Furnal Equinox releases February 2011 newsletter
As the weather begins to warm up, Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its February 2011 newsletter, calling fans to preregister before February 28 and asking them to volunteer at the convention.
The convention has extended its room block and recently announced an expansion at its hotel.
Furnal Equinox Goes International
As you've likely heard already, we are moving to the International wing of the Doubletree this year at the invitation of the hotel! As a result of the move, we're able to offer a bigger Dealers' Den in a single room, an Artists' Alley, and more programming!
Hotel Room Block Extended
Our room block closing date has been extended to February 21, 2011. Check our website to book your room, and don't forget to join our forums and check the "Room Share / Ride Share" forum to find roommates!
The Prereg Countdown Begins
There's less than two weeks left to take advantage of online preregistration for Furnal Equinox and get a $5 discount off your membership -- so head to our website before February 28, 2011!
The Volunteer Search Continues
With our bigger space this year, we're going to need plenty of paws and claws to make it happen and we've posted a number of roles on our website that we need to fill. Don't forget, if you volunteer more than 12 hours you'll get a free FE 2012 membership!
For the "enhanced" version of the newsletter in PDF format, visit
Official Furnal Equinox updates can be obtained from FE's website and community forums, and on Twitter at @furnalequinox.

About the author
Scani — read stories — contact (login required)a student and Gryphon from Ontario, Canada
Furnal Equinox's publicity/business rep.
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