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?Medal of Honor Cat – Comedy Video??

Furry News Network - Sat 16 Jul 2011 - 18:41

Author: Doug
A cat wins the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions in the line of duty.

No cats were harmed in the making of this video. One cat named Danny became incredibly well fed, though!

Yes…it’s a slow news day.

Categories: News

Furcast Servers Borked – Paradox Confused

Furry News Network - Sat 16 Jul 2011 - 18:32

In news today, Paradox spent what seemed like hours trying to unbork his server’s configs during the Furcast pre-show.

Chatroom has determined that Paradox hs in fact gone insane.

-Seacrest OUT

Categories: News

Hypoallergenic dog claims don’t stand up

Furry News Network - Sat 16 Jul 2011 - 17:40


Hypoallergenic dogs don’t actually produce fewer allergy-provoking proteins than other dogs, say researchers who put the claims to the test.

Researchers in Detroit analyzed dust samples collected from 173 homes one month after a newborn baby was brought home to check allergen levels from hypoallergenic dogs and other breeds.The Obamas were offered one of a Wisconsin breeder’s Australian Labradoodle puppies for their daughter with allergies. WITI-TV/AP

Specifically, 60 dog breeds were involved, 11 of them considered hypoallergenic. Researchers found no significant differences in allergen levels in homes where either hypoallergenic dogs or non-hypoallergenic resided, they said in the July online issue of the American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy.

“We found no scientific basis to the claim hypoallergenic dogs have less allergen,” Christine Cole Johnson, chair of Henry Ford’s Department of Public Health Sciences and senior author of the study, said in a release.

“Based on previous allergy studies conducted here at Henry Ford, exposure to a dog early in life provides protection against dog allergy development. But the idea that you can buy a certain breed of dog and think it will cause less allergy problems for a person already dog-allergic is not borne out by our study.”

Find the full article here: | Published News

Categories: News

"Monty Python" ended too soon... - Sat 16 Jul 2011 - 15:45
Man with dead weasel accused of assault
HOQUIAM, Wash. (AP) — Police say a man was carrying a dead weasel when
he burst into an apartment and assaulted a man in Washington state.
The victim asked, "Why are you carrying a weasel?" Police said the
Categories: News

Lizard has problem-solving skills

Furry News Network - Sat 16 Jul 2011 - 15:40

Author: Doug
A vibrant green tree-dwelling lizard has surprised scientists with its mental prowess by succeeding in a problem solving test.

For the video on BBC iPlayer, click thee read more link below.

Find the full article here: | Published News

Categories: News

What restores your faith in the furry fandom?

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 Jul 2011 - 10:09

We all know of things that happen in this here fandom that we don't approve of, and in some cases even make us reconsider our belonging and connection to this community.

But which are the things for which you will stay regardless?

What will renew your faith in this community?

submitted by Sherbniz
[link] [37 comments]
Categories: News

Let's Share our Google+ names to add each other /r/furry! (Private and Public methods)

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 Jul 2011 - 09:05

Just for the heck of it, because many enjoy meeting new friends and because G+ is new and everyone else is doing it.

There's two different ways you can do it:

  • Public: You just need to publish a comment with your nick/name and an optional description of yourself or the people you want to meet.

  • Invitation: Publish a comment with a description of the type of furry you'd like to meet and the type of furry you are. Then wait for someone to send you a PM and ask for permission.

Also, If anyone's Interested, there's this Public Circle (works the same way) for the Feral Furs of G+


submitted by DanielTaylor
[link] [11 comments]
Categories: News

Using Google Plus? You may want to change your Profile Name

Furry News Network - Fri 15 Jul 2011 - 23:09

Furries – watch your names – if you have names with words like “the” as part of the title, Google may suspend your account till you change your name and verify you are indeed a real person – It just happened to The Hypnotic Beast to Charem the Charmeleon (Caleb Scott) . If your account is suspended, you will have to change your name and go through a telephone verification process and then wait till Google reviews your account. This will include your gmail and youtube account if they are all under the same Google Profile.

This may be fallout from a post by Andrew Bunner – a Google Engineer – Post can be found here

Find me online on Google Plus

Categories: News

BDBC Meeting 012: ‘And the Moon Outside’ by cubetriangle

Furry News Network - Fri 15 Jul 2011 - 20:20

Author: Toonces
The night has its special properties, of course. For as long as literature has been written the darkness has been a time for plotting schemes and raising trouble. If you’re a werewolf, and the moon is full, this is especially true. cubetriangle has for us a story with undertones of alienation and revolution, and it all takes place under the subtle…


Find the full article here: The Bad Dog Book Club

The contents of this Podcast may have adult language and adult themes. The content is not produced by Furry News Network, but is posted for your convenience.

