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FursuitTV 003 high.mp4

FursuitTV - Fri 26 Jul 2024 - 13:45
Categories: Podcasts

FursuitTV 003 low.mp4

FursuitTV - Fri 26 Jul 2024 - 13:45
Categories: Podcasts

FursuitTV002 high.mp4

FursuitTV - Fri 26 Jul 2024 - 13:45
Categories: Podcasts

FursuitTV002 low.mp4

FursuitTV - Fri 26 Jul 2024 - 13:45
Categories: Podcasts

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FursuitTV - Fri 26 Jul 2024 - 13:45
Categories: Podcasts

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FursuitTV - Fri 26 Jul 2024 - 13:45
Categories: Podcasts

Grapple Dogs: Cosmic Canines - Preview

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Fri 26 Jul 2024 - 07:57

Awoooo time for some interdimensional adventures! The sequel to the beloved and acclaimed Grapple Dog, Grapple Dogs Cosmic Canines aims its sights on having players jump, dash and grapple their way across various levels. The unique visuals of this game reminded me of something you might see on the Game Boy Advance, which tickled a nostalgic itch and gave me plenty of reason to try out the demo.

Categories: News

毛毛列車出發! 台灣鐵道史上首次獸聚活動 獸迷們共襄盛舉

Fur Times - 獸時報 - Thu 25 Jul 2024 - 00:59




由於在南港站停留時間較長,因此官方在該月台進行大合照。圖/藍風攝 不論是車廂(上圖)或是月台(下圖)都有毛毛在現場讓參加者拍攝照片。圖/藍風攝










Categories: News

Parkitect: Deluxe Edition (Xbox) Review

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Wed 24 Jul 2024 - 23:27

Way back when I was a young pup, I used to go to Hersheypark every summer and it was a fun experience. Riding the Trailblazer, getting soaked on the Canyon River Rapids, and being whipped around on the Whip, Hersheypark was amazing. But, like most things in life, I ended up growing out of it and stopped going but, deep down, I still enjoyed amusement parks and wouldn’t mind going to one again. The original Roller Coaster Tycoon on PC helped in this regard and I put about who knows how many hours into it, designing my own theme park and creating fun roller coasters. So, when I heard about the console release of ‘Parkitect’, I was excited and I had hoped for another fun roller coaster sim but, alas, this wasn’t meant to be.

Categories: News

Monster Hunter Puzzles: Felyne Isles Review

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 23 Jul 2024 - 19:05

Pssst Hey, do you like cats? Do you like the Monster Hunter Series? Do you like MOBILE PUZZLE games? Then guess what! Felyne Isles is for you! Your main character is a Felyne that you can customize in SO MANY different outfits that you unlock as you progress through the game. Help other Felynes rebuild and recover the island by completing puzzles (some pretty difficult) and rescue other Felynes in need!

Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 37

TigerTails Radio - Tue 23 Jul 2024 - 04:36

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 37. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Categories: Podcasts

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 38

TigerTails Radio - Mon 22 Jul 2024 - 16:30

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 38. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Categories: Podcasts

Escape From Ever After: Onboarding Review

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Mon 22 Jul 2024 - 14:42

I'm not sure if this is the best or worst timing for Escape From Ever After: Onboarding (“Escape” from here on out) with the influx of amazing RPGs coming out. In the past couple of months, we received 2 excellent RPG remakes from Nintendo: Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. I love turn based RPGS, as someone who has lived in the golden age of RPGs (SNES era), I'm happy to see this style of RPG start to become popular and seeing a resurgence in the eyes of the gaming market. However, is this Paper Mario inspired fairytale a page turner, or will it be a better use as a table straightener?

Categories: News

Adopting Fursonas: Everything You Need to Know

Fursonafy - Mon 22 Jul 2024 - 04:44

    1. Introduction
    2. What Is A Fursona? / Reasons For Adopting A Fursona
    3. Where To Find Fursonas To Adopt
    4. Steps To Adopting A Fursona
    5. Tips For New Adopters
    6. Conclusion
Article Content Introduction

The furry fandom is a vibrant and diverse community where individuals express themselves through anthropomorphic animal characters, known as fursonas. While creating a fursona from scratch is common, adopting a fursona is another meaningful way to join the community. This article will guide you through the process of adopting a fursona, highlighting the reasons, steps, and resources needed to make the experience fulfilling.

