Midwest FurFest 2005 Newsletter
Midwest FurFest
November 18-20, 2005
Schaumburg, Illinois
The official newsletter of Midwest FurFest
July, 2005 edition
It was a dark and stormy night when suddenly, a wolf howled! Why did he howl? He was trying to get to the bottom of the mystery of course! The mystery of how so many people have such a great time in Chicago every November at Midwest FurFest! Is it our great hotel? Is it our terrific programming? Maybe it's our bountiful con suite Or maybe it's a little bit of all of those, plus all of our great friends who join us every year! Read on to find out more about Midwest FurFest and our theme this year: WHODUNNIT? IT'S A MYSTERY!<-*-*-*-> Track down a room! <-*-*-*->
Midwest FurFest will once again be returning to the Woodfield Hyatt Regency, which is located at 1800 E. Golf Road, Schaumburg, IL ((847) 605-1234). The room rate for the convention is $89 a night, plus taxes. Reserve your room now to be sure that you'll be in the heart of the fun come November!
<-*-*-*-> Success at Registration Is Easy to Deduce! <-*-*-*->
Good news! Online registration is on the way. Within the next few weeks, you will be able to register online at http://www.furfest.org. As always, you can also mail in your registration; all of the forms you might need are available on our website. Pre-registration is $30 until September 30, and it's $40 thereafter and at the door.
What's that you say? What about sponsors? Why yes, Midwest FurFest treats its sponsors well! Not only do you get a free T-shirt, you get a collectable cloisonné pin designed by one of our guests of honor, souvenir prints by two of our guests of honor, and a unique surprise gift as well, on top of all that we'll feed you the most delectable brunch on Saturday afternoon! All of that for a mere $100. What a bargain!
<-*-*-*-> A clue about the Art Show! <-*-*-*->
Art Show information is now available on our website at http://www.furfest.org/. All of the Art Show information is there, including the Rules of Engagement that you must agree to in order to show with us.
Reservation forms should arrive to our address (on the bottom of the form) by September 20th. We will send out control sheets and bid sheets by October 10th. We cheerfully accept all questions and comments! Email us at artshow@furfest.org with whatever is on your mind. We also provide an email address for confirmations on whether or not we've
received your reservation form. That's artshow-confirm@furfest.org
<-*-*-*-> Elementary, my dear Furries! <-*-*-*->
Midwest FurFest loves its fuzzy attendees, both fursuiters and puppeteers! We're looking for panel ideas and panelists in both areas. Drop us a line at fursuits@furfest.org or puppets@furfest.org. Also, remember that the Furry Variety Show will be back and better than ever in its usual time slot of midnight on Friday night. Want to get involved? Just e-mail fursuits@furfest.org.
<-*-*-*-> Colonel Mustard in the Con Book with the Lead Pipe! <-*-*-*->
We are currently looking for art submissions for the Midwest FurFest 2005 Convention Book to match this year's theme: WHODUNNIT? IT'S A MYSTERY! Art should be black and white or grayscale, any size up to 7.6" x 10.5", no less than 600 dpi, preferably in TIFF format. Submissions can be e-mailed to publications@furfest.org. We can also accept submissions by snail mail; e-mail us for details.
Also, advertising space is available in our convention book at the following rates:
Inside cover of the conbook - $100.00
Full Page (8.5 x 11) - $50.00
Half Page - $30.00
Quarter Page - $20.00
Business Card Size - $10.00
Camera ready copy can be sent electronically to publications@furfest.org. The deadline for the convention book is August 31, 2005. Also, this year we are offering space in our newsletter. We will sell quarter and business card size for each day of the newsletter, with the pricing the same as the con book. This would be the place to go if you were to offer a coupon. Please note, all advertising must be black and white line art or grayscale.
<-*-*-*-> Suddenly, a Mailing List Rang Out! <-*-*-*->
Midwest FurFest has two mailing lists available: MFF-Announce is for official announcements only. You should receive only a few messages per month maximum from this list.
MFF-Talk is a discussion list, a place to ask questions or talk about Midwest FurFest. The number of messages on this list will depend on the subscribers. There is also a digest format available for this list.
You can subscribe to any of these lists by emailing major@furfest.org with any subject, and in the message put:
subscribe mff-announce -or-
subscribe mff-talk -or-
subscribe mff-talk-digest
When you subscribe to either list, information will be sent to you on how to unsubscribe, should you wish to do so later. 'Major' (Majordomo) is an automated process, you should not send mail to 'major' other than subscribe, unsubscribe, and other commands that will be explained in your welcome message. Any questions about 'Major' may be directed to puma@catbox.com
That's all for now, which is a good thing since we've run out of dreadful mystery cliché's. Tune in again next month when we bring you all the latest and greatest from Midwest FurFest 2005!
Midwest FurFest & this newsletter are productions of Midwest Furry Fandom, Inc., (c) 2005

About the author
Duncan da Husky — read stories — contact (login required)a quality engineer from Volo, Illinois
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