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Merging WikiFur News and Flayrah?

Edited as of 15:34

It's obvious now is not the time, Flayrah is in it's infancy once more, but I think it wouldn't be an awful decision eventually. Both have been created by the same person(the wonderful GreenReaper), currently topics are just being imported from there, and well...yeah. WikiFur News has the best news in my opinion but doesn't update often enough, and I think that is because it is a 'side-project' of WikiFur. If created into a separate entity, we would have the best of both worlds. The great writing of WIkiFur with, well, more updates because it is separate entity strictly focused on news. But you could still have integration with WikiFur(on the front page).

I don't know why I'm posing such ideas, not only is this site new(sorta), but it's not my site. Whatever.

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It's my intent to merge the two, yes - and soon. WikiFur News was an experiment, and while it often made it convenient to link to other content on WikiFur, it was hard for people to submit new articles (I wrote more than half of them) and there was no good way to comment on stories. These things could have been fixed, with enough time and effort, but at the end of the day wikis just were not designed for news posts. Flayrah makes much more sense.

That said, you should certainly consider WikiFur a sister site to Flayrah. They back one another up nicely - WikiFur can reference Flayrah and will probably link to it on the front page, while Flayrah can link back to WikiFur for further information, and incorporate content from it. In fact, I'm working on a news post this weekend that will be using such content.

This is one reason I encourage the use of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license for posts, as it permits content to be transferred between the two sites.

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Yes, I would always consider them as a duo.

Flayrah for up-to-date news and WikiFur for an indexing of everything furry. Looking something up on WikiFur? Want to know whats happeining now with it? Go to Flayrah. Reading news on Flayrah? Want to know more about it? Go to WikiFur.

So you wrote most articles, eh? No wonder it was consistent in style and quality.

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About 70%. Some were, naturally, collaborations - I had a hand in almost all of the larger ones. The contributors are listed on the history pages of each article.

I would have liked to get more involvement in news reporting but it was hard to get the combination of furs with wiki and journalism skills who had free time. Hopefully Flayrah won't suffer the same fate.

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It looks like it is complete.

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