What is a Fursona?

A fursona is a personalized anthropomorphic character that represents an individual’s personality, interests, or ideal self within the furry community. Fursonas can be any species, real or fictional, and serve as avatars for interaction and expression. Adopting a fursona involves taking on a pre-existing character, often created by another member of the fandom.

    Fursona Reference Sheet

    Image via Fursonafy

    Reasons for Adopting a Fursona
    • Connection: You may find a fursona that perfectly resonates with your personality or interests, making adoption a natural choice.
    • Convenience: Adopting an existing fursona can be quicker and easier than creating one from scratch.
    • Legacy: By adopting a fursona, you continue the story and personality of an existing character, preserving its legacy within the community.
      Where to Find Fursonas to Adopt Furry Marketplaces and Websites
      • FurAffinity:
        • Pros:
          • Large User Base: A vast community means a wide selection of adoptable fursonas.
          • Artist Connections: Easy to find artists who can provide custom artwork for your new fursona.
        • Cons:
          • Overwhelming Choices: The large number of listings can be daunting to navigate.
          • Quality Variation: Wide range in the quality and price of adoptables.
      • DeviantArt:
        • Pros:
          • Creative Diversity: High variety of unique and well-developed fursonas.
          • Established Artists: Many professional artists offer high-quality adoptables.
        • Cons:
          • Competitive Bidding: Popular fursonas often require participating in auctions, which can be competitive and expensive.
          • Platform Navigation: Finding adoptables can be challenging due to the platform’s layout.
      • The Dealer’s Den:
        • Pros:
          • Specialized Marketplace: Focuses specifically on furries, making it easier to find relevant items.
          • Secure Transactions: Provides a structured buying process for both parties.
        • Cons:
          • Limited Listings: Smaller selection compared to larger platforms like FurAffinity and DeviantArt.
          • Higher Prices: Items and fursonas on this platform may be more expensive.

        Example of an Adopted Fursona

        Image via Reddit

        Community and Social Media
        • Furry Amino:
          • Pros:
            • Engaged Community: Active and supportive user base, making it easier to connect and find adoptables.
            • Mobile-Friendly: The app format allows for easy browsing and communication.
          • Cons:
            • Moderation Issues: Occasionally, posts and users might not be well-moderated.
            • Limited Artist Exposure: Fewer established artists compared to dedicated art platforms.
        • Reddit’s r/Furry:
          • Pros:
            • Active Discussions: Engaging community discussions can lead to finding hidden gems and reliable recommendations.
            • Diverse Listings: Users often share various adoptable fursonas and custom art opportunities.
          • Cons:
            • Quality Control: Listings can vary greatly in quality, making it essential to do thorough research.
            • Scam Risk: Higher potential for scams or miscommunication without proper vetting.
          From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

          .blog-banner-button{ background: transparent; border-radius: 6px 0px 6px 6px; border: none; padding: 16px 28px; position: relative; cursor: pointer; margin-top: 0px; font-family: 'Lato'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; font-size: 14px; line-height: 140%; align-items: center; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: #1D022E; border: 1px solid #1D022E; width:100%; max-width:200px; } .black-point{ position: absolute; width: 16px; height: 16px; top: 0px; right: 0; background: #1D022E; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 12px; } .blog-banner-button:hover{ background:#1D022E; color:white; transition: 1s cubic-bezier(0.57, -0.43, 0.37, 1.1); } .banner-flex{ display:flex; align-items:center; max-width:450px; width:100%; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; justify-content:space-between; } .banner-p{ color: #1D022E; text-align: center; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-weight: 800; line-height: 140%; /* 19.6px */ text-transform: uppercase; } @media (max-width:540px){ .banner-flex{ flex-direction:column; } .banner-p{ margin-top:8px; margin-bottom:8px; } .blog-banner-button{ max-width:287px; width:100%; padding:12px 20px; } .banner-flex a{ max-width:287px; width:100%; } } Build my fursuit OR Draw My Fursona Conventions and Events
          • Anthrocon:
            • Pros:
              • Networking Opportunities: In-person interactions can lead to finding trusted and high-quality adoptables.
              • Community Vibe: Engaging directly with other furries enhances the adoption experience.
            • Cons:
              • Geographic Limitations: Not accessible to everyone due to location and travel costs.
              • Event Costs: Attending conventions involves additional expenses beyond fursona adoption.
          • Midwest FurFest:
            • Pros:
              • Large Attendance: A big event with many attendees, increasing the chances of finding a suitable fursona.
              • Workshops and Panels: Opportunities to learn more about fursonas and meet creators.
            • Cons:
              • Overwhelming Environment: Large crowds can be intimidating for newcomers.

