web world light for three months with some selected comments on the art.

Poetry submitted cannot be in content rating greater than PG. Poetry submitted should express some relationship or feeling to Furrydom. Furtopia staff will have final say in any question of suitability.

Good luck and start writing! WhiteShepherd


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