Morse code for dolphins...
Posted by Feren (Jason Olsen) on Mon 26 Feb 2001 - 18:12
According to a Wired Article, scientists are attempting to develope a common language for humans to use in communicating with dolphins. This sound-based language will likely be examined as closely as the sign-language that are used with our simian cousins... although, from the statements in the article researches don't expect it to ever reach that level of sophistication.

About the author
Feren (Jason Olsen) — read stories — contact (login required)a network engineer and Black panther from Chicago, Illinois, interested in furry literature, art, and camaros
Sometimes network engineer. Sometimes coder. Sometimes ranting editorial writer.
First communications with the dolphins went like this:
.-- . / .-- .- -. - / -- --- .-. . / ..-. .. ... ....
Well, what did you expect them to say? "Where's the remote?" :)
Allen Kitchen (shockwave)
Reality is not only stranger than we think, it's stranger than we CAN think!
"So long, and thanks for all the fish"?
But to use the remote, don't they need opposable thumbs? :)
"We use them for divine retribution."
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