          Scheduling Conflicts: Limited time to explore adoption options due to event schedules.

            Image Of Furry Convention

            Image via Audacy

            Steps to Adopting a Fursona 

            The process of adopting a fursona involves several key steps to ensure a smooth and respectful transition.

            First, it is essential to conduct thorough research and exploration to find potential fursonas that match your personality and interests. Understanding the history, traits, and any existing lore associated with the fursona is crucial to ensure a good fit.

            Once you have identified a fursona you are interested in, the next step is to contact the current owner. Approach the owner respectfully and express your interest in adopting the fursona. It is important to ask questions about the fursona’s background, including specific traits, stories, and any other relevant information. Clear communication will help establish trust and transparency between you and the current owner.

            Negotiating the adoption terms is the next critical step. Discuss and agree on the terms of the adoption, including any financial aspects and any conditions set by the original creator. It is vital to respect the original creator’s wishes and any stipulations they may have for the character. This ensures that the adoption process is mutually agreeable and honors the creator’s intentions.

            After reaching an agreement, it is time to make the adoption official. Update your profiles and social media accounts to reflect your new fursona. This public acknowledgment helps integrate the fursona into your identity within the community. Ensure that all necessary permissions and agreements are documented to avoid any future misunderstandings.

              Tips for New Adopters

              As a new adopter, it is important to respect the fursona’s history and the original creator. Maintaining the character’s integrity while adding your unique touch is key to a successful adoption. Getting involved in the furry community can provide support and camaraderie. Joining forums, attending meetups, and participating in community events can enhance your experience and help you connect with others who have gone through similar journeys. Utilizing online resources, such as Furry Amino and Reddit, can provide further learning and connection opportunities.

                Another Fursona Reference Sheet 

                Image via Fursonafy

                Common Misconceptions

                There are several common misconceptions about adopting fursonas and the furry fandom that should be addressed. Debunking these myths is crucial for promoting understanding and acceptance. It is important to explain your adoption choice to non-furries, emphasizing the positive aspects of the community and personal expression. By doing so, you can help bridge the gap between the furry community and the wider public, fostering greater acceptance and appreciation.


                  Adopting a fursona can be a rewarding way to join the furry community, allowing you to connect with a character that resonates with you while preserving its legacy. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure a smooth and respectful adoption process. If you’ve adopted a fursona, we invite you to share your story and experiences with the community, helping others on their journey.

                  Feel free to reach out on platforms like FurAffinity or Reddit’s r/Furry to connect with other adopters and learn more about this vibrant community.

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                    Xege Kheiru

                    Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

                    Share Post

                    The post Adopting Fursonas: Everything You Need to Know appeared first on Fursonafy.

                    Categories: News

                    Fox with Honor

                    In-Fur-Nation - Sun 21 Jul 2024 - 01:38

                    We’ve been missing out on this — so it’s good to get caught up! Kitsune is a full-color comic miniseries written by Luca Frigerio, with art by Emanuele Ercolani. “Kitsunichi Shimitzu is a ronin, a samurai who has become masterless. After twelve years of absence, he returns to his native lands and discovers that his master’s son is a weak man. Bandits terrorize the population, and strange rumors of a powerful enemy spread. Torn between past mistakes and a chance to redeem himself, Kitsunichi will have to fight for his life.” Familiar story, yes, but do give it a chance — by checking out the issues available at Scout Comics.

