Furnal Equinox releases January 2011 newsletter
With only 50 days left to go until its second edition, Furnal Equinox has released its January 2011 newsletter, including details of the new "Wolf's Den" hospitality lounge for sponsors, an update on the hotel room block, and a call for volunteers, panelists and conbook art.
New Sponsor Perks
For sponsors at Furnal Equinox, we're providing an additional "thank you" for your support: the Wolf's Den hospitality lounge with snacks and soft drinks available throughout the con. Don't forget you only have until February 28 to preregister!
Hotel Update
We've extended our hotel room block with more "two queen bed" rooms and opened up rooms on Thursday to make sure more people can enjoy those Doubletree cookies on check-in. If you haven't booked your room yet the room block is only open until February 10. Don't forget to go to our forums and check out the Room Share / Ride Share forum to make arrangements with others!
Volunteer Update
Keep an eye out on our website in the next few days - we'll be posting some of the key volunteer roles we want to fill. Our thanks to everyone who has offered their services -- we are still looking for more volunteers so don't hesitate to contact us!
Conbook Art Reminder
It's getting close to last call -- we are still looking for art for the 2011 conbook. Don't forget, the theme is "Wild Magic" and the deadline for submissions is February 6. Previously published art is welcome.
FE is still looking for panelists - we are especially searching for panels on writing and spirituality, as well as hosts for "species gatherings" (canines and felines in particular!)
For the "enhanced" version of the newsletter in PDF format, visit
Official Furnal Equinox updates can be obtained from FE's website and community forums, and on Twitter at @furnalequinox.

About the author
Scani — read stories — contact (login required)a student and Gryphon from Ontario, Canada
Furnal Equinox's publicity/business rep.
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