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Sofawolf Press Update

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In an effort to keep fans better informed about goings-on at Sofawolf Press, we have established a semi-annual newsletter called Kibble. Our first issue features an extensive article on writing good dialogue by Tim Susman, current and upcoming product release dates, Con appearances, and company news.

Find it at

We have also just received the first big shipment of Best in Show: Fifteen Years of Outstanding Furry Fiction, featuring twenty-six of the best stories from fanzines and the web. Weighing in at over 450 pages, and with a terrific color cover by Ursula Vernon, this book will help console those who have already finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

On sale at the Sofawolf Press website. Get it in advance of the masses at Anthrocon and Comic Con International!


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Note from the Editor:

The newsletter incorrectly states the times that Herbie will be at the Sofawolf Press table at Anthrocon to chat and sign copies of his book. The corrected times are: Friday 12:00-2:00, Saturday 12:00-4:00, Sunday 3:00-5:00.

Sorry for the error.

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