Furnal Equinox releases January 2012 newsletter
Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its first newsletter of 2012.
The convention is actively seeking contributions from attendees in the last 50 days before the convention, including conbook submissions, panelists and volunteers.
Two Months To Go!
There's not much time left to preregister for the convention... and our room block is also closing in the next few weeks, so book your room or start asking around for a room share!
Get Printed In Our Conbook
Do you have a picture or story that you'd like to see printed in our conbook that fits with our theme of “Infurnally Yours”? Get it to us soon -- submissions close February 15!
Attention Potential Panelists!
We're looking for eager people who want to lead a panel or event at FE 2012. If you're interested, let us know in the next few weeks!
Volunteer Call
FE doesn't run as smoothly as it does without our volunteers. Get in touch with us and let us know that you're interested in volunteering -- there's perks to be had!
Planning to Fursuit?
We've got plenty of fursuit programming planned throughout the con... and it's not just the fursuit parade. Find out more about it!
About the author
Scani — read stories — contact (login required)a student and Gryphon from Ontario, Canada
Furnal Equinox's publicity/business rep.
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