                    image c. 2024 Scout Comics

                    Categories: News

                    TigerTails Radio - 20th Anniversary Trailer

                    TigerTails Radio - Sat 20 Jul 2024 - 06:00

                    On 20th July 2024, TigerTails Radio turns 20 years old. Little did Hedgie and TK know that when they started down this path of madness, it would still be going all these years later. The 20th Anniversary Special will be on Monday 22nd July (Season 15 - Episode 37 / Show 1105 in total), so to whet your appetite, Xavier has compiled a little look down memory lane at how we've gotten to where we are now. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show.
                    Categories: Podcasts

                    Whiskerwood, A Cat-and-Mouse RTS - Announcement Trailer

                    Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Fri 19 Jul 2024 - 14:04

                    We've got a new game announcement for you! Whiskerwood, an upcoming cat and mouse themed city-building game from developer Minakata Dynamics and publisher Hooded Horse (Manor Lords, Against the Storm), released their new trailer this week. Establish a home for your industrious mice, explore new lands, and traverse oceans as you construct grand cities. Withstand the forces of nature, develop complex production chains, and live out the age-old rivalry between cat and mouse. Check out this first look at some Whiskerwood gameplay to see the city-builder in action. Whiskerwood is coming soon to PC via Steam. Wishlist in there and check out a ton more details on their page.

                    Categories: News

                    Popular Kid at School Hesitates to Pursue His Love of the Furry Fandom

                    Ask Papabear - Thu 18 Jul 2024 - 14:48
                    Hi Papabear!

                    This is my first question I am going to ask you, and possibly more, but I’m only going under a fake name because I'm uncomfortable sharing my real name with someone I don’t know, but anyways, I wanted to ask this question:

                    How do I make more furry friends in my school, while trying to stay away from gossip and backlash around me?

                    Here is some context. I have been in the fandom since August of 2022 (by the time you answer this it may be my 2nd anniversary of being in the fandom!), but I’ve never been able to make any genuine friends in the fandom. I’m usually friends with them one day, but it’s never been long term.

                    Since I don’t have many friends online, I try to resort to in real life friends! However, there is one issue with this: I am a popular kid at school.

                    Now I know there is a lot of misinformation about furries online, and I do not want to ruin my reputation only to be hated by the people who used to support me throughout the years that I’ve been with them. I try to indirectly tell them that I am a furry, but I would hate for someone to tell that to someone else and make it spread.
                    I know of other furries in my school, but most people joke around and gossip about them. My closest friend (that I’ve been friends with for 9 years), does not really approve of furries and I think that he may not be fond of me if I told him the truth that I am a furry. The way I found this out was by wearing a furry avatar in roblox. I even asked him about it one day.

                    I know I’m kinda ranting about it (I’m sorry) but … sometimes I genuinely feel alone in the fandom. I’ve kept this a secret from pretty much everyone (except for a few people) and I just really want that one person who genuinely cares for me. One that will go to furry cons with me, not judge me, and maybe even have a happy life with them (boy or girl it doesn’t matter).

                    I just … I don’t know … I felt like someone that has been through a bit in the furry fandom could actually help me with this. If you can recommend anyone I could be friends with (if possible), please let me know.

                    Cheers! Sending you Mint ice cream your way!

                    Minty the Protogen (age 15, Louisiana)

                    * * *

                    Dear Minty,

                    First, consider why you are a furry. Are you a furry because you want to be popular? Or are you a furry because you love the furry arts and creative play of the fandom and you want to get into things like furry gaming, fursonas, writing stories, creating art, and enjoying furry fiction? If you are more concerned about your popularity at school than about being a furry, you should just forget about being a furry and continue being Mr. Popularity at your school. 

                    But know this: Most people who are friends with the popular person at school (or work, or church, or whatever) are only fair-weather friends who hover around you like flies over a summer picnic because it looks tasty, not because they are real friends. After you graduate, you'll never hear from them again. I have one true friend from those days named Todd, who has been my friend since the third grade and is STILL my friend 50 years later. THAT is a real friend.

