Furnal Equinox opens 2011 preregistration
Furries across Canada and beyond can now prepare to come out of hibernation next spring. Preregistration is open for Furnal Equinox, taking place March 11-13, 2011 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada with Guests of Honour FirestormSix and ZEN.
In 2010, FE became Canada's largest furry event with attendance of over 300 at the Doubletree Toronto Airport. For 2011, programming has been expanded to three days. Early bird registration lasts until November 30; new dealers' rates combine tables and registration.
A standard convention membership providing access to all con areas and events, as well as a conbook and discounts at surrounding restaurants, is only $30 Canadian ($10 savings off the at-the-door price). For those willing to provide extra support, sponsors will also receive their choice of gift (an FE T-shirt or a water bottle, with more to come) for $60.
Official updates about Furnal Equinox can be obtained from FE's website and community forums at www.furnalequinox.com and on Twitter at @furnalequinox.

About the author
Scani — read stories — contact (login required)a student and Gryphon from Ontario, Canada
Furnal Equinox's publicity/business rep.
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