Categories: News

Episode 147 - Cheesefest

Southpaws - Fri 15 Jul 2011 - 19:15
This week on KnotCast, we're really cheesy and silly. Savrin, Shiva, and Fuzz are back again with another stable of emails just waiting to get read. We hear about fan-podcasts, Finland Fur Fun, bisexual bronies, and people begging for a giga podcast at a con. All this and more on episode 147 of KnotCast! Streets of His City & Other Stories - This weeks song is "The Crusade Begins" by Kisuke Don't forget our coupon code 'knot' at for a great deal. Episode 147 - Cheesefest
Categories: Podcasts

Zookeeper Film Verdict

Furry News Network - Fri 15 Jul 2011 - 16:03

By: CraftyAndy

Sequence 01Zookeeper I’m sure it would be easy to talk about how stoopid this movie is so I won’t go there. It’s better then Dylan Dog and Green Lantern. I’d say it’s on par with Transformers 3. I agree with Roger Ebert, “Look, a great movie this is not. A pleasant summer entertainment it is.”

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Categories: News

Fuzzy Logic Podcast Episode 11 – It Begins

Furry News Network - Fri 15 Jul 2011 - 15:47

Author: admin

We’re up to five e-mails this time, almost enough for two for each person – it’s a landmark we’re really looking forward to meeting! This time, we’ve managed to keep the episode down to just a little over an hour, too!

For now, we’ve got questions about anger management, how to find people who are into the things you’re into, and stories about how several people got into the fandom! There are peals of laughter as Istanbul busts out his horrible Indian accent, and there’s discussion about the new anti-streaming law, among other such hilarity!

Also, since we neglected to link it last time like we said we would, click here for the My Little Pony horror game. Just don’t play it in a darkened room!

Next episode is about goals! What do you want to do with your life? Do you know yet? Do you need some advice getting there, or do you just want to discuss your plans for the future? Write in and let us know, and don’t forget, we’re always here to answer your non-topical questions as well!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast
E-mail: E-Mail Hidden

Episode 11 – It Begins

Find the full article here: Fuzzy Logic Pod Cast

Categories: News

Further charges laid in Krypto1701 animal abuse case

Furry News Network - Fri 15 Jul 2011 - 15:26

Author: Higgs Raccoon

Two more counts of animal cruelty have been added to the charges already faced by Peter Bower, known in the furry fandom as Krypto1701.

In May, Bower was charged with two counts of animal cruelty after authorities discovered that he had had sexual relations with his three-year-old shepherd-mix dog, Aurora. New evidence suggests sexual activity with a previous pet, a German shepherd named Maggie.


While examining items confiscated from Bower’s apartment, Richland County (Ohio) Dog Warden Dave Jordan discovered “diary letters” to the 11-year-old pet. One dated April 4, 2010 detailed a physical encounter with the animal. Maggie and another (male) dog were euthanised five days later. Maggie was reportedly suffering from pyrometra, an infection of the uterus, which Jordan said “could have been caused by the use of lubricants”.


Police are still investigating Bower’s online activities, and a pre-trial hearing is scheduled for 9 a.m. on Monday in Shelby Municipal Court.


Although thirty states in the U.S. have laws prohibiting bestiality, Ohio is not one of them. The Bower case has prompted Ohio state representatives to draft legislation that would explicitly outlaw such acts.



Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.

Categories: News

We are basically mascots.

Furry Reddit - Fri 15 Jul 2011 - 01:45

Think about it, we're basically mascots if you look at it from a non pornographic view

submitted by LupusAeon
[link] [4 comments]
Categories: News

Episode 11 – It Begins - We’re up to five e-mails this time, almost enough for two for each person – it’s a landmark we’re really looking forward to meeting! This time, we’ve managed to keep the episode down to just a li[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Thu 14 Jul 2011 - 22:54

We’re up to five e-mails this time, almost enough for two for each person – it’s a landmark we’re really looking forward to meeting! This time, we’ve managed to keep the episode down to just a little over an hour, too!

For now, we’ve got questions about anger management, how to find people who are into the things you’re into, and stories about how several people got into the fandom! There are peals of laughter as Istanbul busts out his horrible Indian accent, and there’s discussion about the new anti-streaming law, among other such hilarity!

Also, since we neglected to link it last time like we said we would, click here for the My Little Pony horror game. Just don’t play it in a darkened room!