                    A real friend will be your friend whether or not you are popular and whether or not you are a furry.

                    So, to answer your initial question: If you come out as furry in your school, the results will be predictable. You will likely be the new target of all the kids who hate furries and you can say bye bye to being the popular guy. 

                    Now, if you are truly bold, you could try and use your popularity to change people's views about furry. That is, use your cachet to make furry cool at school. Kind of like in Turning Red, where Mei's ability (or curse) to turn into a giant red panda becomes super cool at her school, with all the students lining up to take photos with her and buy her merch. I don't know if that is possible IRL, but wouldn't that be wonderful?

                    There are a lot of young furries out there who get into furry because they want to be outrageous and get noticed. In a lot of ways, furry is becoming more mainstream (the success of Zootopia and Turning Red are indicators of this). You could try to be the person at your school who turns things around and makes furry totally pawsome. But it would take a lot of work on your part, and you would have to pursue it fearlessly. Not sure what the social climate in Louisiana is, but if you are in or around New Orleans, I hear that is a pretty outrageous town. You could maybe take advantage of Mardi Gras celebrations to let your furry side out. (I don't mean go to Mardis Gras, just use it as a theme.)

                    It could go well, or it could backfire on you big time. Ask yourself if you're willing to take that risk. If not, play it safe and don't come out furry around your classmates.

                    Now, as to finding IRL furries to hang with, yeah, that can be a bit challenging. The best way is to first find nearby furries online and then try to hang with them at furmeets and furcons. How do you find local furries online? There are a couple of ways to do so. First off, I recommend downloading the Barq app on your phone. It's a social app that will show you right away which registered users are close to you. Next, go online and simply google "Louisiana Furries." I found this website about Louisiana furs by doing that search.

                    ​Interestingly, there were plans for a Bayou Furry Bash convention, but as of this time it seems it never quite got off the ground, sadly. There is also a Facebook group for Louisiana furries and FurAffinity. The FA account seems to be inactive for at least a year, and the FB account is minimally active. Rats.

                    Seems like the Louisiana furries have been struggling. I also searched the Meetup website and Telegram, but I found nothing there that was promising. There used to be a website called the Internet Furry Proximity Locator that could have proven useful to you, but I don't believe it has been maintained, nor do many furries even know about it, so that likely won't work.

                    If you were a little older, I would suggest you drive to Texas Furry Fiesta in San Antonio, which is not too too far from Louisiana and is an excellent con. But right now, that's not practical for you unless you can get your parents onboard.

                    It sounds to this bear like the state of Louisiana could really use a cool furry like you to get them organized. You're still a bit young, but before you know it, you'll be 16 and then 18, and you'll be able to do more stuff independently. You might consider forming your own furmeet group. (I wrote a short column about that which might help).

                    It can be tough to meet furries IRL in some locations in this country. Besides Barq, the best thing for you to do would be to simply join various furry groups on Facebook, Discord, Telegram etc. and ask around if anyone lives in your area. I would also suggest that you work on locating nearby furries first before you out yourself at school as a furry. That way, if things go south at school, you will hopefully have some furry friends locally to provide you some emotional support and hugs.

                    But, hey, before I forget, didn't you say you already knew some furries at school? But, apparently, you are not talking to them because they are not part of the cool crowd. Meanwhile, you fear your "closest friend" will reject you for being a furry. I ask you to pause a moment and consider why you are avoiding these furries and what might that say about you and your fear of ruining your "reputation." If you want a friend who "genuinely cares" about you and will hang out with you at furry events, approach the furries at your school.

                    In the end, you should pursue interests and friendships that suit you best. While everyone wants to feel love and support from their peers, this is less important than following your own path, creating your own identity rather than a persona that meets the approval of others. You are not put on Earth to fulfill the expectations of others and of our shallow and fake society. 

                    You are put on Earth to find yourself, explore the universe, and to grow as a person. If being a furry helps you with that, then gofurit.

                    Good Luck!

                    By His Stripes You Shall Know Him

                    In-Fur-Nation - Thu 18 Jul 2024 - 01:46

                    Another graphic novel for young readers — and cat fans! It’s the Tig and Lily series of books, written and illustrated by Dan Thompson. “What makes a tiger, a tiger? Is it the stripes? The roar? This is something that Lily, the tiger at the local zoo, has never had to worry about — until she meets the fiercest animal of them all… her new roommate. Tig might look like a house cat, might sound like a house cat, but Tig knows he is a Tiger. The competition is on as these two cats figure out what it means to be a Tiger… and a friend.” Find Tiger Trouble and more books in the series over at Penguin Random House.

                    image c. 2024 Random House Graphic

                    Categories: News

                    Should She Interfere in Friend's Adult/Minor Relationship?

                    Ask Papabear - Wed 17 Jul 2024 - 13:23
                    Hi, Papabear,

                    It's been a while since I've written; I haven't since 2020. But you were the only advice column I could think of that I actually trust and have used in the past.

                    So, this is tricky and requires a little bit of backstory. Me and my current partner, Allie, met at our church, and we have a sorta secret relationship due to us being LGBTQ+. One of our friends, Liberty, knows. She's trustworthy, but she seems to think all secret relationships are the same: just a harmless relationship that people don't understand. And now because of her view on that, she (a 15-year-old) has gotten into a "secret" relationship with another friend, Malcom (19 years old). I'm guessing you can see the problem here.

                    She's very sweet, yet she lives in a sheltered house, where she doesn't know much other than what her parents tell her, so she has a very "people only ever have my best interest in mind" sort of deal going on. She's told me her relationship is legal and safe as long as nothing sexual happens between her and Malcom, but I'm honestly terrified for her safety.

                    I trust Malcom and I know he'd never hurt her, mainly because I've talked to him about this kind of stuff before when he expressed interest in her before they got together. But I'm so genuinely worried that something will happen. And I don't know if I can call them out for this being questionable, if not downright horrible, because I still love them both as friends and I know this would hurt them. But the other part in me has literally fought against predators online, and it makes me almost physically ill to see this happening between them.

                    I don't know what to do, and I'm scared that Malcom will use the power imbalance created by their age gap against Liberty. I trust him, but I'm worried that eventually my trust will prove to be misguided. This is also one of Liberty's first relationships that she's actually wanted to be in, and I don't want to take that away from her. But I need her to see the problems that come with the age gap.

                    What do I do?

                    Candy Bear

                    * * *

                    Dear Candy Bear,

                    Short answer is: do nothing. It's really none of your business to interfere in other people's relationships, so stop working under the assumption that it is.

                    Longer answer: Depending on which state you live in, the age of consent can range from 16 to 18 years of age. Your friend Liberty should be made aware that it would be against the law for any sexual concourse between her and Malcolm. Now, interestingly, if Malcolm were under 18, there are such things called "Romeo and Juliet Laws," which means that in some states, if both lovers are minors and both consent to sex and they are close in age (say, 16 and 17) it might not be considered breaking the law. However, that is not the case here. Be careful about assumptions, too. You might think that both Liberty and Malcolm are good folk who are telling the truth that no sex is going on (although the fact that you have doubts about Malcolm indicates you really do NOT trust him 100%), but let's face it: They are both at the "raging hormones" stage and may "accidentally" fall into mutual bodily concourse.

                    According to the law firm Schmidt and Clark, there are other things to beware of when it concerns an adult (Malcolm) and a minor (Liberty) that do not involve literal sex directly, including:
                    • Providing liquor to a minor
                    • Engaging in any acts considered "lewd" in your state (also includes doing something lewd where the minor can see, even if the minor is not directly involved, such as displaying one's genitals)
                    • Loitering on school grounds
                    • Solicitation (even if it doesn't result in sex)
                    • Simply annoying or molesting (e.g. inappropriate touching) a minor
                    • Possession of child porn

                    Any of these things could be considered breaking the law, and Malcolm could face charges if caught.

                    While I would not try to involve yourself much in their relationship, it might not be a bad idea to make your friends at least aware of these laws. You don't say which state you reside in, so I can't be more specific, so a little online research might help here. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse if you break the law, so being informed is important. 

                    Good Luck,