Next episode is about goals! What do you want to do with your life? Do you know yet? Do you need some advice getting there, or do you just want to discuss your plans for the future? Write in and let us know, and don’t forget, we’re always here to answer your non-topical questions as well!

Twitter: fuzzylogiccast
FA: fuzzylogicpodcast

Episode 11 – It Begins
File modified July 15, 2011 – 56.1 MB – downloaded 299 times so far

Episode 11 – It Begins - We’re up to five e-mails this time, almost enough for two for each person – it’s a landmark we’re really looking forward to meeting! This time, we’ve managed to keep the episode down to just a li[...]
Categories: Podcasts

Are snow leopards more populous than tigers?

Furry News Network - Thu 14 Jul 2011 - 22:25

Author: Fred

A photoarticle in says there are an estimated 4,500 to 7,500 wild snow leopards left in the Central Asian mountains. This is more than the number of tigers left in the wild, which is estimated to be only about 3,200.

See also: BBC tracks down tigers in the HimalayasChinese wineries farm tigers for bones


Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.

Categories: News

Interview with Blotch at Anthrocon on Nordguard: Across Thin Ice

Furry News Network - Thu 14 Jul 2011 - 22:05

This AnthroCon I was able to touch base with Blotch, the duo team of BlackTeegan and KenKet abit at the con’s end for a few minutes and ask some questions about their latest release; NordGuard: Across Thin Ice, which debuts at AC ’11 via Sofawolf Press and can be found on the Sofawolf Press website. Blotch is already famous in the fandom for their cover work on Kyell Gold’s books (Out of Position, Isolation Play) as well as winning multiple awards for their cover work on conbooks and for their first graphic novel, Dog Day’s of Summer, also available via Sofawolf press.

Mad: Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions. The first one I wanted to start off with was how did the collaboration between both you and KenKet begin?

Blotch: Well, we knew each other, we were friends and were both going to be house-sitting and dog-sitting for a friend. This dog is this crazy, crazy, crazy dog and we wanted to leave the house for awhile so we left it a soup-bone. And we were like, “Oh that will keep it entertained for a half hour, while we go get something to eat, the dog will be fine.” Well, we come back and the dog has eaten the entire couch, it was shredded and we were like crap, well what do we do? Sooo, it’s “O my gosh, she’s gonna be home tonight in about an hour” and I was like, “Well I can sketch her something” and Ket was like, “I can paint it” and so we did that and it turned out really well. So yeah, that’s how we started working together.

Mad: That’s interesting, honestly I didn’t expect such a story behind it.

Blotch: [laughs]

Mad: Alright, well while it’s not unheard of in the furry fandom its worth noting. Despite both of you being female artist you create predominantly male artwork, is there any reason for that?

BlackTeegan: Want to. [laughs] It’s like you know, I don’t really enjoy drawing things I don’t enjoy, so I don’t.

KenKet: [Laughs] So you enjoy gay things.

BlackTeegan:[Laughs] I enjoy drawing gay things, drawing gay porn. We like drawing Pi.

Mad: I was actually going to ask; back at your panel you mentioned how Pi is the main character, did you switch it? Was there a reason for this-

BlackTeegan: No, she was always the main character.

Mad: From the get-go? That was just what you thought of and it was the idea.

BlackTeegan: Yeah. The story is her story. The only reason that Nickel is on the promo poster is because he’s a striking character.

Mad: About the making of Nordguard, was it easier or harder than our previous short book, Dog Day’s?

KenKet: [laughs]

BlackTeegan: Well, the method was a lot harder. Dog Day’s was…sort of a joke, to see if we could do comics. It wasn’t a very serious project so…

Kenket: Parts of Dog Day’s were harder, because we were doing it online so the time frame was very limited, plus we were writing the story as we went along so it was quite difficult sometimes…

Mad: Well you didn’t even know what way the story would go when you started the voting system.

BlackTeegan: Exactly, we didn’t know if people would vote. So mentally, it was abit harder for those reasons, but overall I just think that there’s a lot more time and effort…

KenKet: Nordguard definitely took a lot longer and more effort, but the process was abit calmer because we had time to think about it.

Mad: You had a plan.

KenKet: We had a plan, it was more methodical, more control than [laughs] than Dog Day’s.

Mad: Um, a question about Dog Day’s specifically; The surprise reaction about whether or not the sex scene would occur.

BlackTeegan: Yes.

Mad: Well, you said that you were surprised when in was a unanimous, a near unanimous vote of no.

BlackTeegan: Well, every week, every week people had been voting for the option they thought would lead to sex. So we thought, well fine, we’ll just have it be very obvious these options lead to sex. And, you know, we were just surprised. It’s like, suddenly everyone changed their mind and just didn’t want sex.

Mad: Yeah, that’s what I assumed. I even told my boyfriend, “Oh that’s what’s going to happen.”

KenKet: We were very surprised and because that happened we decided, “Oh you know, these people really care about the characters and therefore we should do them justice and actually tell their story abit better.”

Mad: You mentioned you’ve done work outside the fandom, could you go into that abit?

BlackTeegan: Well, we mostly do stuff in the fandom now, but it’s like she’s been published by Cricket and other places. It’s just, as illustrators, you find a niche and you work at it and it’s where we really enjoy it so we’ll stay in the fandom now.

Mad: Yeah, you’ve won about 4 or 5 Ursa awards for your illustrated covers alone.

BlackTeegan: Oh yeah, a lot of Ursa’s.

Kenket: Ten.

Mad: Ten!? Yeah, a lot then. Anyway, Dog Day’sof Summer, it was the beach, Australia. Nordguard is darn near a polar opposite. Was there a reason for this? Were you tired of the sun?

BlackTeegan: No we just wanted to start with something that didn’t have a lot of architecture.

Mad: Oh, so the wilderness.

BlackTeegan: Yes, its outdoors so its easier

KenKet: Fundamentally easier to paint than something set in downtown say in San Francisco or something. [laughs]

Mad: Was it easier to paint?

KenKet: Yes, it was much easier to paint then say something taking place in a city or a spaceship for instance. But at the same time, it was difficult, just as hard in its own way.

Mad: What was your favorite part of Nordguard? And really your worst? If there even was a specific moment.

BlackTeegan: Um, of the actual book or the making of it?

Mad: Well the process, was there a favorite page or moment your glad you got completed or done?

BlackTeegan/Kenket: [laughs] Well, the moment we sent it to the publisher! That was my favorite moment ever.

BlackTeegan: You know I just…it’s so much a labor of love that it’s like…a lot of the time its pulling teeth but it’s something that you do because you really love to do it so it’s really hard to find like a specific moment or part of the process or part of it because it’s just this big ball of…

Kenket: Yeah, oh my god.

BlackTeegan: Yeah, anxiety and work and this emotional attachment, it’s like-

Mad: Yeah, you said at your panel, you did research for a year, saved up a year beforehand to offset not working on other projects.

BlackTeegan: The research was probably the most fun part.

KenKet: Yeeeah.

Mad: That’s a…I wouldn’t say gamble, but a really big investment for…

BlackTeegan: When you want to do something your passionate about it’s not, you know…it just seems worth the risk or worth the gamble so…

Mad: The last question, I think, I have for guys is have you ever had the worst con experience or ‘that’ fan?

BlackTeegan: I think everyone’s had someone like ‘that’ fan but its on a whole most people are really nice.

KenKet: Con’s are enjoyable.

BlackTeegan: Con’s are really fun, you know I love just to meet the people and its cool. You know there’s always the one person you remember and you think, “Wow, please go away.”

KenKet: In general the cons are awesome.

BlackTeegan: Yeah.

Mad: Alright well, Nordguard 1 is out; you said at your panel because you had to cut some material due to deadlines the second book is already somewhat started, do you expect it done anytime soon?

BlackTeegan: Well by the end of August were gonna ramp up and start working on it again full time, see how far we get, and we’ll have a better sense of time tables then.

Mad: Alright, I look forward to it.

BlackTeegan: Yeah, were gonna be updating the blog with stuff.

KenKet: I’ll do livestreaming of new paintings of pages.

BlackTeegan: All the info and stuff will be up there.

KenKet: Yeah

Mad: Oh actually, really quick; the names BlackTeegan and KenKet, is there any significance to them?

BlackTeegan: Uh, no [laughs]

KenKet: Well, I got my name from a character in a book years ago when I was still in the MUCK, roleplaying, it was my character name and I kept it throughout the ages.

Mad: I thank you for your time; I look forward to the book.

BlackTeegan: I hope you enjoy it. It was nice to speak to you.

Mad: Thank you

BlackTeegan: Thank you for being so patient.

Mad: No, its no problem.

KenKet: We appreciate it.

Mad: Thanks.

Nordguard: Across Thin Ice can be found on the Sofawolf Press website for purchase and more information on the book can be found on their website;
Earl Z. Madness can be reached at E-Mail Hidden or his work can be seen at

Categories: News